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An canadh tu sin?

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

An canadh tu sin?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

An canadh tu sin?

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Fàilte. Tha sinn fortanach nach eil ach deich gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach anns a' Ghàidhlig. 'S iad na gnìomhairean nach bi a' cur "h" a-steach anns an Tràth Chaithte no "-idh" anns an Tràth Theachdail.

An-dràsta bheir sinn sùil air na gnìomhairean a tha neo-riaghailteach anns an Tràth Chumhach, 's e sin an tràth a dh'innseas na thachras ... 's dòcha ...

'S e an deagh naidheachd nach eil na deich gnìomhairean uile neoriaghailteach anns an tràth seo. Tha "abair" no "can" a' cumail ris na riaghailtean àbhaisteach, mar a tha "beir", "cluinn", "dèan", "rach" agus "ruig". Mar sin dheth, chan eil ach ceithir gnìomhairean a tha neo-riaghailteach anns an Tràth Chumhach.

Tòisichidh sinn le "faic", agus chì sinn mar a chuireas 's mar a fhreagras sinn ceistean. Seo ceist: Nam biodh sibh anns an Eilean Sgitheanach, am faiceadh sibh na h-Eileanan Siar? Nam faiceadh, chanadh sibh "chitheadh". Mura faiceadh, chanadh sibh "chan fhaiceadh". Nam biodh sibh anns an Eilean Sgitheanach, tha fhios gum faiceadh sibh na h-Eileanan Siar nam biodh latha math ann, ach tha fhios nach fhaiceadh nam biodh an ceò ann.

Bheir sinn sùil air "faigh" a-nis. Seo ceist: Am faigheadh tu pàipear-naidheachd dhomh nuair a bhios tu sa bhùth? Nam faigheadh tu am pàipear, chanadh tu "gheibheadh". Nam biodh tu ro thrang no mura faigheadh, chanadh tu "chan fhaigheadh". Tha mi cinnteach gum faigheadh duine reusanta sam bith pàipear-naidheachd do dhuine eile, ach 's dòcha nach fhaigheadh nam biodh an duine eile uabhasach leisg.

Tha "thig" againn a-nis, agus seo ceist: An tigeadh tu a Pheairt Disathairne? Nan tigeadh sibh a Pheairt, chanadh sibh "thigeadh", ach mura tigeadh, chanadh sibh "cha tigeadh". Ach tha Peairt cho brèagha 's gun tigeadh duine glic sam bith ann, ach chanadh cuid nach tigeadh ged nach eil mise a' tuigsinn carson.

Bheir sinn sùil air "thoir" a-nis, agus seo dhuibh ceist: An toireadh Calum cuideachadh dhomh le m' obair a-màireach? Nan toireadh Calum cuideachadh dha, chanadh sibh "bheireadh", agus 's dòcha gum biodh rudeigin eile a' tachairt a-màireach agus mura toireadh Calum cuideachadh dha, chanadh sibh "cha toireadh". Bha an duine a chuir a' cheist an dòchas gun toireadh Calum cuideachadh dha le obair, ach tha e a' tuigsinn a-nis nach toireadh.

Ma chuireas sibh ceistean mar seo air daoine, bhiodh e modhail am facal "saoil" a chur ron cheist, mar eisimpleir: Saoil an toireadh tu fichead not dhomh? Saoil am faigheadh tu deich dhomh? Saoil an tigeadh iad a-mach anochd? Saoil am faiceadh iad mi?

Anns an dealachadh, cuimhnichibh nach canamaid "chitheadh mi" ach "chithinn". Cha chanamaid "gheibheadh mi", "thigeadh mi" no "bheireadh mi" nas motha, ach "gheibhinn", "thiginn" agus "bheirinn". Cha bhi "mi" a' nochdadh anns an Tràth Chumhach. Cuideachd, cluinnidh sibh "chìtheamaid", "gheibheamaid", "thigeamaid" agus "bheireamaid" an àite "chìtheadh sinn" agus eile.

Mar sin leibh an-dràsta.

Would You Say That?

English Beurla

Would you say that?

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] Welcome. We are fortunate that there are only ten irregular verbs in Gaelic. These are the verbs which do not insert an "h" in the past tense, or "–idh" in the future tense.

Just now we will look at the verbs which are irregular in the conditional tense, that's the tense which tells us what's going to happen … maybe ...

