Requests and suggestions Iarrtasan molaidhean
If I were in your place, I'd phone the AANam bithinn nur n-àite, chuirinn fòn chun an AA
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
dè dhèanadh tu? what would you do?
an ruitheadh tusa air falbh? would you run away?
cha ruitheadh ... ... would not run
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
dè dhèanadh tu? what would you do?
an ruitheadh tusa air falbh? would you run away?
cha ruitheadh ... ... would not run
nan cuireadh tu if you would put
nan togadh sibh if you would lift (plural/polite)
nan cuireadh tu sin air dòigh if you would fix/arrange that
nan togadh tu an càr if you would lift the car
nam bithinn nur n-àite if I was in your place (plural/polite)
Woman | Mura dèan thu rudeigin, feumaidh mi tagsaidh fhaighinn. Tha am plèana agam a’ fàgail aig trì uairean. | If you don’t do something, I’ll have to get a taxi. My plane leaves at three o’ clock. |
Teàrlach | Och, nach dùin thu do bheul! | Och, won’t you shut your mouth! |
Seonag | Uill, nam biodh tusa a’ bruidhinn mar siud riumsa, cha bhiodh tu fada còmhla rium. | Well, if you spoke to me like that, you wouldn’t be long with me. |
Iain | A Sheonag, a ghràidh, cha chanainn càil mar sin riutsa. Agus tha fios agad air an sin. Saoil an tèid againn air cuideachadh a thoirt dhuibh? | Joan, dear, I wouldn’t say anything like that to you. And you know that. I wonder if we can give you help? |
Teàrlach | Nan cuireadh tu sin air dòigh, bhithinn glè thoilichte. | If you would sort that out, I’d be very happy. |
Seonag | Càit a bheil an jack? | Where’s the jack? |
Teàrlach | Anns a’ bhoot, tha mi cinnteach. | In the boot, I’m sure. |
Seonag | Sin e. Iain, a ghràidh, an cuir thu seo fon chàr? | There it is. John, dear, will you put this under the car? |
Iain | Cuiridh. | Yes. |
Seonag | Agus, nan togadh tu an càr, dh’fhaodainn a’ chuibhle ùr a chur air. A-nis Iain, saoil an cuireadh tu a’ chuibhle sin anns a’ bhoot? | And, if you could lift the car, I could put the new wheel on. Now John, would you mind putting that wheel in the boot? |
Iain | Ceart. | Ok. |
Teàrlach | Dhèanainn fhìn rudeigin, ach cha d’ rinn mi seo riamh. | I would do something myself, but I’ve never done this. |
Woman | Cha do rinn. Bidh sinn a’ cur a’ chàir dhan gharaids ma thèid càil ceàrr. | No. We send the car to the garage if anything goes wrong. |
Seonag | Obh obh, Iain. Seall seo. | Oh dear, John. Look at this. |
Teàrlach | Dè nì mi a-nis? | What will I do now? |
Seonag | Nam bithinn nur n-àite, chuirinn fòn chun an AA. | If I were in your place, I’d phone the AA. |
Woman | A Theàrlaich, am plèana agam! | Charles, my plane! |
Teàrlach | Och, fan sàmhach. Gheibh thu tagsaidh. Uill, feumaidh mi seo a thoirt dhut co-dhiù, tha mi cinnteach. | Och, be quiet. You’ll get a taxi. Well, I’ll have to give you this anyway, I’m sure. |
Seonag | Cumaibh sin, a ghràidh. Feumaidh sibh sin airson an tagsaidh. | Keep that, dear. You need that for the taxi. |
Iain | Nam bithinn nur n-àite, ghabhainn am bus. | If I were in your place, I would take the bus. |
Teàrlach | Halò, bu toigh leam tagsaidh fhaighinn an-dràsta. | Hello, I’d like a taxi right now. |