FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Health Centre


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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[ANNA] Halo. Ionad Slàinte an Àtha Leathainn.

[SEUMAS] Halò. Is mise Seumas MacRath. Tha mi ag iarraidh dotair fhaicinn, ma tha sin comasach.

[ANNA] Cuin a tha sibh ag iarraidh tighinn a-steach?

[SEUMAS] A bheil amannan saor aig an Dotair Dòmhnallach no an Dotair Ravi ro dheireadh na seachdain-sa?

[ANNA] Chan eil. Tha an t-eagal orm gu bheil an Dotair Dòmhnallach air saor-làithean airson trì seachdainean agus chan eil an Dotair Ravi air ais gu meadhan na seachdain sa tighinn.

[SEUMAS] Cò aige a tha amannan saor, ma-thà?

[ANNA] Tha beàrn no dhà aig an Dotair Cheanadach a-màireach aig trì is leth-uair an dèidh a trì agus a-rithist Dihaoine aig cairteal gu còig. Tha an Dotair Miller saor an-diugh aig leth-uair às dèidh a ceithir. Sin e, tha an t-eagal orm, airson na seachdain-sa.

[SEUMAS] Uill, chan eil sin uabhasach math. Chan e rud ro chudromach a th' ann ged-tà. Mar sin gabhaidh mi uaireigin an t-seachdain sa tighinn leis an Dotair Ravi.

[ANNA] Dè mu dheidhinn trì uairean feasgar Diciadain?

[SEUMAS] Chan urrainn dhomh tighinn an uair sin, tha an t-eagal orm. Tha mi ro thrang aig m' obair. Bheil e saor madainn Diardaoin?

[ANNA] Chan eil. Chan eil àm eile saor aige gu feasgar Dihaoine. Am freagradh sin ort?

[SEUMAS] Aidh, fhreagradh. Dè mu dheidhinn dà uair?

[ANNA] Tha an t-eagal orm nach eil beàrn aige gu an dèidh ceithir uairean. Ciamar a bhiodh fichead mionaid an dèidh a ceithir?

[SEUMAS] Uill, fhreagradh e na b' fheàrr orm beagan nas fhaisg air a còig. A bheil dad aige an uair sin?

[ANNA] Chan eil aige ach aon àite eile an dèidh sin. Tha sin aig fichead mionaid gu còig. An gabh thu sin?

[SEUMAS] Uill, bha dùil agam gum biodh sibh fosgailte beagan nas anmoiche na sin. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu fàg mi e gus an till an Dotair Dòmhnallach ann an cola-deug eile. Tha fios gu bheil amannan gu leòr saor aigesan?

[ANNA] Uill, a dh'innse na fìrinn, chan eil. Chan eil air fhàgail ach beàrn no dhà.

[SEUMAS] Oh, uill, feumaidh mi cuideigin fhaicinn. 'S fheàrr dhomh dìreach an Dotair Miller fhèin fhaicinn feasgar an-diugh aig leth-uair an dèidh a ceithir.

[ANNA] Bheil thu cinnteach?

[SEUMAS] Tha. Gabhaidh mi sin. Tapadh leibh.

[ANNA] Ceart gu leòr, ma-thà. Chì sinn an uair sin sibh!

Health Centre

English Beurla

Health Centre

Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[ANNA] Hello. Broadford Health Centre.

[JAMES] Hello. My name is James MacRae. I'd like to see a doctor, if that's possible.

[ANNA] When would you like to come in?

[JAMES] Do Doctor MacDonald or Doctor Ravi have any appointments free before the end of this week?

[ANNA] No. I'm afraid that Doctor MacDonald is on holiday for three weeks and Doctor Ravi won't be back until the middle of next week.

[JAMES] Who does have free appointments, then?

[ANNA] Doctor Kennedy has a couple free tomorrow at three and half-past three and again on Friday at quarter to five. Doctor Miller is free today at half past four. That's all, I'm afraid, for this week.

[JAMES] Well, that's not very good. It's nothing too important though. So, I'll go for sometime next week with Doctor Ravi.

[ANNA] What about three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon?

[JAMES] I can't come in at that time, I'm afraid. I'm too busy at work. Is he free on Thursday morning?

[ANNA] No, he isn't. He doesn't have any free appointments until Friday afternoon. Would that suit you?

[JAMES] Aye, it would. What about two o'clock?

[ANNA] I'm afraid he doesn't have any slots until after four o'clock. How about twenty past four?

[JAMES] Well, it would suit me better if it was closer to five. - Does he have anything then?

[ANNA] He only has one slot after that time. That's at twenty to five. Will you take that?

[JAMES] Well, I thought you would be open a little later than that. I think I'll leave it until Doctor MacDonald comes back in another fortnight. He's bound to have plenty of free slots?

[ANNA] Well, to be honest, he doesn't. There are only a few slots left.

[JAMES] Oh, well, I'll have to see someone. I'd better just come and see Doctor Miller this afternoon at half past four.

[ANNA] Are you sure?

[JAMES] Yes. I'll take that, thank you.

[ANNA] Right, then. We'll see you then!


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[ANNA] Halo. Ionad Slàinte an Àtha Leathainn.

