FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

A Difficult Person

Duine Duilich

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Duine Duilich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Duine Duilich

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Tha caraid agamsa a tha uabhasach duilich a riarachadh agus bha e a' fuireach còmhla rium airson oidhche bho chionn ghoirid. Tha mi an dòchas nach fhaic mi an duine duilich a tha seo airson deagh ghreis - agus ma tha e gam choimhead andràsta tha mi an dòchas gum bi e a' faireachdainn gu math ciontach.

Nuair a thig e gu biadh, tha e nas miosa na naoidhean. An còrdadh iasg ris? Cha chòrdadh. Cha robh e a-riamh dèidheil air iasg, agus bha còir fios a bhith agam air an sin. Chan fhulaingeadh e fiùs fàileadh èisg, bha e ag ràdh.

An gabhadh e curaidh? Cha ghabhadh. Tha e trom air a stamaig.

An itheadh e biadh Sìneach? Chan itheadh. Thigeadh losgadh-bràghad air.

Shaoileadh tu gun dèanadh cearc a' chùis. Ach cha dèanadh. Ghabh e cearc nach robh buileach bruich uaireigin ann an Obar Bhrothaig a dh'fhàg tinn e airson seachdain. "An robh mi air dìochuimhneachadh air cearc Obar Bhrothaig?" arsa esan.

An gabhadh e pasta? Ghabhadh. Bha fios agam gun gabhadh e pasta, oir, chan fhaca mi e ag ithe mòran a-riamh ach pasta. Pasta no piotsa. Agus, ged nach robh mi ag iarraidh pasta a-muigh no a-mach, rinn mi pasta.

An òladh e leann. Chan òladh. "Chan eil mi an-diugh ro dhèidheil air leann," thuirt e.

Dh'òladh e fìon ge-tà - fìon dearg na Frainge. Dh'òladh. Uaireigin, dh'òladh e a lèine. Agus bheireadh e beachd seachad nuair a fhuair e am fìon. Thuirt e gur e fìon an t-saoghail ùir a bhios e ag òl an-diugh. "Nach e Bordeaux," arsa esan, "a chunnaic an dà latha?"

Am faigheadh e cuireadh a thighinn a dh'fhuireach còmhla rium a-rithist? Chan fhaigheadh. Och, gheibheadh; nach eil na Gàidheil ainmeil airson an cuid aoigheachd agus an cuid pasta?

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail agus abairtean a chleachd mi.

Chan fhulaingeadh

An còrdadh iasg ris? Cha chòrdadh. Cha robh e a-riamh dèidheil air iasg, agus bha còir fios a bhith agam air an sin. Chan fhulaingeadh e fiùs fàileadh èisg, bha e ag ràdh.


An itheadh e biadh Sìneach? Chan itheadh. Thigeadh losgadh-bràghad air.


Ghabh e cearc nach robh buileach bruich uaireigin ann an Obar Bhrothaig a dh'fhàg tinn e airson seachdain.


"An robh mi air dìochuimhneachadh air cearc Obar Bhrothaig?" arsa esan.


An gabhadh e pasta? Ghabhadh Bha fios agam gun gabhadh e pasta, oir, chan fhaca mi e ag ithe mòran a-riamh ach pasta.

Fìon dearg na Frainge

Dh'òladh e fìon, ge-tà - fìon dearg na Frainge.


Uaireigin, dh'òladh e a lèine.


Am faigheadh e cuireadh a thighinn a dh'fhuireach còmhla rium a-rithist?

Sin e. Mar sin leibh.

A Difficult Person

English Beurla

A Difficult Person

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] I have a friend who is very hard to please and he recently stayed with me for a night. I hope I don't have to see this difficult man again for a good while - and if he is watching me now I hope he feels ashamed of himself.

When it comes to food, he is worse than a baby. Would he like fish? No, he wouldn't. He has never been partial to fish, and I should have known that. He couldn't tolerate even the smell of fish, he said.

Would he take curry? No, he wouldn't. It's bad for the stomach.

Would he eat Chinese food? No, he wouldn't. That would give him heartburn.

You would think that chicken would do. But it wouldn't. He had some chicken that wasn't fully cooked one time in Arbroath that left him sick for a week. "Had I forgotten about the Arbroath chicken?" he asked.

Would he take pasta? He would. I knew he would take pasta, because I had never seen him eat much besides pasta. Pasta or pizza. And, although the last thing I wanted was pasta, I made pasta.

Would he drink beer? No, he wouldn't. "These days, I'm not too fond of beer," he said.

He would drink wine though - French red wine. He would. At one time, he would have drunk his shirt. And he would give his opinion when he got the wine. He said that nowadays, he drank New World wines. "Hasn't Bordeaux," he said, "seen better days?"

Would he receive an invitation to come and stay with me again? No, he wouldn't. Ach, yes, he would; aren't the Gaels renowned for their hospitality and for their pasta?

Let's take a look at some of the words and phrases I used.

Couldn't tolerate

Would he like fish? No, he wouldn't. He has never been partial to fish, and I should have known that. He couldn't tolerate even the smell of fish, he said.


Would he eat Chinese food? No, he wouldn't. It would give him heartburn.


He had some chicken that wasn't fully cooked one time in Arbroath that left him sick for a week.


"Had I forgotten about the Arbroath chicken?" he asked.

Would take

Would he take pasta? He would. I knew he would take pasta, because I had never seen him eat much besides pasta.

French red wine

He would drink wine though - French red wine.

Would drink

At one time, he would have drunk his shirt.


Would he receive an invitation to come and stay with me again?

That's all. Goodbye.

