Giving instructions A’ toirt seachad òrduighean
Open the doorFosgail an doras
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
fosgail an doras! open the door!
fosgail an uinneag! open the window!
fosglaibh an doras! open the door! (polite/plural)
You could use the following to tell someone to do something.
Other orders:
The sibh (formal) forms are:
Dentist | Fosgail do bheul. Fosgail. | Open your mouth. Open. |
Man | Fosgail an doras. Fosgail an doras. Tapadh leat. | Open the door. Open the door. Thank you. |
Woman | Fosgail an doras. Fosgail an doras. Tapadh leat. | Open the door. Open the door. Thank you. |
Man | Tha mi duilich. Càit a bheil sinn a’ dol a-nis? | I’m sorry. Where are we going now? |
Woman | Feumaidh mi a dhol dhan bhanca. | I need to go to the bank. |
Man | Ceart ma-thà. | Ok then. |