FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig


Coltas Dhaoine

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Coltas Dhaoine

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Coltas Dhaoine

Presenter: Angela Mackay

[ANGELA] "A sgàthain, a sgàthain, cò as bòidhche san t-saoghal?"

"Tha tè ann ris an canar Nighean Bheag an Òr-fhuilt Bhuidhe. Is ise an tè as bòidhche. Ach cò mise? Is mi an sgàthan as gòraiche a bha riamh air talamh."

Tha fhios agam gu bheil mi car tro chèile leis na sgeulachdan cloinne agam ach tha iad glè mhath, na sgeulachdan ud, son coimhead air buadhairean coimeasach agus feabhasach. Tha an troich as gràinnde againn; an tè leis an fhalt as fhaide a tha a' fuireach san tùr as àirde agus tha tòrr de na daoine agus na boireannaich a tha sna sgeulachdan cloinne seo nas dreachmhoire na càch.

Sa chliob seo, bheir sin sùil air mar a tha na facail seo ag obair. Bidh sibh uile eòlach air buadhairean ged, is dòcha, nach eil sibh eòlach gur h-e sin na tha aig daoine orra! Is iad na facail a bhios a' toirt mìneachadh neo a nì tuairisgeul air rudan. Mar sin, tha glainne beag agam an seo ach tha an glainne seo mòr. Tha càr slaodach agam ach tha càr luath aig mo bhràthair. 'S e na facail sin, mòr, beag, luath, slaodach, is iadsan an seòrsa de dh'fhacail air a bheil sin a-mach an seo.

Air ais chun nan glainnichean. Tha an tè seo nas àirde na an tè eile a tha àrd gu leòr, ach 's e an treas tè seo as àirde de na trì dhiubh. Dh'fhaodadh tu a ràdh, mar eisimpleir, gu bheil eich luath gu ruith ach gu bheil liopardan nas luaithe.

Sin agaibh am pàtran as cumanta. An do mhothaich sibh sin? Cha bhi am buadhair "cumanta" a' leantainn a' phàtrain againn. Gu tric 's e na buadhairean cumanta a tha rud beag diofraichte no mì-riaghailteach. Mar sin, anns an sgeulachd ud far a bheil na trì gobhair a' dol thairis na drochaide agus a' tachairt ris an troich ud, tha a' chiad fhear gu math beag, an dàrna fear rudeigin nas motha ach 's e an treas gobhar am fear as motha buileach.

Tha an taigh agam an ìre mhath beag ach tha an taigh aig mo charaid nas lugha buileach. Tha latha math againn an seo an-diugh, ach tha mi a' cluinntinn gum bi e nas fheàrr a-màireach. Tha e furasta dhomhsa a bhith a' coiseachd, ach 's ann a tha e nas fhasa dhomh a bhith nam shìneadh.

Mar sin, chì sibh gu bheil am pailteas dhiubh ann nach lean am pàtran, ach ri linn is gu bheil iad sin cho cumanta, cluinnidh sibh tric iad agus cha bu chòir dhaibh a bhith doirbh ionnsachadh. Chì sibh sna nòtaichean-coise rud beag a bharrachd fiosrachaidh mun chùis seo.

Mar sin leibh. Chì mi an ath thuras sibh.


'S e a fhuair sibh sa chliob seo ach beagan eisimpleirean de bhuadhairean coimeasach agus feabhasach. Chan eil e gu diofar mas e facal boireann no fireann a th' ann, bidh sinn a' dèanamh caolachadh aig an deireadh le bhith a' cur "i" ann ron chonnraig, no am buidheann de chonnragan mu dheireadh agus "e" ann aig an deireadh.

Tha rud car diofraichte a' tachairt ma tha sibh a' bruidhinn mu rud a thachair san àm a chaidh seachad. Mar sin, ged a tha glainne gu math mòr againn an seo, tha cuimhne agam, nuair a bha mi òg, bha tè againn aig an taigh a bha na bu mhotha, da-rìribh cha chreid mi nach b' e a bh' innte ach an glainne a bu mhotha a chunnaic mi riamh! Ged is e latha math a th' againn an seo andiugh b' e latha na b' fheàrr a bh' ann an-dè. Tha mise car slaodach gu ruith san latha an-diugh, ach nuair a bha mi òg, bha mi na bu shlaodaiche an uair a bha mi na bu reamhra.

A bheil sibh a' faicinn a phàtrain? Bidh sinn a' cur "na" no "a" ann agus an uair sin "bu" agus sèimheachadh far an gabhadh a dhèanamh.


