Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
[Preseantair] Le uallach nan deuchainnean seachad tha cothrom aig na h-oileanaich agus an luchd-teagaisg tighinn còmhla airson an turas mu dheireadh sa bhliadhna aig seirbheis dùnaidh an t-seminary.
[Duine] It’s a real joy to see everyone this evening and I want to on behalf of all of the staff here at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, I want to extend a very, very warm welcome to…
[Preseantair] Tha oileanaich na bliadhna mu dheireadh a’ guidhe soraidh slàn don t-seminary mus tèid na duaisean a thoirt seachad do na h-oileanaich as soirbheachaile anns na diofar chuspairean.
[Duine] The winner of the Principal MacLeod Memorial Prize for Practical Theology 1, Innes MacSween.
[Preseantair] Agus chan eil Pòl fad às a dhèidh.
[Duine] For the first time in several years, we have the winner of McCulloch Hope Essay Prize, Mr Paul Murray.
[An t-Urr. Ìomhar Màrtainn] Tha bliadhna a-nis bho dh’atharraich an Àrd-Sheanadh an ainm agus chan eil sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil sinn a’ dèanamh rudeigin eadar-dhealaichte bho bha sinn a’ dèanamh. Tha sinne a’ teagaisg an aon rud a bha sinn a’ teagaisg, a bha a’ cholaiste a’ teagasg, bho chionn bhliadhnaichean. Tha barrachd students againn. Tha barrachd foghlamaich againn agus tha barrachd a’ cur a-steach airson thighinn. Eadhon an-diugh fhèin tha sinn a’ faicinn barrachd ag iarraidh tighinn a-steach agus tha sinn air ar misneachadh le sin.
[Preseantair] Le clasaichean seachad agus mus tèid na balaich air greisean-gnìomhachais samhraidh ann an diofar choitheanalan , tha cruinneachadh bliadhnail Àrd-Sheanadh na h-Eaglaise Saoire a’ gabhail àite ann an Dùn Èideann.
[Preseantair] Leis gu bheil Marc na èildear tha e a’ frithealadh nan deasbadan gu h-oifigeil mar choimiseanair. Ach a-muigh, tha dleastanas cudromach air na balaich eile cuideachd agus iad a’ cur fàilte air daoine aig an doras.
[Iain] Tha sinn a’ cur eòlas air èildearan ’s ministearan ’s coitheanalan air nach eil sinne eòlach agus tha iadsan a’ faighinn eòlas oirnne cuideachd mar oileanaich ’s mar dhaoine ann am bliadhna no dhà eile bidh sinne a-muigh mar mhinistearan agus bidh fhios aca cò th’ annainn ’s cò ris a tha sinn coltach.
[Preseantair] ’S e Pòl agus Innes a th’ aig na dorsan feasgar ach le maille ga chur air Innes ’s e Pòl a tha a’ dèiligeadh ris an t-sluagh.
[Preseantair] Ach càite a bheil Innes?
[Pòl] Uill chuir e teacs’ thugam bho chionn mu uair a thìde a chantainn gum biodh e an seo ro dhà uair. Tha an cloc agams’, tha an watch agam air stad.
[Pòl] Sin am bell airson a’ mhodaràtair, dìreach a’ cantainn riuth’ gum feum iad a dhol a-steach ann an còig mionaidean no mar sin. Tha e a’ dol a dhèanamh private session an-dràsta so chan fhaod duine sam bith a thighinn a-steach. Feumaidh sinn na dorsan a dhùnadh.
[Preseantair] Tha Innes air nochdadh.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.
Preparing for work experience
[Presenter] With the burden of exams over the students and the teachers have an opportunity to gather for the final time in the year at the seminary’s closing service.
[Duine] It’s a real joy to see everyone this evening and I want to on behalf of all of the staff here at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, I want to extend a very, very warm welcome to…
[Presenter] The final year students wish the seminary a fond farewell before the prizes are awarded to the most successful students in the different subjects.
[Duine] The winner of the Principal MacLeod Memorial Prize for Practical Theology 1 , Innes MacSween.
[Presenter] And Paul is not far behind him.
[Duine] For the first time in several years, we have the winner of McCulloch Hope Essay Prize, Mr Paul Murray.
[Rev. Ivor Martin] It is now a year since the General Assembly changed the name and that does not mean that we’re doing something different from what we were doing. We are teaching the same thing as we were teaching, as the college was teaching, for years. We have more students. We have more learners and more are applying to come. Even today we are seeing more wanting to come in and that gives us confidence.
[Presenter] With classes over and before the guys head on summer work experience with different congregations, the annual gathering of the Free Church’s General Assembly is taking place in Edinburgh.
[Presenter] Since Mark is an elder he is officially attending the debates as a commissioner. But outside, the other guys also have an important responsibility welcoming people at the door.
[Iain] We are getting to know elders and ministers and congregations that we do not know and they are getting to know us too as students and as people who in a couple more years will be ministers and they’ll know who we are and what we are like.
[Presenter] It is Paul and Innes that are at the doors in the afternoon but with Innes delayed it is Paul who is dealing with the people.
[Presenter] But where is Innes?
[Paul] Well he texted me about an hour ago to say that he would be here before two o’clock. My clock has, my watch has stopped.
[Paul] That’s the bell for the moderator, just telling them that they need to go in in about five minutes. He is going to do a private session just now so nobody can come in. We must close the doors.
[Presenter] Innes has appeared.
This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.
