FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about the body A’ bruidhinn mun bhodhaig

Is it sore?A bheil e goirt?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

ceann head

falt hair

sùilean eyes

cluas ear

tha mo chluas goirt my ear is sore

cluasan ears

sròn nose

do shròn your nose

An Ceann / The Head:

aodann face

mala eyebrow

sùil eye

rosg eyelash

beul mouth

bile lip

fiacail tooth

teanga tongue

smiogaid chin

Video is playing in pop-over.

Mother Rebecca, dè tha thusa a’ dèanamh shìos an staidhre aig an uair seo? Rebecca, what are you doing downstairs at this time?
Rebecca Chan urrainn dhomh cadal.
Tha mo chluas goirt.
I can’t sleep.
My ear is sore.
Mother Obh, obh.
Trobhad an seo.
Nis, an e seo a’ chluas a tha goirt?
Oh dear.
Come here.
Now, is this the ear that is sore?
Rebecca Chan e.
A’ chluas seo.
This ear.
Mother A bheil thu cinnteach? Are you sure?
Rebecca Tha. Yes.
Mother Trobhad ort, a Dhadaidh.
A bheil fios agad dè tha clas a trì a’ dèanamh sa mhadainn a-màireach?
Hey, Daddy.
Do you know what class three are doing tomorrow morning?
Father PE, an e? PE, is it?
Mother ’S e, a Dhadaidh.
Ach bha na cluasan aig Rebecca goirt an t-seachdain sa chaidh an uair a bha PE ann.
Yes, Daddy.
But Rebecca’s ears were sore last week when PE was on.
Father Bha, ceart gu leòr. Yes, right enough.
Staff Feasgar math. Good afternoon.
Girl 1 Tha sinn ag iarraidh tuill anns na cluasan againn, mas e ur toil e. We want piercings in our ears, please.
Girl 2 Tha ise ag iarraidh tuill anns na cluasan aice. She wants piercings in her ears.
Girl 1 Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh?
Tha thusa ag iarraidh tuill anns na cluasan agadsa cuideachd, nach eil?
What do you mean?
You want piercings in your ears too, don’t you?
Girl 2 Chan eil mi cinnteach.
A bheil e goirt?
I’m not sure.
Is it painful?
Staff Chan eil.
Cha toir e mionaid.
It won’t take a minute.
Come here.
Granny Tha Philip a’ fàs mòr, nach eil? Philip’s getting big, isn’t he?
Mother Tha. Yes
Granny Trobhad, a Chatrìona.
Trobhad an seo.
Trobhad gus an glan mi do shròn.
Come, Katrina.
Come here.
Come so that I can clean your nose.
Catrìona A ghranaidh. Granny.