English Beurla

Physical Appearance

Presenter: Angela Mackay

[ANGELA] "Mirror, mirror (on the wall) who is the fairest of them all?"

"Goldilocks. She is the fairest (most beautiful). But who am I? I am the most foolish mirror on earth."

I know I'm getting my children's stories muddled up, but they are very good, these stories, for looking at comparative and superlative adjectives. We have the most hideous troll; the woman with the longest hair who lives in the highest tower, and many of the men and women in these children's stories are better looking than everyone else.

In this clip, we'll take a look at how these words function. You'll all be familiar with adjectives although, perhaps, you may not know that's what they're called! They are the words that define or describe things. So, I have a small glass here, but this glass is large. I have a slow car, but my brother has a fast car. These words, big, small, fast, slow, are the types of words we are talking about here.

Back to the glasses. This one is taller than that one, which is tall enough but this third one is the tallest of the three. You could say, for example, that horses are fast runners, but that leopards are faster.

That is the most common pattern. Did you notice? The adjective "common" doesn't follow this pattern. Common adjectives are often a little different or irregular. So, in the story where the three goats are crossing the bridge and meet the troll, the first one is fairly small, the second one somewhat larger, but the third goat is even larger.

My house is fairly small, but my friend's house is even smaller. It's a nice day here today, but I hear tomorrow will be even nicer. It's easy for me to walk, but it's even easier for me to lie down.

So, as you see, many of them don't follow the pattern, but because they are so common, you'll hear them often, so they shouldn't be too difficult to learn. You'll see a little more information about this in the footnotes.

Goodbye. I'll see you next time.


In this clip, we saw some examples of comparative and superlative adjectives. It doesn't matter if the nouns are masculine or feminine, we make them more slender by adding an "i" before the final consonant, or the final group of consonants, and an "e" at the end.

Something slightly different happens if you are talking about something in the past tense. So, although we have a fairly large glass here, I remember when I was young, we had one at home that was larger, indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the largest glass I've ever seen. Although we're having nice weather today, the weather was even better yesterday. I'm a fairly slow runner these days, but when I was younger, I was even slower when I was fatter.

Do you see a pattern? We add "na" or "a" and also "bu" accompanied by aspiration where possible.

Coltas Dhaoine

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Coltas Dhaoine

Presenter: Angela Mackay

[ANGELA] "A sgàthain, a sgàthain, cò as bòidhche san t-saoghal?"

"Tha tè ann ris an canar Nighean Bheag an Òr-fhuilt Bhuidhe. Is ise an tè as bòidhche. Ach cò mise? Is mi an sgàthan as gòraiche a bha riamh air talamh."

Tha fhios agam gu bheil mi car tro chèile leis na sgeulachdan cloinne agam ach tha iad glè mhath, na sgeulachdan ud, son coimhead air buadhairean coimeasach agus feabhasach. Tha an troich as gràinnde againn; an tè leis an fhalt as fhaide a tha a' fuireach san tùr as àirde agus tha tòrr de na daoine agus na boireannaich a tha sna sgeulachdan cloinne seo nas dreachmhoire na càch.

Sa chliob seo, bheir sin sùil air mar a tha na facail seo ag obair. Bidh sibh uile eòlach air buadhairean ged, is dòcha, nach eil sibh eòlach gur h-e sin na tha aig daoine orra! Is iad na facail a bhios a' toirt mìneachadh neo a nì tuairisgeul air rudan. Mar sin, tha glainne beag agam an seo ach tha an glainne seo mòr. Tha càr slaodach agam ach tha càr luath aig mo bhràthair. 'S e na facail sin, mòr, beag, luath, slaodach, is iadsan an seòrsa de dh'fhacail air a bheil sin a-mach an seo.

Air ais chun nan glainnichean. Tha an tè seo nas àirde na an tè eile a tha àrd gu leòr, ach 's e an treas tè seo as àirde de na trì dhiubh. Dh'fhaodadh tu a ràdh, mar eisimpleir, gu bheil eich luath gu ruith ach gu bheil liopardan nas luaithe.

Sin agaibh am pàtran as cumanta. An do mhothaich sibh sin? Cha bhi am buadhair "cumanta" a' leantainn a' phàtrain againn. Gu tric 's e na buadhairean cumanta a tha rud beag diofraichte no mì-riaghailteach. Mar sin, anns an sgeulachd ud far a bheil na trì gobhair a' dol thairis na drochaide agus a' tachairt ris an troich ud, tha a' chiad fhear gu math beag, an dàrna fear rudeigin nas motha ach 's e an treas gobhar am fear as motha buileach.

