FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Coping with language difficulties A’ dèiligeadh ri duilgheadasan cànain

I don't understandChan eil mi a' tuigsinn

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

a bheil sibh a’ tuigsinn? do you understand?

This is the formal way you use to speak to an older person, or to a group of people.

a bheil thu a’ tuigsinn? do you understand?

This is the informal way you use to speak to an child or a friend.

tha mi a’ tuigsinn I understand

chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn I don’t understand

tha mi gur tuigsinn I understand you

This is the formal way you use to speak to an older person, or to a group of people.

tha mi gad thuigsinn I understand you

This is the informal way you use to speak to an child or a friend.

cia mheud? how many?

Video is playing in pop-over.

Woman 1 Haidh. Hi.
Woman 2 Haidh.
An toigh leat iasg?
Do you like fish?
Woman 1 Dè thuirt thu?
Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn.
What did you say?
I don’t understand.
Woman 2 Iasg.
An toigh leat iasg?
Do you like fish?
Woman 1 Ò, ’s toil. Oh, yes.
Male customer Uighean, mas e ur toil e. Eggs, please.
Female staff Uighean.
Glè mhath.
Cia mheud?
Very well.
How many?
Male customer Cia mheud?
Ò, tha mi duilich.
Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn.
How many?
Oh, I’m sorry.
I don’t understand.
Female staff Cia mheud?
Aon, dhà, trì, sia?
How many?
One, two, three, six?
Male customer À, sia, mas e ur toil e. Ah, six, please.
Female staff Ceart ma-thà. Ok then.