FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Taking your leave of somebody A’ fàgail cuideigin

Hurry up! Greas ort!

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

bàta a boat

tha am bàta a’ falbh the boat is leaving

trèana a train

tha an trèana a’ falbh the train is leaving

bus a bus

tha am bus a’ falbh the bus is leaving

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man Chan eil mi ga iarraidh. I don’t want it.
Woman Siuthad, a ghràidh. Go on, dear.
Man Chan eil.
Tha an trèana a’ falbh.
Feumaidh mi falbh.
The train is leaving.
I must go.
Female Passenger Muile, mas e ur toil e. Mull, please.
Female Staff Dà not agus dà fhichead sgillinn. Two pound and forty pence.
Female Passenger Tapadh leibh. Thank you.
Female Staff Tha am bàta a’ falbh aig còig uairean. The boat is leaving at five o’clock.
Female Passenger Och, thì! Oh, goodness!
Female Staff Greasaibh oirbh! Hurry up!
Woman Greas ort, Aonghais.
Tha am bus a’ falbh.
Hurry up, Angus.
The bus is leaving.
Angus Glè mhath. Very well.
Woman Aonghais.
Greas ort!
Tha am bus a’ falbh!
Hurry up!
The bus is leaving!
Angus Tha, a ghràidh.
Tha am bus a’ falbh.
Yes, dear.
The bus is leaving.