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Discussing the home A’ bruidhinn mun taigh

There are two bedroomsTha dà rùm-cadail ann

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

dà rùm-cadail two bedrooms

To say 'there is …' or 'there are …' you say tha … ann.

tha … ann there is … / there are …

tha rùm-ionnlaid ann there is a bathroom

tha dà sheòmar-cadail ann there are two bedrooms

tha dà rùm-cadail ann there are two bedrooms

tha cidsin ann there is a kitchen

anns a’ chidsin in the kitchen

Video is playing in pop-over.

Estate Agent Nis, seo flat ann an Yoker.
Tha cidsin, rùm-suidhe, rùm-cadail agus rùm-ionnlaid ann.
Now, here’s a flat in Yoker.
There is a kitchen, a sitting room, a bedroom and a bathroom.
Man Chan eil dà rùm-cadail ann? There aren’t two bedrooms?
Estate Agent Chan eil. No.
Man Tha sinn ag iarraidh taigh le dà rùm-cadail. We want a house with two bedrooms.
Estate Agent A bheil clann agaibh? Do you have children?
Woman Chan eil fhathast. Not yet.
Estate Agent Seo flat eile ann an Yoker.
Tha cidsin, rùm-suidhe, rùm-ionnlaid agus dà rùm-cadail ann.
Here’s another flat in Yoker.
There is a kitchen, a sitting room, a bathroom, and two bedrooms.
Man Glè mhath. Very good.
Female Guest Tha mi ag iarraidh rùm airson dithis, mas e ur toil e. I want a room for two, please.
Receptionist Le rùm-ionnlaid? With a bathroom?
Guest Tha, mas e ur toil e.
Tha rùm-ionnlaid ann.
Yes, please.
There is a bathroom.
Guest Glè mhath. Very good.
Customer 1 Tapadh leibh.
Agus ciamar a tha Ailean?
Tapadh leibh.
Thank you.
And how is Allan?
Thank you.
Customer 2 Ò, tha Ailean glè mhath. Oh, Allan is very well.
Female Customer 1 A bheil taigh agaibh ann am Peairt? Do you have a house in Perth?
ustomer 1 Tha.
Tha taigh ùr againn.
Tha e brèagha.
Sin an taigh.
We have a new house.
It’s nice.
That’s the house.
Customer 1 Ò, tha e snog. Oh, it’s lovely.
Customer 2 Nise, seo an cidsin. Now, here’s the kitchen.
Customer 1 Seadh. Yes.
Customer 2 Agus seo an rùm-suidhe. And here’s the sitting room.
Customer 1 Tha e snog. It’s lovely.
Customer 2 Tha. Yes.
Customer 1 Tha dà rùm-cadail ann, ma-thà? There are two bedrooms, then?
Customer 2 Tha. Yes.
Female Customer 1 Tapadh leat.
Tha taigh snog agaibh.
Thank you.
You have a lovely house.