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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Shuas anns an adhar an-dràsta fhèin - no aig àm sam bith eile - tha timcheall air leth mhillean duine a' siubhal ann am plèanaichean. Smaoinich! Leugh mi sin ann am pàipear-naidheachd. Bidh mòran de na daoine air bòrd a' falbh air saor-làithean no a' tilleadh bho shaor-làithean.

Bhithinnsa a' falbh air saor-làithean anns a' ghrèin as t-samhradh. Bha an sgìre dhen Spàinn anns am bithinn snog; bhiodh an aimsir math agus bhiodh am biadh àlainn. Bhithinn a' sgaoileadh na naidheachd le cairtean-puist agus tron eadar-lìon, far am faiceadh tu deilbh dhìom air an tràigh a' gabhail na grèine, le deoch nam làimh, agus fiamh a' ghàire air m' aodann. Bhithinn cho dòigheil ri bròig, agus nuair a bhithinn air tilleadh, bhithinn ag ràdh gun robh e math faighinn air falbh, ach gun robh e na b' fheàrr buileach faighinn dhachaigh.

Ach, aig an taigh, thòisichinn a' faireachdainn nach robh na saor-làithean agam math gu leòr. Oir bhiodh tè a bhiodh ag obair còmhla rium a' snàmh còmhla ri leumadairean ann an Cancun agus rinn i leum-bungee. Chunnaic mi na deilbh. Aon mhadainn, leum mise às an leabaidh.

Bhiodh nàbaidh dhomh a' tilleadh à Nepal, far am biodh e a' coiseachd chun a' champa aig bonn Everest. Bhithinn a' cluinntinn nan sgeulachdan, ach carson a bhiodh e a' fuireach aig a' bhonn? Cha do chòrd a' cheist sin ris.

Choisich mise gu taigh-seinnse. Choinnich mi ri duine a bhiodh ag obair do charthannas ann an Delhi. Chuir a' bhochdainn uabhas air, ach thuirt e gun robh e math biadh ceart Innseanach fheuchainn. Ghabh mise curaidh cuideachd.

Chleachd daoine a bhith ag iarraidh fois air saor-làithean. A-nis, bidh a h-uile dàrna duine ris am bruidhinn thu airson a dhol tro Ameireagaidh a Deas ... air asal. No, bidh iad dìreach air tilleadh agus airson innse dhut mu dheidhinn. Na h-asalan bochda.

Daoine eile, bidh iad airson sealltainn gu bheil iad saidhbhir agus saor bho uallaichean na h-obrach. "Bha sinn anns an Fhraing," canaidh iad, "anns an taigh-shamhraidh againn. "Ach, 's ann a bha sinn a' dèanamh deiseil airson shaor-làithean ceart ann an Afraga."

'S e co-fharpais a th' anns na saor-làithean aig amannan. Chan eil dùil agam a dhol an sàs ann, ach nam bitheadh, dh'fhaodainn innse dha mo nàbaidh gum bithinn fhìn a' dol gu Everest ... mullach Everest. Chan eil na deilbh agam ge-tà, agus a thuilleadh air an sin, cha chaomh leam a bhith a' bòstadh.

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail agus abairtean a chleachd mi.


Bhithinnsa a' falbh air saor-làithean.


Bhithinn a' sgaoileadh na naidheachd le cairtean-puist agus tron eadar-lìon.


Bhithinn cho dòigheil ri bròig.


Bhiodh nàbaidh dhomh a' tilleadh à Nepal.

Uill, tha sinne deiseil a-nis. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.


English Beurla


Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Up in the sky right now - or at any other time - around half a million people are travelling by plane. Imagine! I read that in a newspaper. Many of the people on board will be going on their holidays or returning from holiday.

I would take a holiday in the sun in summer. The area of Spain I went to was lovely; the weather would be fine and the food was beautiful. I would spread the news by post card and on the internet, where you could see pictures of me on the beach, sunbathing, with a drink in my hand and a smile on my face. I would be as happy as a clam (lit. shoe), and when I returned, I'd say it was good to get away, but that it was even better to come home.

But, at home, I'd begin to feel that my holidays weren't good enough. Because a woman who worked with me went swimming with dolphins in Cancun and she did a bungee jump. I saw the pictures. One morning, I leapt out of bed.

My neighbour would return from Nepal, where he had walked to the base camp on Mount Everest. I would listen to his stories, but why did he stay at the base? He didn't like that question.

I walked to a bar. I met a man who worked for a charity in Delhi. He has horrified by the poverty, but he said it was great to eat proper Indian food. I had a curry too.

People used to want peace and quiet on their holidays. Now, every second person you speak to wants to travel round South America ... on a donkey. Or they've just returned and want to tell you all about it. The poor donkeys.

Other people, they want to show how wealthy they are and free from the cares of work. "We were in France," they'd say, "at our summer home. "But we were getting ready to go for a proper holiday in Africa."

Holidays can be like a competition at times. I don't intend to get involved in that, but if I did, I could tell my neighbour that I had been to Everest ... the summit of Everest. I don't have the pictures though, and apart from that, I don't like to boast.

Let's take a look at some of the words and phrases I used.


I would go on holiday.

Post cards

I would spread the news by post card and on the internet.


I would be as happy as a clam (lit. shoe).


A neighbour of mine would return from Nepal.

Well, that's us finished now. Goodbye for now.


