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Opinions on how things would be Beachdan air mar a bhitheadh nithean

We would be very happy in a shedBhitheamaid glè thoilichte ann an seada

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

bhitheamaid … we would …

am bitheamaid …? would we …?

bhitheamaid còmhla we would be together

am bitheamaid toilichte ann an seada? would we be happy in a shed?

bhitheamaid faisg air a’ chèile we would be close to each other

Video is playing in pop-over.

Iain Tha an taigh sin àlainn.
Nach eil, a ghràidh?
Am biodh tu ag iarraidh fuireach ann an taigh mòr, spaideil mar sin?
That house is beautiful.
Isn’t it, dear?
Would you want to live in a nice, big house like that?
Seonag Tha e glè spaideil, ceart gu leòr, Iain.
Bhiodh e glè mhath a bhith a’ fuireach ann an taigh mar sin gun teagamh, ma tha thusa ag iarraidh.
It’s very nice, right enough, John.
It would be very good to live in a house like that certainly, if you want.
Iain Tha mise ag iarraidh a bhith còmhla riutsa a ghràidh. I want to be with you dear.
Seonag Agus dh’iarrainn-sa a bhith còmhla riutsa. And I’d want to be with you.
Iain Bhiodh taigh mar sin sgoinneil, ge-tà. A house like that would be great, though.
Seonag Bhiodh e car mòr dhomhsa. It would be quite big for me.
Iain Bhitheamaid còmhla, a ghràidh. We would be together, dear.
Seonag Bhitheadh, ach bhiodh taigh mòr ro mhòr.
Cha bhitheamaid a’ faicinn a chèile.
Saoil am bitheamaid toilichte ann an seada?
Bhitheamaid faisg air a chèile agus bhitheamaid a’ faicinn a chèile fad an latha, a h-uile latha.
Yes, but a large house would be too big.
We wouldn’t see each other.
I wonder if we would be happy in a shed?
We’d be near each other and we’d see each other all day, every day.
Iain Uill, bhitheamaid glè thoilichte ann an seada ma-thà. Well, we’d be very happy in a shed then.
Seonag Trobhad. Come on.