The good news is that the ten irregular verbs are not all irregular in this tense. "abair" or "can" keep to the usual rules, as do "beir", "cluinn", "dèan", "rach" agus "ruig". So, there are only four verbs which are irregular in the conditional tense.

Let's start with "faic" (see) and look at how to ask and answer questions. Here's a question: If you were on the Isle of Skye, would you see the Western Isles? If you could, you would say "chitheadh" (could see). If you couldn't, then you would say "chan fhaiceadh" (could not see). If you were on the Isle of Skye, you would certainly see the Western Isles on a good day, but you wouldn't if it were misty.

We'll look at "faigh" (get/fetch) now. Here's a question: Would you get me a newspaper when you are at the shop? If you would get the paper, you would say "gheibheadh" (would get). If you were too busy, or if you wouldn't get it, you would say "chan fhaigheadh" (wouldn't get). I'm sure any reasonable person would get a newspaper for another person, but maybe not, if the other person were very lazy.

Now we have "thig" (come), and here's a question: Would you come to Perth on Saturday? If you would come to Perth, you would say "thigeadh" (would come), but if you wouldn't, you would say "cha tigeadh" (wouldn't come). But Perth is so pretty that any sensible person would go (come) there, but some might say they wouldn't, even though I don't understand why.

We'll look at "thoir" (give) now, and here is a question for you: Would Calum give me (some) help with my work tomorrow? If Calum would help him, you would say "bheireadh" (would give), and perhaps something else is happening tomorrow and if Calum won't help, you would say "cha toireadh" (won't give). The person who asked the question hoped that Calum would help him with his work, but he understands now that he wouldn't.

If you ask questions like this of people, it's polite to insert the word "saoil" (I wonder if) before the question, for example: I wonder if you could give me £20.00? I wonder if you could give me ten? I wonder if they would come out tonight? I wonder if they would see me?

In parting, remember that we wouldn't say: "Chitheadh mi" but "Chithinn". We wouldn't say "gheibheadh mi", "thigeadh mi" or "bheireadh mi" either, but "gheibhinn", "thiginn" and "bheirinn". "mi" (I) doesn't appear in the conditional tense. Also, you will hear "chitheamaid", "gheibheamaid", "thigeamaid" and "bheireamaid" instead of "chitheadh sinn" and so on.

Goodbye for now.

An canadh tu sin?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

An canadh tu sin?

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Fàilte. Tha sinn fortanach nach eil ach deich gnìomhairean neo-riaghailteach anns a' Ghàidhlig. 'S iad na gnìomhairean nach bi a' cur "h" a-steach anns an Tràth Chaithte no "-idh" anns an Tràth Theachdail.

An-dràsta bheir sinn sùil air na gnìomhairean a tha neo-riaghailteach anns an Tràth Chumhach, 's e sin an tràth a dh'innseas na thachras ... 's dòcha ...

'S e an deagh naidheachd nach eil na deich gnìomhairean uile neoriaghailteach anns an tràth seo. Tha "abair" no "can" a' cumail ris na riaghailtean àbhaisteach, mar a tha "beir", "cluinn", "dèan", "rach" agus "ruig". Mar sin dheth, chan eil ach ceithir gnìomhairean a tha neo-riaghailteach anns an Tràth Chumhach.

Tòisichidh sinn le "faic", agus chì sinn mar a chuireas 's mar a fhreagras sinn ceistean. Seo ceist: Nam biodh sibh anns an Eilean Sgitheanach, am faiceadh sibh na h-Eileanan Siar? Nam faiceadh, chanadh sibh "chitheadh". Mura faiceadh, chanadh sibh "chan fhaiceadh". Nam biodh sibh anns an Eilean Sgitheanach, tha fhios gum faiceadh sibh na h-Eileanan Siar nam biodh latha math ann, ach tha fhios nach fhaiceadh nam biodh an ceò ann.

Bheir sinn sùil air "faigh" a-nis. Seo ceist: Am faigheadh tu pàipear-naidheachd dhomh nuair a bhios tu sa bhùth? Nam faigheadh tu am pàipear, chanadh tu "gheibheadh". Nam biodh tu ro thrang no mura faigheadh, chanadh tu "chan fhaigheadh". Tha mi cinnteach gum faigheadh duine reusanta sam bith pàipear-naidheachd do dhuine eile, ach 's dòcha nach fhaigheadh nam biodh an duine eile uabhasach leisg.

