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Learning Gaelic

Ag Ionnsachadh Gàidhlig

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Bhidiothan a chuidicheas thu le gnàthasan-cainnte, gràmar is briathrachas. Gaelic videos to help you develop your idioms, grammar and vocabulary.

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Subtitles: Gaelic Fo-thiotalan: Gàidhlig Subtitles: English Fo-thiotalan: Beurla Subtitles: none Às aonais fo-thiotalan Download text (Gaelic and English) Faigh an teacsa (Gàidhlig agus Beurla)

Ag Ionnsachadh Gàidhlig

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Agallamh le Lisa Moyes: Ag Ionnsachadh Gàidhlig

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek Mackay)

[DEREK] Còmhla rium tha Lisa Moyes, a bhios ag obair a' trusadh oileanaich airson cùrsaichean. Lisa, cò às a tha thu bho thùs?

[LISA] 'S ann à Baile Màiri a tha mi, baile beag faisg air Inbhir Pheofharain, mu còig deug mionaidean bho Inbhir Nis.

[DEREK] An robh Gàidhlig anns an teaghlach agad?

[LISA] Cha robh. Chan eil Gàidhlig san teaghlach agam 's cha robh sinn a' faighinn Gàidhlig sa bhun-sgoil. Cha robh mi really mothachail air a' Ghàidhlig.

[DEREK] Ciamar a thàinig thu gu Gàidhlig a-rèist?

[LISA] Bha mi a' dol gu na fèisean nuair a bha mi beag so bha sinn a' faighinn blasad dhen a' Ghàidhlig aig a h-uile fèis agus nuair a bha mi mu ochd bliadhna deug, bha mi air a' Chèilidh Trail aca, so bha sin... Bha mi a' cluiche ann am buidheann de luchd-ciùil eile, deugairean eile, 's bha sinn a' dol air cuairt timcheall a' Ghàidhealtachd. 'S bha againn ri òran Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus beagan Gàidhlig ionnsachadh - uill, bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig aig toiseach cuirmean ciùil no cèilidhean. So, tha mi a' smaointinn gur e sin a' chiad àm a bhruidhinn mi Gàidhlig, agus bha e doirbh aig an àm; cha robh fios agam dè a bha mi ag ràdh.

[DEREK] Ma bha e doirbh dhuts' gun thu bhith cinnteach dè a bha thu ag ràdh, dè a thug ort a bhith ag iarraidh barrachd ionnsachadh?

[LISA] Às dèidh na deuchainnean agam a dhèanamh sa chòigeamh bliadhna agam bha cothrom agam cuspairean eile a dhèanamh. Chunnaic mi gu robh cùrsa inntrigidh anns an sgoil againn, cùrsa inntrigidh sa Ghàidhlig, so rinn mi sin. Bha mi dìreach airson feuchainn às dèidh a' Chèilidh Trail a dhèanamh. So, rinn mi sin, 's bha e math. Chòrd e rium gu mòr. Cha robh e cho doirbh às dèidh sin.

[DEREK] Dè a rinn thu às dèidh na sgoile?

[LISA] Rinn mi cùrsa goirid aig an t-Sabhail Mhòir. Is bha sin duilich, actually, oir bha na clasaichean uile air an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Is an uairsin chaidh mi dhan a' chùrsa BA ann an Ceòl Traidiseanta agus Gàidhlig aig an t-Sabhail Mhòir is bha mi ann airson ceithir bliadhna.

[DEREK] 'S nuair a thàinig thu gu toiseach a' chùrsa, dè cho cofhurtail 's a bha thu a bhith a' bruidhinn a' Ghàidhlig agus cuideachd a' bhith ag èisteachd ris a' Ghàidhlig?

[LISA] Bha sin gu math duilich aig an toiseach agus bha sinn a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig fad na h-ùine, ach chan eil mi a' smaointinn gum biodh mi comasach air bruidhinn Gàidhlig an-diugh mura robh na clasaichean uile air an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

[DEREK] Agus dè mu dheidhinn taobh a-muigh a' chlas, nuair a bha sibh a' bruidhinn nur measg fhèin, am measg nan oileanach?

[LISA] Uaireannan, tha e doirbh, mura h-eil thu aig ìre àrd sa chànan, ach bha oileanaich eile ann a bha fileanta, so bha sin feumail.

[DEREK] An robh e nas dorra dhut a bhith a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn rudan ... rudan làitheil, rudan àbhaisteach, seach mu na rudan a bha sibh a' dèanamh anns a' chlas?

[LISA] Tha mi a' smaointinn gu robh. Ma bha sinn a-mach air an oidhche, bha e doirbh dìreach a bhith a' faighinn an craic, really, sa Ghàidhlig.

[DEREK] Agus a bheil sin air feum a dhèanamh dhan a' cheòl agad, dhan an fhìdhlearachd agad?

[LISA] Tha mi a' smaointinn gu bheil, dìreach mar a tha na puirt a' cluinntinn, really. Tha mi gan cluich san dòigh ceart. Ma tha mi a' cluiche òran Gàidhlig, tha fios agam ciamar a tha e a' dol, an àite dìreach a bhith a' cluich san dòigh a tha mi a' smaointinn gu bheil e, so tha mi a' smaointinn gu bheil e a' dèanamh diofar.

[DEREK] Rinn sibh cùrsa aig an sgoil, thàinig sibh dhan an t-Sabhail, rinn sibh ceum ...

[LISA] Rinn.

[DEREK] Dè an uair sin?

[LISA] Rinn mi an cùrsa agus chuir mi crìoch air sin, agus às dèidh sin bha mi a' teagaisg fìdhlearachd - uill, a' teagaisg leasanan air an fhidhill ann am Baile Màiri airson ùine - agus às dèidh sin, fhuair mi obair aig an t-Sabhail Mhòir mar oifigear trusaidh, so tha mi fhathast ag obair an sin. Tha mi ag obair sa Ghàidhlig, a' bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig a h-uile latha, so tha sin math. Bidh mi a' dol timcheall na sgoiltean 's a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn cùrsaichean is a' brosnachadh na Gàidhlig.

[DEREK] A bheil sin a' dèanamh feum dhan a' Ghàidhlig agad fhèin?

[LISA] Tha mi a' bruidhinn a h-uile latha ann an suidheachadh diofraichte a h-uile latha cuideachd, so tha agam ri bhith a' bruidhinn ri ... Bidh mi a' coinneachadh le diofar dhaoine a h-uile seachdain so tha sin a' toirt barrachd misneachd dhomh, tha mi a' smaointinn. Tha sin a' dèanamh diofar mòr dhan a' Ghàidhlig agam.

[DEREK] Nuair a dh'fhàg thu an sgoil, an robh càil a bheachd agad gur ann ag obair a thaobh na Gàidhlig a bhiodh tu dìreach an ceann beagan bhliadhnaichean?

[LISA] Chan eil mi a' creidsinn gu bheil mi fhathast ... gu bheil mi a' dèanamh seo andiugh. Chan eil mi a' smaointinn gum biodh obair agam mura dèanainn ceòl!

[DEREK] A bheil thu toilichte ma-thà gun do rinn thu Gàidhlig?

[LISA] Tha mi air tòrr chothroman fhaighinn tro bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig agus ag obair sa Ghàidhlig. Bha mi ann an Ceap Breatainn airson ùine ghoirid. Tha e math gu bheil tòrr dhaoine mothachail air a' chànan. Tha mi toilichte a bhith ag obair sa Ghàidhlig. Tha mi gu math toilichte.

[DEREK] Tapadh leatsa, Lisa.

[LISA] Tapadh leibh.

Learning Gaelic

English Beurla

Interview with Lisa Moyes: Learning Gaelic

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek Mackay)

[DEREK] I'm joined by Lisa Moyes, whose job it is to recruit students for courses. Lisa, where do you come from originally?

[LISA] I'm from Maryburgh, a small village near Dingwall, about fifteen minutes from Inverness.

[DEREK] Did your family speak Gaelic?

[LISA] No. No-one in my family spoke Gaelic and we weren't taught Gaelic in primary school. I wasn't really aware of Gaelic.

[DEREK] So how did you become interested in Gaelic?

[LISA] I used to go to the fèisean when I was little so we got a taste of Gaelic at every fèis and when I was about eighteen, I went on their Cèilidh Trail, so that was ... I was playing with a group of other musicians, other teenagers, and we went on a tour around the Highlands. And we had to learn a Gaelic song and to learn a little Gaelic - well, we spoke in Gaelic at the beginning of concerts or cèilidhs. So, I think that was the first time I had spoken Gaelic, and it was difficult at the time; I didn't know what I was saying.

[DEREK] If you found it difficult not knowing what you were saying, what made you want to learn more?

[LISA] After I had finished my exams in fifth year I had the opportunity to take different subjects. I saw that our school offered an introductory course, a Gaelic introductory course, so I did that. I just wanted to try it after completing the Cèilidh Trail. So, I did that and it was great. I really enjoyed it. It wasn't so difficult after that.

[DEREK] What did you do after school?

[LISA] I did a short course at Sabhal Mòr. And that was difficult, actually, because the classes were all taught through the medium of Gaelic. And then I enrolled in the BA in Traditional Music and Gaelic at Sabhal Mòr and I spent four years there.

[DEREK] And when you came to the end of your course, how comfortable were you when it came to speaking Gaelic and also to listen to spoken Gaelic?

[LISA] That was very difficult at first and we spoke Gaelic all the time, but I don't think I would be able to speak Gaelic nowadays if the classes hadn't all been taught through the medium of Gaelic.

[DEREK] And what about outside of classes, when you were speaking amongst yourselves, amongst the students?

[LISA] It can sometimes be difficult if you aren't at an advanced level in the language, but there were other students who were fluent, so that was helpful.

[DEREK] Was it harder for you to talk about things ... everyday things, ordinary things, rather than the things you were covering in class?

[LISA] I think it was. If we went for a night out, it was hard to get the craic, really, in Gaelic.

[DEREK] And has that helped you with your music, with your fiddling?

[LISA] I think it has, just in the way the tunes sound, really. I play them in the proper style. If I'm playing a Gaelic song, I know how it goes, rather than just playing it the way I think it should be played, so I think it does make a difference.

[DEREK] You did a course in school, you came to the Sabhal, you did a degree...

[LISA] Yes, I did.

[DEREK] What next?

[LISA] I took my degree and completed that, and afterwards, I taught the fiddle well, I taught fiddle lessons in Maryburgh for a while - and after that, I got a job at Sabhal Mòr as a student recruitment officer, so I'm still working there. I work in Gaelic, speaking Gaelic every day, so that's good. I go round the schools and give talks about courses and promote Gaelic.

[DEREK] Does that help your Gaelic?

[LISA] I speak it every day in different situations every day too, so I have to talk to ... I meet with different people every week so I think that gives me more confidence. That makes a huge difference to my Gaelic.

[DEREK] When you left school, did you have any idea that you would end up working in Gaelic within just a few years?

[LISA] I still don't believe that I ... that I'm doing this now. I don't think I'd have a job unless I was playing music!

[DEREK] So are you pleased that you did Gaelic?

[LISA] I've received a lot of opportunities because I learnt Gaelic and work in Gaelic. I went to Cape Breton for a short while. It's great that lots of people are aware of the language. I'm glad that I work in Gaelic. I'm very pleased.

[DEREK] Thank you, Lisa.

[LISA] Thank you.

Ag Ionnsachadh Gàidhlig

Gaelic Gàidhlig

Agallamh le Lisa Moyes: Ag Ionnsachadh Gàidhlig

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek Mackay)

[DEREK] Còmhla rium tha Lisa Moyes, a bhios ag obair a' trusadh oileanaich airson cùrsaichean. Lisa, cò às a tha thu bho thùs?

[LISA] 'S ann à Baile Màiri a tha mi, baile beag faisg air Inbhir Pheofharain, mu còig deug mionaidean bho Inbhir Nis.

[DEREK] An robh Gàidhlig anns an teaghlach agad?

[LISA] Cha robh. Chan eil Gàidhlig san teaghlach agam 's cha robh sinn a' faighinn Gàidhlig sa bhun-sgoil. Cha robh mi really mothachail air a' Ghàidhlig.

[DEREK] Ciamar a thàinig thu gu Gàidhlig a-rèist?

[LISA] Bha mi a' dol gu na fèisean nuair a bha mi beag so bha sinn a' faighinn blasad dhen a' Ghàidhlig aig a h-uile fèis agus nuair a bha mi mu ochd bliadhna deug, bha mi air a' Chèilidh Trail aca, so bha sin... Bha mi a' cluiche ann am buidheann de luchd-ciùil eile, deugairean eile, 's bha sinn a' dol air cuairt timcheall a' Ghàidhealtachd. 'S bha againn ri òran Gàidhlig ionnsachadh agus beagan Gàidhlig ionnsachadh - uill, bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig aig toiseach cuirmean ciùil no cèilidhean. So, tha mi a' smaointinn gur e sin a' chiad àm a bhruidhinn mi Gàidhlig, agus bha e doirbh aig an àm; cha robh fios agam dè a bha mi ag ràdh.

[DEREK] Ma bha e doirbh dhuts' gun thu bhith cinnteach dè a bha thu ag ràdh, dè a thug ort a bhith ag iarraidh barrachd ionnsachadh?

[LISA] Às dèidh na deuchainnean agam a dhèanamh sa chòigeamh bliadhna agam bha cothrom agam cuspairean eile a dhèanamh. Chunnaic mi gu robh cùrsa inntrigidh anns an sgoil againn, cùrsa inntrigidh sa Ghàidhlig, so rinn mi sin. Bha mi dìreach airson feuchainn às dèidh a' Chèilidh Trail a dhèanamh. So, rinn mi sin, 's bha e math. Chòrd e rium gu mòr. Cha robh e cho doirbh às dèidh sin.

[DEREK] Dè a rinn thu às dèidh na sgoile?

[LISA] Rinn mi cùrsa goirid aig an t-Sabhail Mhòir. Is bha sin duilich, actually, oir bha na clasaichean uile air an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Is an uairsin chaidh mi dhan a' chùrsa BA ann an Ceòl Traidiseanta agus Gàidhlig aig an t-Sabhail Mhòir is bha mi ann airson ceithir bliadhna.

[DEREK] 'S nuair a thàinig thu gu toiseach a' chùrsa, dè cho cofhurtail 's a bha thu a bhith a' bruidhinn a' Ghàidhlig agus cuideachd a' bhith ag èisteachd ris a' Ghàidhlig?

[LISA] Bha sin gu math duilich aig an toiseach agus bha sinn a' bruidhinn Gàidhlig fad na h-ùine, ach chan eil mi a' smaointinn gum biodh mi comasach air bruidhinn Gàidhlig an-diugh mura robh na clasaichean uile air an teagasg tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.

[DEREK] Agus dè mu dheidhinn taobh a-muigh a' chlas, nuair a bha sibh a' bruidhinn nur measg fhèin, am measg nan oileanach?

[LISA] Uaireannan, tha e doirbh, mura h-eil thu aig ìre àrd sa chànan, ach bha oileanaich eile ann a bha fileanta, so bha sin feumail.

[DEREK] An robh e nas dorra dhut a bhith a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn rudan ... rudan làitheil, rudan àbhaisteach, seach mu na rudan a bha sibh a' dèanamh anns a' chlas?

