FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about the body A’ bruidhinn mun bhodhaig

My throat's soreTha m' amhaich goirt

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

druim back

amhaich neck

tha m’ amhaich goirt my neck is sore

a bheil d’ amhaich nas fheàrr a-nis? is your neck better now?

tha i nas fheàrr it is better

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman Nach e a tha math air seinn, a Bhellag? Isn’t he good at singing, Bella?
Bellag ’S toigh leam an t-òran ud. I like that song.
Woman Ist!
Nach sguir thu!
Won’t you stop!
Bellag Tha mi duilich. I’m sorry.
Woman Dè tha ceàrr ort? What’s wrong with you?
Bellag Tha m’ amhaich goirt. My throat’s sore.
Woman Tha d’ amhaich goirt a h-uile seachdain nuair a bhios prògram Gàidhlig air an teilidh.
A bheil d’ amhaich nas fheàrr a-nis?
Your throat is sore every week when a Gaelic programme is on the telly.
Is your throat better now?
Bellag Tha, tapadh leat.
Tha mi a' faicinn gu bheil d’ amhaich-sa goirt cuideachd.
Yes, thank you.
I see that your throat is sore too.
Woman Uill, rud beag ach tha i a' fàs nas fheàrr a-nis. Well, a little but it’s getting better now.