Tha "thig" againn a-nis, agus seo ceist: An tigeadh tu a Pheairt Disathairne? Nan tigeadh sibh a Pheairt, chanadh sibh "thigeadh", ach mura tigeadh, chanadh sibh "cha tigeadh". Ach tha Peairt cho brèagha 's gun tigeadh duine glic sam bith ann, ach chanadh cuid nach tigeadh ged nach eil mise a' tuigsinn carson.

Bheir sinn sùil air "thoir" a-nis, agus seo dhuibh ceist: An toireadh Calum cuideachadh dhomh le m' obair a-màireach? Nan toireadh Calum cuideachadh dha, chanadh sibh "bheireadh", agus 's dòcha gum biodh rudeigin eile a' tachairt a-màireach agus mura toireadh Calum cuideachadh dha, chanadh sibh "cha toireadh". Bha an duine a chuir a' cheist an dòchas gun toireadh Calum cuideachadh dha le obair, ach tha e a' tuigsinn a-nis nach toireadh.

Ma chuireas sibh ceistean mar seo air daoine, bhiodh e modhail am facal "saoil" a chur ron cheist, mar eisimpleir: Saoil an toireadh tu fichead not dhomh? Saoil am faigheadh tu deich dhomh? Saoil an tigeadh iad a-mach anochd? Saoil am faiceadh iad mi?

Anns an dealachadh, cuimhnichibh nach canamaid "chitheadh mi" ach "chithinn". Cha chanamaid "gheibheadh mi", "thigeadh mi" no "bheireadh mi" nas motha, ach "gheibhinn", "thiginn" agus "bheirinn". Cha bhi "mi" a' nochdadh anns an Tràth Chumhach. Cuideachd, cluinnidh sibh "chìtheamaid", "gheibheamaid", "thigeamaid" agus "bheireamaid" an àite "chìtheadh sinn" agus eile.

Mar sin leibh an-dràsta.

Would You Say That?

English Beurla

Would you say that?

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] Welcome. We are fortunate that there are only ten irregular verbs in Gaelic. These are the verbs which do not insert an "h" in the past tense, or "–idh" in the future tense.

Just now we will look at the verbs which are irregular in the conditional tense, that's the tense which tells us what's going to happen … maybe ...

The good news is that the ten irregular verbs are not all irregular in this tense. "abair" or "can" keep to the usual rules, as do "beir", "cluinn", "dèan", "rach" agus "ruig". So, there are only four verbs which are irregular in the conditional tense.

Let's start with "faic" (see) and look at how to ask and answer questions. Here's a question: If you were on the Isle of Skye, would you see the Western Isles? If you could, you would say "chitheadh" (could see). If you couldn't, then you would say "chan fhaiceadh" (could not see). If you were on the Isle of Skye, you would certainly see the Western Isles on a good day, but you wouldn't if it were misty.

We'll look at "faigh" (get/fetch) now. Here's a question: Would you get me a newspaper when you are at the shop? If you would get the paper, you would say "gheibheadh" (would get). If you were too busy, or if you wouldn't get it, you would say "chan fhaigheadh" (wouldn't get). I'm sure any reasonable person would get a newspaper for another person, but maybe not, if the other person were very lazy.

Now we have "thig" (come), and here's a question: Would you come to Perth on Saturday? If you would come to Perth, you would say "thigeadh" (would come), but if you wouldn't, you would say "cha tigeadh" (wouldn't come). But Perth is so pretty that any sensible person would go (come) there, but some might say they wouldn't, even though I don't understand why.

We'll look at "thoir" (give) now, and here is a question for you: Would Calum give me (some) help with my work tomorrow? If Calum would help him, you would say "bheireadh" (would give), and perhaps something else is happening tomorrow and if Calum won't help, you would say "cha toireadh" (won't give). The person who asked the question hoped that Calum would help him with his work, but he understands now that he wouldn't.

If you ask questions like this of people, it's polite to insert the word "saoil" (I wonder if) before the question, for example: I wonder if you could give me £20.00? I wonder if you could give me ten? I wonder if they would come out tonight? I wonder if they would see me?

In parting, remember that we wouldn't say: "Chitheadh mi" but "Chithinn". We wouldn't say "gheibheadh mi", "thigeadh mi" or "bheireadh mi" either, but "gheibhinn", "thiginn" and "bheirinn". "mi" (I) doesn't appear in the conditional tense. Also, you will hear "chitheamaid", "gheibheamaid", "thigeamaid" and "bheireamaid" instead of "chitheadh sinn" and so on.

Goodbye for now.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.