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Describing locations Ag innse far a bheil rudan

People could park their cars in front of the hallDh'fhaodadh daoine na càraichean aca a phàirceadh mu choinneamh an talla

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

ionad centre (a place)

stèisean nam busaichean the bus station

stèisean nan trèanaichean the train station

mu choinneamh stèisean nam busaichean opposite the bus station

air cùlaibh stèisean nan trèanaichean behind the train station

ri taobh beside

ri taobh an talla beside the hall

os cionn above

os cionn meadhan a’ bhaile above the town centre

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man 1 Tha sinn airson ionad Gàidhealach a thogail ann am meadhan a’ bhaile.
Tha deich mìle Gàidheal ann an Glaschu fhèin.
Bhiodh e math faisg air an stèisean.
We want to build a Gaelic centre in the town centre.
There are ten thousand Gaels in Glasgow itself.
It would be good near to the station.
Man 2 Bhitheadh e math, ach càite? It would be good, but where?
Man 3 Tha àite an seo, mu choinneamh stèisean nam busaichean, ri taobh an talla. There’s a place here, opposite the bus station, beside the hall.
Man 1 Càit a bheil an t-àite? Where is the place?
Man 3 Air cùlaibh stèisean nan trèanaichean. Behind the train station.
Man 1 Tha thu ceart.
Bhiodh e glè mhath.
Bhiodh e faisg air stèisean nam busaichean, agus bhiodh e faisg air stèisean nan trèanaichean.
You’re right. It would be very good.
It would be near to the bus station, and it would be near to the train station.
Man 2 Bhitheadh an t-àite sin daor, ge-tà. That place would be expensive, though.
Man 3 Carson?
Chan eil càil ri taobh an talla an-dràsta.
There isn’t anything beside the hall just now.
Man 1 Bhiodh e uabhasach math an sin.
Bhiodh e os cionn meadhan a’ bhaile.
Abair àite snog.
It would be fantastic there.
It would be above the centre of town.
What a nice place.
Man 3 Gu dearbh.
Agus bhiodh e faisg air taighean-bìdh, taighean-òsta, taighean-seinnse, bùthan, a h-uile càil.
And it would be near to restaurants, hotels, pubs, shops, everything.
Man 1 Agus dh’fhaodadh daoine na càraichean aca a phàirceadh mu choinneamh an talla.
Tha pàirc mhòr chàraichean an sin.
And people could park their cars opposite the hall.
There’s a large car park there.
Man 3 Agus dh’fhaodadh daoine tighinn air an trèan, no air a’ bhus.
Agus dh’fhaodadh iad coiseachd dhan ionad.
And people could come by train, or by bus.
And they could walk to the centre.
Man 1 Dh’fhaodadh gu dearbh. They definitely could.
Man 2 Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil sibh a’ tuigsinn gum bi an t-àite seo glè dhaor? I hope that you realise that this place will be very expensive?
Man 1 Tha sinn a’ tuigsinn gum bi e daor.
Ach tha mi cinnteach gun tèid againn air an airgead fhaighinn.
We realise that it will be dear.
But I’m sure that we will be able to get the money.
Man 2 Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil sibh ceart. I hope that you are right.