Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Cothroman ùra searmonachaidh
[Preseantair] Às dèidh uallach nan deuchainnean, faothachadh sa bhliadhn’ ùir agus na balaich air fad air faighinn trompa.
[Preseantair] Fhad ’s a tha iad san t-seminary thathar a’ moladh do thagraichean na ministearalachd cothroman searmonachaidh a ghabhail cuideachd.
[Presentair] Madainn na Sàbaid agus tha Innes a’ dol a dh’Inbhir Àir às dèidh dha cuireadh fhaighinn bhon choitheanalann an sin.
[Innes] Tha mi gu math cleachdte ri dìreach dol a-steach dha àitean ùr’ co-dhiù agus dìreach a’ dol straight air a shon airson ’s e An Fhìrinn a th’ ann ’s tha mi dìreach a’ fosgladh an àird An Fhìrinn really ’s tha sin a’ còrdadh rium.
[Preseantair] Tha Innes air an rathad gu Inbhir Àir ach tha fhios aige gum feum e a bhith faiceallach nach bi e a’ dèanamh tuilleadh ’s a’ chòrr searmonachadh sna mìosan ri thighinn.
[Innes] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil eaglaisean air faighinn a-mach gu bheil sinn ann. Cha robh mi a’ faighinn tòrr invitations an-uiridh – no an seimstear a chaidh seachad – ach anns na seachdainean a chaidh seachad tha mi air faighinn emails agus phonecalls. Thabookings agam ann am February ’s March, April. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi mi gu math trang ach tha feum agam cuideachd a bhith faiceallach nach bi mi a’ dèanamh cus so tha mi air a bhith ag ràdh ri dhà no trì cuideachd “Uill chan urrainn dhomh an deit seo a dhèanamh. Chan urrainn dhomh tighinn. Chan urrainn dhomh dèanamh seo agus chan urrainn dhomh dèanamh sin”.
[Innes] Chan urrainn dhomh a bhith unprepared ’s chan urrainn dhomh dìreach a bhith a’ seasamh an àird ’s ag ràdh càil sam bith a tha mi ag iarraidh. So ’s e rud mòr a th’ ann agusit’s not about me. I am just a vessel. I am just a servant.
[Tormod] Nise, an e sin na sailm? Na versions. A bheil sin na versions sin? Scottish Psalter an e sin a th’ agad?
[Innes] ’S e.
[Tormod] Tha sinn an-còmhnaidh a’ coimhead ri na students airson a dhol chun nan coiheanalan a tha sin ’s tha a’ chlèir a tha seo, a’ chlèir anns a bheil sinne ann an seo – Clèir Ghlaschu agus Earra Ghàidheal – tha sinn an-còmhnaidh airson na students a thoirt gu na coitheanalan beaga nach eil a’ cothromachadh ministear a chumail.
[Innes] As the bird soars across the fields with the marks of blood still on its wing, we also see the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ risen again with the marks of recent death proving that he has done i all.
[Innes] Bha mi a’ faireachdainn saorsa ’s bha mi a’ faireachdainn gun robh spiorad math ann agus tha mi an dòchas gun do dh’ionnsaich daoine rudan agus gun robh Dia a’ bruidhinn riutha really.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.
New preaching opportunities
[Presenter] After the burden of exams, relief in the new year as all the guys have passed them.
[Presenter] Whilst they are at the seminary ministry applicants are encouraged to take preaching opportunities too.
[Presenter] Sunday morning and Innes is going to Ayr after receiving an invite from the congregation there.
[Innes] I am quite used to just going into new places anyway and just going straight for it since it is the Gospel and I am just really revealing the Gospel and I enjoy that.
[Presenter] Innes is on the road to Ayr but he knows that he must to careful not to do too much preaching in the coming months.
[Innes] I think that churches have found out that we are here. I did not get many invitations last year – or last semester – but in the past weeks I have received emails and phone calls. I have bookings in February and March, April. I think that I will be quite busy but I must also be careful not to do too much so I have been saying to two or three also “Well I cannot do this date. I cannot come. I cannot do this and I cannot do that”.
[Innes] I cannot be unprepared and I cannot just stand up and say anything that I want. So it is a big thing and it’s not about me. I am just a vessel. I am just a servant.
[Norman] Now, it that the psalms? The versions. Is that those versions? Scottish Psalter is that what you have?
[Innes] Yes.
[Norman] We are always looking to the students to go to those congregations and this presbytery, the presbytery that we are in here – Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery – we always want to take the students to the small congregations that cannot retain a minister.
[Innes] As the bird soars across the fields with the marks of blood still on its wing, we also see the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ risen again with the marks of recent death proving that he has done i all.
[Innes] I felt freedom and I felt a good spirit and I hope that people learnt things and that God spoke to them really.
This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.
