FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about the body A’ bruidhinn mun bhodhaig

I hurt my ankleGhoirtich mi m' adhbrann

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

adhbrann ankle

glùin knee

ghoirtich mi m’ adhbrann I hurt my ankle

do ghlùin your knee

m’ adhbrann my ankle

thuit mi I fell

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Granny Ò, Yvonne, a ghaoil.
Dè thachair dhutsa?
Oh, Yvonne, love.
What happened to you?
Yvonne Thuit mi. I fell.
Granny Ò, a bhrònag, trobhad gus an nigh granaidh do ghlùin.
Oh, you poor thing, come here till granny washes your knee.
Teacher Agus a-nis, Iain, dè thachair dhutsa? And now, John, what happened to you?
Iain M’ adhbrann. My ankle.
Teacher D’ adhbrann? Your ankle?
Iain Thuit mi sìos an staidhre agus ghoirtich mi m’ adhbrann. I fell down the stairs and I hurt my ankle.
Teacher Trobhad gus am faic mi.
Obh, obh.
Tha e goirt ceart gu leòr.
A bheil litir agad?
Come so I can see.
Oh dear.
It’s sore right enough.
Do you have a letter?
Iain Tha. Yes.
Teacher Tapadh leat, Iain.
Thalla is suidh còmhla ri Susan agus Ailean.
Agus a-nist, Rebecca.
Dè tha ceàrr ortsa?
Thank you, Iain.
Away and sit with Susan and Alan.
And now, Rebecca.
What is wrong with you?
Rebecca Tha mo chluas goirt. My ear is sore.
Teacher A-rithist?
A bheil litir agad?
Do you have a letter?
Rebecca Bha, ach chaill mi i. I did, but I lost it.
Teacher A-nise, clas a trì.
Seasaibh aig an doras.
Tha sinn a’ dol a-mach a chluich rounders.
Now, class three.
Stand at the door.
We are going out to play rounders.
Rebecca Tha mo chluas rud beag nas fheàrr a-nis, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh. My ear is a little better now, I think.