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Talking about job prospects A’ bruidhinn mu chothroman cosnaidh

What would you like to do when you grow up?Dè bu toigh leat a dhèanamh nuair a dh'fhàsas tu mòr?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

dè bu toigh leat a dhèanamh? what would you like to do?

bu toigh leam a bhith nam shaighdear I would like to be a soldier

bu toigh leam a bhith nam pheantair I would like to be a painter

dè bu toigh leat a dhèanamh …? what would you like to do …?

… nuair a dh’fhasas tu mòr … when you grow up

… nuair a dh’fhàgas tu an sgoil when you leave school

Video is playing in pop-over.

Teacher Dè bu toigh leat a dhèanamh nuair a dh’fhàsas tu mòr, a Dhòmhnaill? What would you like to do when you grow up, Donald?
Dòmhnall Bu toigh leam a bhith nam shaighdear. I’d like to be a soldier.
Teacher Fiona, dè mu do dheidhinn-sa?
Dè bu toigh leat a dhèanamh nuair a dh’fhàsas tu mòr?
Fiona, what about you?
What would you like to do when you grow up?
Fiona Bu toigh leam a bhith nam pheantair. I’d like to be a painter.
Boy Tha mise airson a bhith nam dhràibhear nuair a dh’fhàsas mi mòr. I want to be a driver when I grow up.
Teacher A bheil gu dearbh? Do you indeed?
Boy Bu toigh leam càr rèise a dhràibheadh mar a bhios Nigel Mansell.
I’d like to drive a racing car like Nigel Mansell.