Gaelic Gàidhlig


Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Shuas anns an adhar an-dràsta fhèin - no aig àm sam bith eile - tha timcheall air leth mhillean duine a' siubhal ann am plèanaichean. Smaoinich! Leugh mi sin ann am pàipear-naidheachd. Bidh mòran de na daoine air bòrd a' falbh air saor-làithean no a' tilleadh bho shaor-làithean.

Bhithinnsa a' falbh air saor-làithean anns a' ghrèin as t-samhradh. Bha an sgìre dhen Spàinn anns am bithinn snog; bhiodh an aimsir math agus bhiodh am biadh àlainn. Bhithinn a' sgaoileadh na naidheachd le cairtean-puist agus tron eadar-lìon, far am faiceadh tu deilbh dhìom air an tràigh a' gabhail na grèine, le deoch nam làimh, agus fiamh a' ghàire air m' aodann. Bhithinn cho dòigheil ri bròig, agus nuair a bhithinn air tilleadh, bhithinn ag ràdh gun robh e math faighinn air falbh, ach gun robh e na b' fheàrr buileach faighinn dhachaigh.

Ach, aig an taigh, thòisichinn a' faireachdainn nach robh na saor-làithean agam math gu leòr. Oir bhiodh tè a bhiodh ag obair còmhla rium a' snàmh còmhla ri leumadairean ann an Cancun agus rinn i leum-bungee. Chunnaic mi na deilbh. Aon mhadainn, leum mise às an leabaidh.

Bhiodh nàbaidh dhomh a' tilleadh à Nepal, far am biodh e a' coiseachd chun a' champa aig bonn Everest. Bhithinn a' cluinntinn nan sgeulachdan, ach carson a bhiodh e a' fuireach aig a' bhonn? Cha do chòrd a' cheist sin ris.

Choisich mise gu taigh-seinnse. Choinnich mi ri duine a bhiodh ag obair do charthannas ann an Delhi. Chuir a' bhochdainn uabhas air, ach thuirt e gun robh e math biadh ceart Innseanach fheuchainn. Ghabh mise curaidh cuideachd.

Chleachd daoine a bhith ag iarraidh fois air saor-làithean. A-nis, bidh a h-uile dàrna duine ris am bruidhinn thu airson a dhol tro Ameireagaidh a Deas ... air asal. No, bidh iad dìreach air tilleadh agus airson innse dhut mu dheidhinn. Na h-asalan bochda.

Daoine eile, bidh iad airson sealltainn gu bheil iad saidhbhir agus saor bho uallaichean na h-obrach. "Bha sinn anns an Fhraing," canaidh iad, "anns an taigh-shamhraidh againn. "Ach, 's ann a bha sinn a' dèanamh deiseil airson shaor-làithean ceart ann an Afraga."

'S e co-fharpais a th' anns na saor-làithean aig amannan. Chan eil dùil agam a dhol an sàs ann, ach nam bitheadh, dh'fhaodainn innse dha mo nàbaidh gum bithinn fhìn a' dol gu Everest ... mullach Everest. Chan eil na deilbh agam ge-tà, agus a thuilleadh air an sin, cha chaomh leam a bhith a' bòstadh.

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail agus abairtean a chleachd mi.


Bhithinnsa a' falbh air saor-làithean.


Bhithinn a' sgaoileadh na naidheachd le cairtean-puist agus tron eadar-lìon.


Bhithinn cho dòigheil ri bròig.


Bhiodh nàbaidh dhomh a' tilleadh à Nepal.

Uill, tha sinne deiseil a-nis. Mar sin leat an-dràsta.


English Beurla


Presenter: Gilleasbuig MacFhearghais (Gilleasbuig Ferguson)

[GILLEASBUIG] Up in the sky right now - or at any other time - around half a million people are travelling by plane. Imagine! I read that in a newspaper. Many of the people on board will be going on their holidays or returning from holiday.

I would take a holiday in the sun in summer. The area of Spain I went to was lovely; the weather would be fine and the food was beautiful. I would spread the news by post card and on the internet, where you could see pictures of me on the beach, sunbathing, with a drink in my hand and a smile on my face. I would be as happy as a clam (lit. shoe), and when I returned, I'd say it was good to get away, but that it was even better to come home.

But, at home, I'd begin to feel that my holidays weren't good enough. Because a woman who worked with me went swimming with dolphins in Cancun and she did a bungee jump. I saw the pictures. One morning, I leapt out of bed.

My neighbour would return from Nepal, where he had walked to the base camp on Mount Everest. I would listen to his stories, but why did he stay at the base? He didn't like that question.

I walked to a bar. I met a man who worked for a charity in Delhi. He has horrified by the poverty, but he said it was great to eat proper Indian food. I had a curry too.

People used to want peace and quiet on their holidays. Now, every second person you speak to wants to travel round South America ... on a donkey. Or they've just returned and want to tell you all about it. The poor donkeys.

Other people, they want to show how wealthy they are and free from the cares of work. "We were in France," they'd say, "at our summer home. "But we were getting ready to go for a proper holiday in Africa."

Holidays can be like a competition at times. I don't intend to get involved in that, but if I did, I could tell my neighbour that I had been to Everest ... the summit of Everest. I don't have the pictures though, and apart from that, I don't like to boast.

Let's take a look at some of the words and phrases I used.


I would go on holiday.

Post cards

I would spread the news by post card and on the internet.


I would be as happy as a clam (lit. shoe).


A neighbour of mine would return from Nepal.

Well, that's us finished now. Goodbye for now.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.