FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Ordering food Ag òrdachadh biadh

What do you want to drink?Dè tha thu ag iarraidh ri òl?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

dè tha sibh ag iarraidh ri òl? what do you want to drink? (plural/polite)

dè tha thu ag iarraidh ri òl? what do you want to drink?

sùgh ubhail apple juice

Other useful phrases:

tha am biadh gu bhith deiseil the food is nearly ready

tha e gu bhith deiseil it is nearly ready

Video is playing in pop-over.

Beathag Tapadh leat, a ghràidh. Thank you, dear.
Waitress Agus, dè tha sibh ag iarraidh ri òl? And, what do you want to drink?
Beathag Gabhaidh sinn tì, mas e do thoil e. We’ll have tea, please.
Female Customer 2 Gabhaidh mise cofaidh an-diugh, a Bheathag. I’ll have coffee today, Betty.
Beathag Tha mi duilich.
Aon tì agus aon chofaidh.
I’m sorry.
One tea and one coffee.
Waitress Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Waiter Dè ghabhas sibh? What will you have?
Man 1 Am brot agus a’ chearc, mas e ur toil e. The soup and the chicken, please.
Man 2 Gabhaidh mise am brot agus an staoig. I’ll have the soup and the steak.
Waiter A bheil sibh ag iarraidh càil ri òl? Do you want anything to drink?
Man 1 Tha, mas e ur toil e.
Gabhaidh mi glainne fìon.
Yes, please.
I’ll have a glass of wine.
Man 2 Agus, gabhaidh mise glainne fìon cuideachd. And, I’ll have a glass of wine too.
Waiter Geal no dearg? White or red?
Man 1 Geal agus...? White and...?
Man 2 Dearg.
Tha mise a' gabhail staoig.
I’m having steak.
Waiter Glè mhath. Very good.
Woman Dè tha thu ag iarraidh ri òl? What do you want to drink?
Man 1 Chan eil fhios agam.
Dè th’ agaibh?
I don’t know.
What do you have?
Woman Tha sùgh orains againn, no uisge, no fìon.
Ò agus tha sùgh ubhail ann cuideachd.
We have orange juice, or water, or wine.
Oh and we have apple juice too.
Man 1 Gabhaidh mi sùgh ubhail, mas e do thoil e.
Tha mi a’ dràibheadh.
I’ll have apple juice, please.
I’m driving.
Woman Seo ma-thà.
Dè tha thu fhèin ag iarraidh ri òl?
Here then.
What do you want to drink yourself?
Man 2 Gabhaidh mi glainne fìon, mas e do thoil e. I’ll have a glass of wine, please.