[LISA] Tha mi a' smaointinn gu robh. Ma bha sinn a-mach air an oidhche, bha e doirbh dìreach a bhith a' faighinn an craic, really, sa Ghàidhlig.

[DEREK] Agus a bheil sin air feum a dhèanamh dhan a' cheòl agad, dhan an fhìdhlearachd agad?

[LISA] Tha mi a' smaointinn gu bheil, dìreach mar a tha na puirt a' cluinntinn, really. Tha mi gan cluich san dòigh ceart. Ma tha mi a' cluiche òran Gàidhlig, tha fios agam ciamar a tha e a' dol, an àite dìreach a bhith a' cluich san dòigh a tha mi a' smaointinn gu bheil e, so tha mi a' smaointinn gu bheil e a' dèanamh diofar.

[DEREK] Rinn sibh cùrsa aig an sgoil, thàinig sibh dhan an t-Sabhail, rinn sibh ceum ...

[LISA] Rinn.

[DEREK] Dè an uair sin?

[LISA] Rinn mi an cùrsa agus chuir mi crìoch air sin, agus às dèidh sin bha mi a' teagaisg fìdhlearachd - uill, a' teagaisg leasanan air an fhidhill ann am Baile Màiri airson ùine - agus às dèidh sin, fhuair mi obair aig an t-Sabhail Mhòir mar oifigear trusaidh, so tha mi fhathast ag obair an sin. Tha mi ag obair sa Ghàidhlig, a' bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig a h-uile latha, so tha sin math. Bidh mi a' dol timcheall na sgoiltean 's a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn cùrsaichean is a' brosnachadh na Gàidhlig.

[DEREK] A bheil sin a' dèanamh feum dhan a' Ghàidhlig agad fhèin?

[LISA] Tha mi a' bruidhinn a h-uile latha ann an suidheachadh diofraichte a h-uile latha cuideachd, so tha agam ri bhith a' bruidhinn ri ... Bidh mi a' coinneachadh le diofar dhaoine a h-uile seachdain so tha sin a' toirt barrachd misneachd dhomh, tha mi a' smaointinn. Tha sin a' dèanamh diofar mòr dhan a' Ghàidhlig agam.

[DEREK] Nuair a dh'fhàg thu an sgoil, an robh càil a bheachd agad gur ann ag obair a thaobh na Gàidhlig a bhiodh tu dìreach an ceann beagan bhliadhnaichean?

[LISA] Chan eil mi a' creidsinn gu bheil mi fhathast ... gu bheil mi a' dèanamh seo andiugh. Chan eil mi a' smaointinn gum biodh obair agam mura dèanainn ceòl!

[DEREK] A bheil thu toilichte ma-thà gun do rinn thu Gàidhlig?

[LISA] Tha mi air tòrr chothroman fhaighinn tro bhith ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig agus ag obair sa Ghàidhlig. Bha mi ann an Ceap Breatainn airson ùine ghoirid. Tha e math gu bheil tòrr dhaoine mothachail air a' chànan. Tha mi toilichte a bhith ag obair sa Ghàidhlig. Tha mi gu math toilichte.

[DEREK] Tapadh leatsa, Lisa.

[LISA] Tapadh leibh.

Learning Gaelic

English Beurla

Interview with Lisa Moyes: Learning Gaelic

Presenter: Derek MacAoidh (Derek Mackay)

[DEREK] I'm joined by Lisa Moyes, whose job it is to recruit students for courses. Lisa, where do you come from originally?

[LISA] I'm from Maryburgh, a small village near Dingwall, about fifteen minutes from Inverness.

[DEREK] Did your family speak Gaelic?

[LISA] No. No-one in my family spoke Gaelic and we weren't taught Gaelic in primary school. I wasn't really aware of Gaelic.

[DEREK] So how did you become interested in Gaelic?