Cothroman ùra searmonachaidh
[Preseantair] Às dèidh uallach nan deuchainnean, faothachadh sa bhliadhn’ ùir agus na balaich air fad air faighinn trompa.
[Preseantair] Fhad ’s a tha iad san t-seminary thathar a’ moladh do thagraichean na ministearalachd cothroman searmonachaidh a ghabhail cuideachd.
[Presentair] Madainn na Sàbaid agus tha Innes a’ dol a dh’Inbhir Àir às dèidh dha cuireadh fhaighinn bhon choitheanalann an sin.
[Innes] Tha mi gu math cleachdte ri dìreach dol a-steach dha àitean ùr’ co-dhiù agus dìreach a’ dol straight air a shon airson ’s e An Fhìrinn a th’ ann ’s tha mi dìreach a’ fosgladh an àird An Fhìrinn really ’s tha sin a’ còrdadh rium.
[Preseantair] Tha Innes air an rathad gu Inbhir Àir ach tha fhios aige gum feum e a bhith faiceallach nach bi e a’ dèanamh tuilleadh ’s a’ chòrr searmonachadh sna mìosan ri thighinn.
[Innes] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil eaglaisean air faighinn a-mach gu bheil sinn ann. Cha robh mi a’ faighinn tòrr invitations an-uiridh – no an seimstear a chaidh seachad – ach anns na seachdainean a chaidh seachad tha mi air faighinn emails agus phonecalls. Thabookings agam ann am February ’s March, April. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi mi gu math trang ach tha feum agam cuideachd a bhith faiceallach nach bi mi a’ dèanamh cus so tha mi air a bhith ag ràdh ri dhà no trì cuideachd “Uill chan urrainn dhomh an deit seo a dhèanamh. Chan urrainn dhomh tighinn. Chan urrainn dhomh dèanamh seo agus chan urrainn dhomh dèanamh sin”.
[Innes] Chan urrainn dhomh a bhith unprepared ’s chan urrainn dhomh dìreach a bhith a’ seasamh an àird ’s ag ràdh càil sam bith a tha mi ag iarraidh. So ’s e rud mòr a th’ ann agusit’s not about me. I am just a vessel. I am just a servant.
[Tormod] Nise, an e sin na sailm? Na versions. A bheil sin na versions sin? Scottish Psalter an e sin a th’ agad?
[Innes] ’S e.
[Tormod] Tha sinn an-còmhnaidh a’ coimhead ri na students airson a dhol chun nan coiheanalan a tha sin ’s tha a’ chlèir a tha seo, a’ chlèir anns a bheil sinne ann an seo – Clèir Ghlaschu agus Earra Ghàidheal – tha sinn an-còmhnaidh airson na students a thoirt gu na coitheanalan beaga nach eil a’ cothromachadh ministear a chumail.
[Innes] As the bird soars across the fields with the marks of blood still on its wing, we also see the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ risen again with the marks of recent death proving that he has done i all.
[Innes] Bha mi a’ faireachdainn saorsa ’s bha mi a’ faireachdainn gun robh spiorad math ann agus tha mi an dòchas gun do dh’ionnsaich daoine rudan agus gun robh Dia a’ bruidhinn riutha really.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015.
New preaching opportunities
[Presenter] After the burden of exams, relief in the new year as all the guys have passed them.
[Presenter] Whilst they are at the seminary ministry applicants are encouraged to take preaching opportunities too.
[Presenter] Sunday morning and Innes is going to Ayr after receiving an invite from the congregation there.
[Innes] I am quite used to just going into new places anyway and just going straight for it since it is the Gospel and I am just really revealing the Gospel and I enjoy that.
[Presenter] Innes is on the road to Ayr but he knows that he must to careful not to do too much preaching in the coming months.
[Innes] I think that churches have found out that we are here. I did not get many invitations last year – or last semester – but in the past weeks I have received emails and phone calls. I have bookings in February and March, April. I think that I will be quite busy but I must also be careful not to do too much so I have been saying to two or three also “Well I cannot do this date. I cannot come. I cannot do this and I cannot do that”.
[Innes] I cannot be unprepared and I cannot just stand up and say anything that I want. So it is a big thing and it’s not about me. I am just a vessel. I am just a servant.
[Norman] Now, it that the psalms? The versions. Is that those versions? Scottish Psalter is that what you have?
[Innes] Yes.
[Norman] We are always looking to the students to go to those congregations and this presbytery, the presbytery that we are in here – Glasgow and Argyll Presbytery – we always want to take the students to the small congregations that cannot retain a minister.
[Innes] As the bird soars across the fields with the marks of blood still on its wing, we also see the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ risen again with the marks of recent death proving that he has done i all.
[Innes] I felt freedom and I felt a good spirit and I hope that people learnt things and that God spoke to them really.
This programme, Balaich a' Bhìobaill, was first broadcast in 2015.