Speaking our Language
If you are a complete beginner episodes 1-18 will take you (step-by-step) into conversational Gaelic and introduce you to the basic language skills you will need to speak Gaelic. Ma tha thu aig fìor thoiseach tòiseachaidh, bheir prògraman 1-18 a-steach thu do chòmhraidhean Gàidhlig far am faigh thu bun ionnsachadh ann an sgilean labhairt a’ chànain.
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone how they are (using the plural / polite form of you)Ciamar a tha sibh?
- Telling someone how you areTha gu math
- Greetings and their repliesMadainn mhath / Feasgar math
- Discussing the weatherTha i brèagha / fliuch
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The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying who you areIs mise
- Asking someone’s name (plural / polite form)Dè an t-ainm a th’ oirbh?
- Gaelic forms of names (first and last)Màiri NicDhòmhnaill
- Inviting someone inThig / Thigibh a-steach.
- Introducing someoneSeo ....
- Introducing members of your familySeo an nighean agam, Màiri.
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone where they live (plural / polite)Càite a bheil sibh a’ fuireach?
- Placenames / Street names3 Rathad na Pàirce, Glaschu
- Asking someone’s addressDè an seòladh a th’ agaibh?
- Giving addressSeòlaidhean
- NumbersÀireamhan
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking where someone comes fromCo às a tha sibh?
- PlacenamesAinmean-àite
- Do you speak Gaelic?A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?
- I’m learning GaelicTha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Drink names; saying pleaseCofaidh, tì, mas e ur toil e
- Addressing someone by name (the vocative case)A Dhòmhnaill
- Asking someone what they would likeDè tha sibh ag iarraidh?
- I would like...Tha mi ag iarraidh...
- DrinksDeochan
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- I like...’S toigh leam...
- I like to...'S toigh leam a bhith...
- Activities / SportsGnìomhan / Spòrs
- Saying you don’tCha toigh leam...
- Asking someone whether they like somethingAn toigh leat / leibh...
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone if they have childrenA bheil clann agaibh?
- I have a son / daughterTha mac / nighean agam
- Saying that you have childrenTha triùir mhac / nighean againn.
- Counting peopleA' cunntadh daoine
- Telling someone to hurry upGreasaibh oirbh!
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone the timeDè an uair a tha e?
- Telling the timeTha e sia uairean
- Asking when a place opensCuin a tha ... a’ fosgladh?
- Asking when a film is onCuin a tha am film air?
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying what your job is’S e ... a th’ annam
- Asking someone what their job isDè an obair a th’ agaibh?
- Asking someone where they workCàit a bheil sibh ag obair?
- Saying where you workTha mi ag obair ann an oifis
- Saying that you are unemployedTha mi gun obair
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying goodbyeMar sin leat / leibh
- Apologising and saying you have to goTha mi duilich, feumaidh mi falbh
- Departing transportTha am bus a’ falbh aig còig uairean.
- Travel costsDà not agus dà fhichead sgillinn
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone where they are goingCàit a bheil sibh a’ dol?
- Saying where you are goingTha mi a’ dol dhan bhùth
- Saying what you are going to doTha mi a’ dol a chèilidh air Anna
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone where they wentFaighneachd do chuideigin càit an deach iad
- Saying where you wentAg innse càit an deach thu
- Asking someone where they wereFaighneachd do chuideigin càit an robh iad
- Saying where you wereAg innse càit an robh thu
- Saying what you went to doAg innse dè a chaidh thu a dhèanamh
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying pardonAg ràdh b’ aill leibh?
- Apologising and telling someone to speak slowerAg ràdh tha mi duilich, agus gabh air do shocair
- Asking someone what they saidA’ faighneachd do chuideigin dè thuirt iad
- Saying you don’t knowAg ràdh nach eil fhios agad
- Saying you don’t understandAg ràdh nach eil thu a’ tuigsinn
- Saying you understandAg ràdh gu bheil thu a’ tuigsinn
- Asking what something meansA’ faighneachd dè tha rudeigin a’ ciallachadh?
- Asking how to say somethingA’ faighneachd ciamar a chanas tu...?
- Extra phrasesAbairtean eile
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Summary of previous languageGeàrr-chunntas air a' chainnt a fhuaras ro làimh
- Introducing members familyA' cur eòlas air an teaghlach
- Saying where you workAg innse càit a bheil thu ag obair
- Saying where you are goingAg innse càit a bheil thu a' dol
- Saying where you wereAg innse càit an robh thu
- Asking where you are goingA' faighneachd càit a bheil thu a' dol
- Saying hurry upAg ràdh greas ort
- Asking the time, saying you don’t knowAg faighneachd na h-uarach, ag ràdh nach eil fhios agad
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Telling someone to sit downAg ràdh ri cuideigin suidh sìos
- Telling someone to wait a minuteAg ràdh ri cuideigin fuireach mionaid
- Encouraging someone to do somethingA' brosnachadh cuideigin gus rudeigin a dhèanamh
- Telling someone to close the windowAg ràdh ri cuideigin an uinneag a dhùnadh
- Telling someone to open their mouthAg ràdh ri cuideigin am beul fhosgladh
- Telling someone to stop doing somethingAg ràdh ri cuideigin sguir de rudeigin
- Telling someone not to do somethingAg ràdh ri cuideigin gun rudeigin a dhèanamh
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Rooms of houseRumannan taigh
- Types of houseSeòrsachan taigh
- Asking where someone has a houseA’ faighneachd càit a bheil taigh chuideigin
- Saying what type of house you wantAg innse dè an seòrsa taigh a tha thu ag iarraidh
- Saying where something is in the houseAg innse far a bheil rudeigin anns an taigh
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking what something costsA’ faighneachd dè tha rud a cosg
- Saying what something costsAg innse dè tha rud a cosg
- Asking if they take credit cardA’ faighneachd a bheil àite a’ gabhail cairtean creideis?
- Saying something is cheap / expensiveAg ràdh gu bheil rud saor / daor
- Saying that you only have...Ag ràdh nach eil agad ach…
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking what someone has A’ faighneachd do chuideigin dè a tha aca
- Saying what you have Ag innse dè a tha agad
- Asking what type of item someone has A’ faighneachd dè an seòrsa rud a th’ aig cuideigin
- Saying there is nothing left Ag ràdh nach eil sìon air fhàgail
- Asking what someone is like A’ faighneachd cò ris a tha cuideigin coltach
- Describing what someone is like Ag innse cò ris a tha cuideigin coltach
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile: