FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Confirming and emphasising things A’ daingneachadh agus a’ cur cuideam air nithean

Because I am going to a party tooAir sgàth 's gu bheil mis' a' dol gu partaidh cuideachd

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

air sàillibh because

air sgàth ’s because

air sàillibh ’s gu bheil partaidh aig mo bhràthair because my brother has a party

aig sgàth ’s gu bheil mise a’ dol gu partaidh because I am going to a party

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man Càit a bheil sibhse a’ dol? Where are you going?
Girl Tha sinn a’ dol dhachaigh dhan Ghearastan. We are going home to Fort William.
Man Dhan Ghearastan?
To Fort William?
Girl 2 Air sàilleabh ’s gu bheil partaidh aig mo bhràthair agus a chàirdean a-nochd. Because my brother and his friends are having a party tonight.
Man Bidh sin math. That will be good.
Girl 2 Bithidh.
Bha e bliadhna air fhichead an-dè.
He was twenty one yesterday.
Girl 1 Càit a bheil thu fhèin a’ dol? Where are you going yourself?
Man Tha mise a’ dol dhan Ghearastan cuideachd. I’m going to Fort William too.
Girl 2 A bheil? Are you?
Man Tha, air sgàth ’s gu bheil mise a’ dol gu partaidh cuideachd.
Yes, because I’m going to a party too.