Coping with language difficulties A’ dèiligeadh ri duilgheadasan cànain
How do I say...?Ciamar a chanas mi...?
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
ciamar a chanas mi …? how do I say …?
ciamar a chanas mi “congratulations”? how do I say “congratulations”?
meal do naidheachd congratulations
ciamar a chanas sibh …? how do you say …?
This is the formal way you use to speak to an older person, or to a group of people.
ciamar a chanas tu …? how do you say …?
This is the informal way you use to speak to a friend or a child.
dè a’ Ghàidhlig a tha air … ? what’s the Gaelic for…?
Remember that ann an becomes ann am with b, f, m or p.
Man | Halò, Eilidh. Ciamar a tha thu an-diugh? | Hello, Helen. How are you today? |
Eilidh | Ciamar a chanas mi “not bad”? | How do I say “not bad”? |
Man | Chan eil dona. | Not bad. |
Eilidh | Uill, chan eil dona. | Well, not bad. |
Woman | Halò. Ciamar a tha thu, a Sheonag? | Hello. How are you, Joan? |
Seonag | Tha gu math, tapadh leat. | I’m well, thank you. |
Woman | Càit a bheil thu a’ dol? | Where are you going? |
Seonag | Tha mi a’ dol dhachaigh. Feumaidh mi falbh an-dràsta. Dè tha sin? Congratulations! | I’m going home. I have to go just now. What’s that? Congratulations! |
Woman | Tapadh leat! | Thank you! |
Seonag | Ciamar a chanas mi “congratulations”? | How do I say “congratulations”? |
Woman | Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations! |
Seonag | Meal do naidheachd, ma-thà. | Congratulations, then. |