Duine Duilich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Duine Duilich

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[SEUMAS] Tha caraid agamsa a tha uabhasach duilich a riarachadh agus bha e a' fuireach còmhla rium airson oidhche bho chionn ghoirid. Tha mi an dòchas nach fhaic mi an duine duilich a tha seo airson deagh ghreis - agus ma tha e gam choimhead andràsta tha mi an dòchas gum bi e a' faireachdainn gu math ciontach.

Nuair a thig e gu biadh, tha e nas miosa na naoidhean. An còrdadh iasg ris? Cha chòrdadh. Cha robh e a-riamh dèidheil air iasg, agus bha còir fios a bhith agam air an sin. Chan fhulaingeadh e fiùs fàileadh èisg, bha e ag ràdh.

An gabhadh e curaidh? Cha ghabhadh. Tha e trom air a stamaig.

An itheadh e biadh Sìneach? Chan itheadh. Thigeadh losgadh-bràghad air.

Shaoileadh tu gun dèanadh cearc a' chùis. Ach cha dèanadh. Ghabh e cearc nach robh buileach bruich uaireigin ann an Obar Bhrothaig a dh'fhàg tinn e airson seachdain. "An robh mi air dìochuimhneachadh air cearc Obar Bhrothaig?" arsa esan.

An gabhadh e pasta? Ghabhadh. Bha fios agam gun gabhadh e pasta, oir, chan fhaca mi e ag ithe mòran a-riamh ach pasta. Pasta no piotsa. Agus, ged nach robh mi ag iarraidh pasta a-muigh no a-mach, rinn mi pasta.

An òladh e leann. Chan òladh. "Chan eil mi an-diugh ro dhèidheil air leann," thuirt e.

Dh'òladh e fìon ge-tà - fìon dearg na Frainge. Dh'òladh. Uaireigin, dh'òladh e a lèine. Agus bheireadh e beachd seachad nuair a fhuair e am fìon. Thuirt e gur e fìon an t-saoghail ùir a bhios e ag òl an-diugh. "Nach e Bordeaux," arsa esan, "a chunnaic an dà latha?"

Am faigheadh e cuireadh a thighinn a dh'fhuireach còmhla rium a-rithist? Chan fhaigheadh. Och, gheibheadh; nach eil na Gàidheil ainmeil airson an cuid aoigheachd agus an cuid pasta?

Bheir sinn sùil air cuid dhe na facail agus abairtean a chleachd mi.

Chan fhulaingeadh

An còrdadh iasg ris? Cha chòrdadh. Cha robh e a-riamh dèidheil air iasg, agus bha còir fios a bhith agam air an sin. Chan fhulaingeadh e fiùs fàileadh èisg, bha e ag ràdh.


An itheadh e biadh Sìneach? Chan itheadh. Thigeadh losgadh-bràghad air.


Ghabh e cearc nach robh buileach bruich uaireigin ann an Obar Bhrothaig a dh'fhàg tinn e airson seachdain.


"An robh mi air dìochuimhneachadh air cearc Obar Bhrothaig?" arsa esan.


An gabhadh e pasta? Ghabhadh Bha fios agam gun gabhadh e pasta, oir, chan fhaca mi e ag ithe mòran a-riamh ach pasta.

Fìon dearg na Frainge

Dh'òladh e fìon, ge-tà - fìon dearg na Frainge.


Uaireigin, dh'òladh e a lèine.


Am faigheadh e cuireadh a thighinn a dh'fhuireach còmhla rium a-rithist?

Sin e. Mar sin leibh.

A Difficult Person

English Beurla

A Difficult Person

Presenter: Seumas Dòmhnallach (James MacDonald)

[JAMES] I have a friend who is very hard to please and he recently stayed with me for a night. I hope I don't have to see this difficult man again for a good while - and if he is watching me now I hope he feels ashamed of himself.

When it comes to food, he is worse than a baby. Would he like fish? No, he wouldn't. He has never been partial to fish, and I should have known that. He couldn't tolerate even the smell of fish, he said.

Would he take curry? No, he wouldn't. It's bad for the stomach.

Would he eat Chinese food? No, he wouldn't. That would give him heartburn.

You would think that chicken would do. But it wouldn't. He had some chicken that wasn't fully cooked one time in Arbroath that left him sick for a week. "Had I forgotten about the Arbroath chicken?" he asked.

Would he take pasta? He would. I knew he would take pasta, because I had never seen him eat much besides pasta. Pasta or pizza. And, although the last thing I wanted was pasta, I made pasta.

Would he drink beer? No, he wouldn't. "These days, I'm not too fond of beer," he said.

He would drink wine though - French red wine. He would. At one time, he would have drunk his shirt. And he would give his opinion when he got the wine. He said that nowadays, he drank New World wines. "Hasn't Bordeaux," he said, "seen better days?"

Would he receive an invitation to come and stay with me again? No, he wouldn't. Ach, yes, he would; aren't the Gaels renowned for their hospitality and for their pasta?

Let's take a look at some of the words and phrases I used.

Couldn't tolerate

Would he like fish? No, he wouldn't. He has never been partial to fish, and I should have known that. He couldn't tolerate even the smell of fish, he said.


Would he eat Chinese food? No, he wouldn't. It would give him heartburn.


He had some chicken that wasn't fully cooked one time in Arbroath that left him sick for a week.


"Had I forgotten about the Arbroath chicken?" he asked.

Would take

Would he take pasta? He would. I knew he would take pasta, because I had never seen him eat much besides pasta.

French red wine

He would drink wine though - French red wine.

Would drink

At one time, he would have drunk his shirt.


Would he receive an invitation to come and stay with me again?

That's all. Goodbye.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.