FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Debating and arguing A’ deasbad agus a’ trod

Stop arguing!Sguiribh a throd!

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

sguiribh a throd! stop arguing!

Video is playing in pop-over.

Brother Seo. Here.
Sister Dè? What?
Brother Am bòrd. The table.
Sister Dè mu dheidhinn? What about it?
Brother Feumaidh tu a ghlanadh. You have to clean it.
Sister Chan fheum. No.
Brother Feumaidh. Yes, you do.
Sister Chan fheum, tha mise a' tiormachadh nan soithichean. No, I’m drying the dishes.
Brother Ma tha thu a’ tiormachadh nan soithichean, feumaidh tu am bòrd a ghlanadh cuideachd. If you are drying the dishes, you have to clean the table too.
Sister Chan fheum mi. No.
Brother Feumaidh tu. Yes, you do.
Mother Sguiribh a throd! Stop arguing!
Boy Tha mise a’ dol a dhèanamh taigh.
Dè tha thusa a’ dol a dhèanamh?
I’m going to make a house.
What are you going to do?
Girl Tha mise a’ dol a dhèanamh taigh cuideachd. I’m going to make a house too.
Boy Chan eil thu.
Tha mise a’ dèanamh taigh.
I’m making a house.
Girl Tha agus mise. So am I.
Boy Chan eil thu. No.
Teacher Sguiribh a throd a-nis.
Faodaidh an dithis agaibh taigh a dhèanamh.
Stop arguing now.
You can both make a house.
Grandad Tha.
Tha mi sgìth.
I’m tired.
Granny Tha mi a' faicinn sin.
Càit an robh thu?
I can see that.
Where were you?
Grandad Bha mi cluich goilf ’s tha mo chasan goirt. I was playing golf and my feet are sore.
Granny Seadh, ’s bha mise shìos am baile a’ feitheamh ri lioft. Ok, and I was down the town waiting for a lift.
Grandaughter Sguiribh a throd, a ghranaidh. Stop complaining, granny.