[Preseantair] Le uallach nan deuchainnean seachad tha cothrom aig na h-oileanaich agus an luchd-teagaisg tighinn còmhla airson an turas mu dheireadh sa bhliadhna aig seirbheis dùnaidh an t-seminary.
[Duine] It’s a real joy to see everyone this evening and I want to on behalf of all of the staff here at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, I want to extend a very, very warm welcome to…
[Preseantair] Tha oileanaich na bliadhna mu dheireadh a’ guidhe soraidh slàn don t-seminary mus tèid na duaisean a thoirt seachad do na h-oileanaich as soirbheachaile anns na diofar chuspairean.
[Duine] The winner of the Principal MacLeod Memorial Prize for Practical Theology 1, Innes MacSween.
[Preseantair] Agus chan eil Pòl fad às a dhèidh.
[Duine] For the first time in several years, we have the winner of McCulloch Hope Essay Prize, Mr Paul Murray.
[An t-Urr. Ìomhar Màrtainn] Tha bliadhna a-nis bho dh’atharraich an Àrd-Sheanadh an ainm agus chan eil sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil sinn a’ dèanamh rudeigin eadar-dhealaichte bho bha sinn a’ dèanamh. Tha sinne a’ teagaisg an aon rud a bha sinn a’ teagaisg, a bha a’ cholaiste a’ teagasg, bho chionn bhliadhnaichean. Tha barrachd students againn. Tha barrachd foghlamaich againn agus tha barrachd a’ cur a-steach airson thighinn. Eadhon an-diugh fhèin tha sinn a’ faicinn barrachd ag iarraidh tighinn a-steach agus tha sinn air ar misneachadh le sin.
[Preseantair] Le clasaichean seachad agus mus tèid na balaich air greisean-gnìomhachais samhraidh ann an diofar choitheanalan , tha cruinneachadh bliadhnail Àrd-Sheanadh na h-Eaglaise Saoire a’ gabhail àite ann an Dùn Èideann.
[Preseantair] Leis gu bheil Marc na èildear tha e a’ frithealadh nan deasbadan gu h-oifigeil mar choimiseanair. Ach a-muigh, tha dleastanas cudromach air na balaich eile cuideachd agus iad a’ cur fàilte air daoine aig an doras.
[Iain] Tha sinn a’ cur eòlas air èildearan ’s ministearan ’s coitheanalan air nach eil sinne eòlach agus tha iadsan a’ faighinn eòlas oirnne cuideachd mar oileanaich ’s mar dhaoine ann am bliadhna no dhà eile bidh sinne a-muigh mar mhinistearan agus bidh fhios aca cò th’ annainn ’s cò ris a tha sinn coltach.
[Preseantair] ’S e Pòl agus Innes a th’ aig na dorsan feasgar ach le maille ga chur air Innes ’s e Pòl a tha a’ dèiligeadh ris an t-sluagh.
[Preseantair] Ach càite a bheil Innes?
[Pòl] Uill chuir e teacs’ thugam bho chionn mu uair a thìde a chantainn gum biodh e an seo ro dhà uair. Tha an cloc agams’, tha an watch agam air stad.
[Pòl] Sin am bell airson a’ mhodaràtair, dìreach a’ cantainn riuth’ gum feum iad a dhol a-steach ann an còig mionaidean no mar sin. Tha e a’ dol a dhèanamh private session an-dràsta so chan fhaod duine sam bith a thighinn a-steach. Feumaidh sinn na dorsan a dhùnadh.
[Preseantair] Tha Innes air nochdadh.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.
Preparing for work experience
[Presenter] With the burden of exams over the students and the teachers have an opportunity to gather for the final time in the year at the seminary’s closing service.
[Duine] It’s a real joy to see everyone this evening and I want to on behalf of all of the staff here at Edinburgh Theological Seminary, I want to extend a very, very warm welcome to…
[Presenter] The final year students wish the seminary a fond farewell before the prizes are awarded to the most successful students in the different subjects.
[Duine] The winner of the Principal MacLeod Memorial Prize for Practical Theology 1 , Innes MacSween.
[Presenter] And Paul is not far behind him.
[Duine] For the first time in several years, we have the winner of McCulloch Hope Essay Prize, Mr Paul Murray.
[Rev. Ivor Martin] It is now a year since the General Assembly changed the name and that does not mean that we’re doing something different from what we were doing. We are teaching the same thing as we were teaching, as the college was teaching, for years. We have more students. We have more learners and more are applying to come. Even today we are seeing more wanting to come in and that gives us confidence.
[Presenter] With classes over and before the guys head on summer work experience with different congregations, the annual gathering of the Free Church’s General Assembly is taking place in Edinburgh.
[Presenter] Since Mark is an elder he is officially attending the debates as a commissioner. But outside, the other guys also have an important responsibility welcoming people at the door.
[Iain] We are getting to know elders and ministers and congregations that we do not know and they are getting to know us too as students and as people who in a couple more years will be ministers and they’ll know who we are and what we are like.
[Presenter] It is Paul and Innes that are at the doors in the afternoon but with Innes delayed it is Paul who is dealing with the people.
[Presenter] But where is Innes?
[Paul] Well he texted me about an hour ago to say that he would be here before two o’clock. My clock has, my watch has stopped.
[Paul] That’s the bell for the moderator, just telling them that they need to go in in about five minutes. He is going to do a private session just now so nobody can come in. We must close the doors.
[Presenter] Innes has appeared.
This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.