FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Giving directions A’ toirt seachad seòlaidhean

Turn to your left (plural / polite)Tionndaidhibh sibh ri ur làimh chlì

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

tionndaidh ri do làimh dheis turn to your right hand side

tionndaidhibh ri ur làimh dheis turn to your right hand side (plural/polite)

tionndaidhibh ri ur làimh chlì turn to your left hand side (plural/polite)

seachad air … past …

seachad air na solais past the lights

tionndaidhibh ris an làimh dheis turn to the right hand side (plural/polite)

tionndaidhibh ris an làimh chlì turn to the left hand side (plural/polite)

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman Gabhaibh mo leisgeul.
A bheil taigh-beag faisg air an seo?
Excuse me.
Is there a toilet near here?
Park Attendant Tha.
Tionndaidhibh ris ur làimh chlì agus tha taigh-beag dìreach air ur làimh dheis.
Turn to the left and there’s a toilet just on the right.
Woman Tapadh leibh.
Tiugainn, a ghràidh.
Thank you.
Let’s go, dear.
Learner Dè a-nis? What now?
Instructor Tionndaidhibh ris an làimh dheis. Turn to the right.
Learner Càit a bheil mi a’ dol a-nis? Where am I going now?
Instructor Tionndaidhibh ris an làimh chlì.
Siuthadaibh agus stadaibh aig an sgoil.
Rinn sibh glè mhath an-diugh.
Turn to the left.
On you go and stop at the school.
You did very well today.
Learner Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Girl 1 Tionndaidhibh ris an làimh dheis. Turn to the right.
Girl 2 Tionndaidhibh ris an làimh chlì. Turn to the left.
Woman Gabh air do shocair, Iain. Take it easy, John.
Driver Feumaidh mi peatrail a cheannach. A bheil garaids faisg air an seo? I need to buy petrol. Is there a garage near here?
Passenger Tha.
Tionndaidhibh ris an làimh dheis shìos an sin.
Ma thèid sibh seachad air na solais, tha e air do làimh chlì.
Turn to the right down there.
If you go past the lights, it’s on the left.
Driver Glè mhath. Very good.