Debating and arguing A’ deasbad agus a’ trod
Brother | Seo. | Here. |
Sister | Dè? | What? |
Brother | Am bòrd. | The table. |
Sister | Dè mu dheidhinn? | What about it? |
Brother | Feumaidh tu a ghlanadh. | You have to clean it. |
Sister | Chan fheum. | No. |
Brother | Feumaidh. | Yes, you do. |
Sister | Chan fheum, tha mise a' tiormachadh nan soithichean. | No, I’m drying the dishes. |
Brother | Ma tha thu a’ tiormachadh nan soithichean, feumaidh tu am bòrd a ghlanadh cuideachd. | If you are drying the dishes, you have to clean the table too. |
Sister | Chan fheum mi. | No. |
Brother | Feumaidh tu. | Yes, you do. |
Mother | Sguiribh a throd! | Stop arguing! |
Boy | Tha mise a’ dol a dhèanamh taigh. Dè tha thusa a’ dol a dhèanamh? | I’m going to make a house. What are you going to do? |
Girl | Tha mise a’ dol a dhèanamh taigh cuideachd. | I’m going to make a house too. |
Boy | Chan eil thu. Tha mise a’ dèanamh taigh. | No. I’m making a house. |
Girl | Tha agus mise. | So am I. |
Boy | Chan eil thu. | No. |
Teacher | Sguiribh a throd a-nis. Faodaidh an dithis agaibh taigh a dhèanamh. | Stop arguing now. You can both make a house. |
Grandad | Tha. Tha mi sgìth. | Yes. I’m tired. |
Granny | Tha mi a' faicinn sin. Càit an robh thu? | I can see that. Where were you? |
Grandad | Bha mi cluich goilf ’s tha mo chasan goirt. | I was playing golf and my feet are sore. |
Granny | Seadh, ’s bha mise shìos am baile a’ feitheamh ri lioft. | Ok, and I was down the town waiting for a lift. |
Grandaughter | Sguiribh a throd, a ghranaidh. | Stop complaining, granny. |