Tha an taigh agam an ìre mhath beag ach tha an taigh aig mo charaid nas lugha buileach. Tha latha math againn an seo an-diugh, ach tha mi a' cluinntinn gum bi e nas fheàrr a-màireach. Tha e furasta dhomhsa a bhith a' coiseachd, ach 's ann a tha e nas fhasa dhomh a bhith nam shìneadh.

Mar sin, chì sibh gu bheil am pailteas dhiubh ann nach lean am pàtran, ach ri linn is gu bheil iad sin cho cumanta, cluinnidh sibh tric iad agus cha bu chòir dhaibh a bhith doirbh ionnsachadh. Chì sibh sna nòtaichean-coise rud beag a bharrachd fiosrachaidh mun chùis seo.

Mar sin leibh. Chì mi an ath thuras sibh.


'S e a fhuair sibh sa chliob seo ach beagan eisimpleirean de bhuadhairean coimeasach agus feabhasach. Chan eil e gu diofar mas e facal boireann no fireann a th' ann, bidh sinn a' dèanamh caolachadh aig an deireadh le bhith a' cur "i" ann ron chonnraig, no am buidheann de chonnragan mu dheireadh agus "e" ann aig an deireadh.

Tha rud car diofraichte a' tachairt ma tha sibh a' bruidhinn mu rud a thachair san àm a chaidh seachad. Mar sin, ged a tha glainne gu math mòr againn an seo, tha cuimhne agam, nuair a bha mi òg, bha tè againn aig an taigh a bha na bu mhotha, da-rìribh cha chreid mi nach b' e a bh' innte ach an glainne a bu mhotha a chunnaic mi riamh! Ged is e latha math a th' againn an seo andiugh b' e latha na b' fheàrr a bh' ann an-dè. Tha mise car slaodach gu ruith san latha an-diugh, ach nuair a bha mi òg, bha mi na bu shlaodaiche an uair a bha mi na bu reamhra.

A bheil sibh a' faicinn a phàtrain? Bidh sinn a' cur "na" no "a" ann agus an uair sin "bu" agus sèimheachadh far an gabhadh a dhèanamh.


English Beurla

Physical Appearance

Presenter: Angela Mackay

[ANGELA] "Mirror, mirror (on the wall) who is the fairest of them all?"

"Goldilocks. She is the fairest (most beautiful). But who am I? I am the most foolish mirror on earth."

I know I'm getting my children's stories muddled up, but they are very good, these stories, for looking at comparative and superlative adjectives. We have the most hideous troll; the woman with the longest hair who lives in the highest tower, and many of the men and women in these children's stories are better looking than everyone else.

In this clip, we'll take a look at how these words function. You'll all be familiar with adjectives although, perhaps, you may not know that's what they're called! They are the words that define or describe things. So, I have a small glass here, but this glass is large. I have a slow car, but my brother has a fast car. These words, big, small, fast, slow, are the types of words we are talking about here.

Back to the glasses. This one is taller than that one, which is tall enough but this third one is the tallest of the three. You could say, for example, that horses are fast runners, but that leopards are faster.

That is the most common pattern. Did you notice? The adjective "common" doesn't follow this pattern. Common adjectives are often a little different or irregular. So, in the story where the three goats are crossing the bridge and meet the troll, the first one is fairly small, the second one somewhat larger, but the third goat is even larger.

My house is fairly small, but my friend's house is even smaller. It's a nice day here today, but I hear tomorrow will be even nicer. It's easy for me to walk, but it's even easier for me to lie down.

So, as you see, many of them don't follow the pattern, but because they are so common, you'll hear them often, so they shouldn't be too difficult to learn. You'll see a little more information about this in the footnotes.

Goodbye. I'll see you next time.


In this clip, we saw some examples of comparative and superlative adjectives. It doesn't matter if the nouns are masculine or feminine, we make them more slender by adding an "i" before the final consonant, or the final group of consonants, and an "e" at the end.

Something slightly different happens if you are talking about something in the past tense. So, although we have a fairly large glass here, I remember when I was young, we had one at home that was larger, indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the largest glass I've ever seen. Although we're having nice weather today, the weather was even better yesterday. I'm a fairly slow runner these days, but when I was younger, I was even slower when I was fatter.

Do you see a pattern? We add "na" or "a" and also "bu" accompanied by aspiration where possible.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.