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Making comparison A’ dèanamh coimeas

Càirdeas (Friendship)Càirdeas

Consolidate what you have learnt in this episode of Càirdeas.

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Iain Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
Tormod Afternoon.
Nice day for a walk.
Nice day for a walk.
Iain Yes, it was beautiful out there.
Gabh mo leisgeul.
A bheil Gàidhlig agaibh?
Yes, it was beautiful out there.
Excuse me.
Do you speak Gaelic?
Tormod Tha gu leòr.
Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort?
Yes, plenty.
What’s your name?
Iain Iain.
Iain Stiùbhart.
’S ann à Uibhist a tha mi.
John Stewart.
I’m from Uist.
Tormod Tha mi toilichte coinneachadh riut, Iain.
Càit an robh thu an-diugh?
I’m happy to meet you, John.
Where were you today?
Iain Bha mi a-muigh aig Queen’s View.
Bha e àlainn ach tha an t-acras orm a-nis.
Dh’fhàg mi an taigh aig sia uairean.
Am bi sibh fhèin?
I was out at Queen’s View.
It was gorgeous but I’m hungry now.
I left the house at six o’ clock.
Do you do it yourself?
Tormod Mise.
Cha bhi, ach tha mise fada nas sine na thusa.
Uill, mar sin leat, Iain.
No, but I’m much older than you.
Well, goodbye, John.
Iain Mar sin leibh.
Ò, gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort fhèin?
Oh, excuse me.
What’s your own name?
Tormod Tormod.
Tormod Mac a’ Phì.
Norman MacPhee.
Anna A Cheit!
Fosgail an doras!
A Cheit!
A bheil thu a-staigh?
Tha e leth-uair an dèidh còig.
Open the door!
Are you in?
It’s half past five.
Iain Feasgar math, Anna. Good afternoon, Anne.
Anna Murt!
Bha dùil againn, Ceit agus mi fhèin, a dhol a-mach gu taigh-bìdh agus gu consairt ach...
We had plans, Kate and I, to go out to a restaurant and to a concert but...
Iain ...chan eil i a-staigh.
Trobhad sìos còmhla rium fhìn ’s gabh cupa cofaidh.
Feuchaidh sinn a-rithist an dèidh sin.
...she isn’t in.
Come in with me and have a cup of coffee.
We will try again after that.
Anna Seall.
Bha duine aig an doras agadsa cuideachd ’s cha d’ fhuair e a-steach.
’S e sgrìobhadh aig Ceit a th’ ann an sin.
There was someone at your door too and he didn’t get in.
That’s Kate’s writing.
Iain Ceit?
’S e Ceit a sgrìobh e ceart gu leòr.
Tha i air falbh.
It’s Kate who wrote it right enough.
She’s away.
Anna Iain, tha mi a’ falbh airson latha no dhà.
Bidh mi air ais Diluain.
Cha robh dùil aice falbh.
Cha tuirt i riumsa co-dhiù.
Dè tha ceàrr?
John, I’m going away for a day or two.
I’ll be back on Monday.
She didn’t plan to go away.
She didn’t tell me anyway.
What’s wrong?
Tormod A Shìne, an robh Fionnlagh a’ cluich ball-coise an seo? Jane, was Finlay playing football here.
Sìne Cha robh. No.
Tormod Tha seo nas àirde agus nas brèagha na an fheadhainn sin.
Agus seall.
Seall sin.
These are higher and prettier than those.
And look.
Look at that.
Sìne Ist, a dhuine. Wheesht, man.
Tormod Ist thu fhèin!
Seall seo.
Ball-coise na..
You wheesht!
Look at this.
Sìne A Thormoid, sguir dheth.
Chan e Fionnlagh a bha ann.
Norman, stop it.
It wasn’t Finlay.
Tormod Cò eile? Who else?
Sìne An cù. The dog.
Tormod An cù! The dog!
Sìne A bheil cuimhne agad dè am biadh a rinn mi an oidhche a bha Fiona agus Trevor an seo?
An e Beef Bourgignon?
Do you remember what food I made the night that Fiona and Trevor were here?
Was it Beef Bourgignon?
Tormod Chan eil cuimhne agam.
I don’t remember.
Sìne Fiona agus Trevor.
Tha iad a’ tighinn an seo gu an dìnnear feasgar Diardaoin.
Fiona and Trevor.
They are coming here for their dinner on Thursday evening.
Tormod Diardaoin?
Sìne Thuirt mi riut gun robh iad a’ tighinn. I told you they were coming.
Tormod Cha tuirt. No.
Sìne Thuirt.
Thuirt mi riut gun robh mi a’ dol gu coinneamh Diardaoin agus gun robh Fiona agus Trevor a’ tighinn gu biadh an dèidh làimhe.
A bheil cuimhne agad idir?
Dè tha ceàrr ort co-dhiù?
I did.
I told you that I was going to a meeting on Thursday and that Fiona and Trevor were coming for a meal afterwards.
Do you remember at all?
What’s wrong with you anyway?
Tormod Tha coinneamh na dràma ann Diardaoin. The drama meeting is on Thursday.
Sìne Dràma?
An dràma aig Ceit NicAoidh?
Thuirt thu rium nach robh thu dol ann.
Ò, tha thu...!
Kate Mackay’s drama?
You said to me that you weren’t going.
Oh, you are...!
Tormod Fiona agus Trevor.
Boeuf Bourgignon.
Ò a Cheit.
A Cheit.
Dè tha mi a' dol a dhèanamh?
Fiona and Trevor.
Boeuf Bourgignon.
Oh Kate.
What am I going to do?