[SEUMAS] Halò. Is mise Seumas MacRath. Tha mi ag iarraidh dotair fhaicinn, ma tha sin comasach.

[ANNA] Cuin a tha sibh ag iarraidh tighinn a-steach?

[SEUMAS] A bheil amannan saor aig an Dotair Dòmhnallach no an Dotair Ravi ro dheireadh na seachdain-sa?

[ANNA] Chan eil. Tha an t-eagal orm gu bheil an Dotair Dòmhnallach air saor-làithean airson trì seachdainean agus chan eil an Dotair Ravi air ais gu meadhan na seachdain sa tighinn.

[SEUMAS] Cò aige a tha amannan saor, ma-thà?

[ANNA] Tha beàrn no dhà aig an Dotair Cheanadach a-màireach aig trì is leth-uair an dèidh a trì agus a-rithist Dihaoine aig cairteal gu còig. Tha an Dotair Miller saor an-diugh aig leth-uair às dèidh a ceithir. Sin e, tha an t-eagal orm, airson na seachdain-sa.

[SEUMAS] Uill, chan eil sin uabhasach math. Chan e rud ro chudromach a th' ann ged-tà. Mar sin gabhaidh mi uaireigin an t-seachdain sa tighinn leis an Dotair Ravi.

[ANNA] Dè mu dheidhinn trì uairean feasgar Diciadain?

[SEUMAS] Chan urrainn dhomh tighinn an uair sin, tha an t-eagal orm. Tha mi ro thrang aig m' obair. Bheil e saor madainn Diardaoin?

[ANNA] Chan eil. Chan eil àm eile saor aige gu feasgar Dihaoine. Am freagradh sin ort?

[SEUMAS] Aidh, fhreagradh. Dè mu dheidhinn dà uair?

[ANNA] Tha an t-eagal orm nach eil beàrn aige gu an dèidh ceithir uairean. Ciamar a bhiodh fichead mionaid an dèidh a ceithir?

[SEUMAS] Uill, fhreagradh e na b' fheàrr orm beagan nas fhaisg air a còig. A bheil dad aige an uair sin?

[ANNA] Chan eil aige ach aon àite eile an dèidh sin. Tha sin aig fichead mionaid gu còig. An gabh thu sin?

[SEUMAS] Uill, bha dùil agam gum biodh sibh fosgailte beagan nas anmoiche na sin. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gu fàg mi e gus an till an Dotair Dòmhnallach ann an cola-deug eile. Tha fios gu bheil amannan gu leòr saor aigesan?

[ANNA] Uill, a dh'innse na fìrinn, chan eil. Chan eil air fhàgail ach beàrn no dhà.

[SEUMAS] Oh, uill, feumaidh mi cuideigin fhaicinn. 'S fheàrr dhomh dìreach an Dotair Miller fhèin fhaicinn feasgar an-diugh aig leth-uair an dèidh a ceithir.

[ANNA] Bheil thu cinnteach?

[SEUMAS] Tha. Gabhaidh mi sin. Tapadh leibh.

[ANNA] Ceart gu leòr, ma-thà. Chì sinn an uair sin sibh!

Health Centre

English Beurla

Health Centre

Presenters: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson), Eilidh NicFhraing (Eilidh Rankin)

[ANNA] Hello. Broadford Health Centre.

[JAMES] Hello. My name is James MacRae. I'd like to see a doctor, if that's possible.

[ANNA] When would you like to come in?

[JAMES] Do Doctor MacDonald or Doctor Ravi have any appointments free before the end of this week?

[ANNA] No. I'm afraid that Doctor MacDonald is on holiday for three weeks and Doctor Ravi won't be back until the middle of next week.

[JAMES] Who does have free appointments, then?

[ANNA] Doctor Kennedy has a couple free tomorrow at three and half-past three and again on Friday at quarter to five. Doctor Miller is free today at half past four. That's all, I'm afraid, for this week.

[JAMES] Well, that's not very good. It's nothing too important though. So, I'll go for sometime next week with Doctor Ravi.

[ANNA] What about three o'clock on Wednesday afternoon?

[JAMES] I can't come in at that time, I'm afraid. I'm too busy at work. Is he free on Thursday morning?

[ANNA] No, he isn't. He doesn't have any free appointments until Friday afternoon. Would that suit you?

[JAMES] Aye, it would. What about two o'clock?

[ANNA] I'm afraid he doesn't have any slots until after four o'clock. How about twenty past four?

[JAMES] Well, it would suit me better if it was closer to five. - Does he have anything then?

[ANNA] He only has one slot after that time. That's at twenty to five. Will you take that?

[JAMES] Well, I thought you would be open a little later than that. I think I'll leave it until Doctor MacDonald comes back in another fortnight. He's bound to have plenty of free slots?

[ANNA] Well, to be honest, he doesn't. There are only a few slots left.

[JAMES] Oh, well, I'll have to see someone. I'd better just come and see Doctor Miller this afternoon at half past four.

[ANNA] Are you sure?

[JAMES] Yes. I'll take that, thank you.

[ANNA] Right, then. We'll see you then!

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.