[LISA] I used to go to the fèisean when I was little so we got a taste of Gaelic at every fèis and when I was about eighteen, I went on their Cèilidh Trail, so that was ... I was playing with a group of other musicians, other teenagers, and we went on a tour around the Highlands. And we had to learn a Gaelic song and to learn a little Gaelic - well, we spoke in Gaelic at the beginning of concerts or cèilidhs. So, I think that was the first time I had spoken Gaelic, and it was difficult at the time; I didn't know what I was saying.

[DEREK] If you found it difficult not knowing what you were saying, what made you want to learn more?

[LISA] After I had finished my exams in fifth year I had the opportunity to take different subjects. I saw that our school offered an introductory course, a Gaelic introductory course, so I did that. I just wanted to try it after completing the Cèilidh Trail. So, I did that and it was great. I really enjoyed it. It wasn't so difficult after that.

[DEREK] What did you do after school?

[LISA] I did a short course at Sabhal Mòr. And that was difficult, actually, because the classes were all taught through the medium of Gaelic. And then I enrolled in the BA in Traditional Music and Gaelic at Sabhal Mòr and I spent four years there.

[DEREK] And when you came to the end of your course, how comfortable were you when it came to speaking Gaelic and also to listen to spoken Gaelic?

[LISA] That was very difficult at first and we spoke Gaelic all the time, but I don't think I would be able to speak Gaelic nowadays if the classes hadn't all been taught through the medium of Gaelic.

[DEREK] And what about outside of classes, when you were speaking amongst yourselves, amongst the students?

[LISA] It can sometimes be difficult if you aren't at an advanced level in the language, but there were other students who were fluent, so that was helpful.

[DEREK] Was it harder for you to talk about things ... everyday things, ordinary things, rather than the things you were covering in class?

[LISA] I think it was. If we went for a night out, it was hard to get the craic, really, in Gaelic.

[DEREK] And has that helped you with your music, with your fiddling?

[LISA] I think it has, just in the way the tunes sound, really. I play them in the proper style. If I'm playing a Gaelic song, I know how it goes, rather than just playing it the way I think it should be played, so I think it does make a difference.

[DEREK] You did a course in school, you came to the Sabhal, you did a degree...

[LISA] Yes, I did.

[DEREK] What next?

[LISA] I took my degree and completed that, and afterwards, I taught the fiddle well, I taught fiddle lessons in Maryburgh for a while - and after that, I got a job at Sabhal Mòr as a student recruitment officer, so I'm still working there. I work in Gaelic, speaking Gaelic every day, so that's good. I go round the schools and give talks about courses and promote Gaelic.

[DEREK] Does that help your Gaelic?

[LISA] I speak it every day in different situations every day too, so I have to talk to ... I meet with different people every week so I think that gives me more confidence. That makes a huge difference to my Gaelic.

[DEREK] When you left school, did you have any idea that you would end up working in Gaelic within just a few years?

[LISA] I still don't believe that I ... that I'm doing this now. I don't think I'd have a job unless I was playing music!

[DEREK] So are you pleased that you did Gaelic?

[LISA] I've received a lot of opportunities because I learnt Gaelic and work in Gaelic. I went to Cape Breton for a short while. It's great that lots of people are aware of the language. I'm glad that I work in Gaelic. I'm very pleased.

[DEREK] Thank you, Lisa.

[LISA] Thank you.

look@LearnGaelic is a series of videos aimed at learners of Scottish Gaelic. It features a variety of styles, including interviews with experts and Gaelic learners, monologues and conversations. Use the links above to select subtitles in English or Gaelic - or to turn them off altogether. 'S e sreath de bhidiothan gu sònraichte do luchd-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th' ann an look@LearnGaelic. Bidh measgachadh de mhonologan ann, agallamhan le eòlaichean is luchd-ionnsachaidh, agus còmhraidhean. Gheibhear fo-thiotalan anns a' Ghàidhlig agus ann am Beurla.