Talking about the senses A’ bruidhinn mu na ciad-fathan
Photographer | Gabhaibh mo leisgeul. Chan eil mi gad fhaicinn. Seas eadar an dithis seo. Tapadh leat. Tha sin nas fheàrr. Trobhad a-steach rud beag. Seadh, thusa. Chan eil mi gad fhaicinn ceart an sin nas motha. Trobhad is seas an seo. Ceart. Chan eil sin dona. Tha mi gad fhaicinn a-nis. | Excuse me. I can’t see you. Stand between these two people. Thank you. That’s better. Come in a little bit. Yes, you. I can’t see you properly there either. Come and stand here. Right. That’s not bad. I can see you now. |
Man | One, two, one, two, one, two. A bheil thu gam chluinntinn, Ailig? Ailig? A bheil thu idir gam chluinntinn? Ailig? Tha mi duilich Ailig. Chan eil mi gad chluinntinn fhathast. Ailig, tha mi fhathast... tapadh leat Ailig. Tha mi gad chluinntinn a-nis. Ailig? A bheil thu idir gam chluinntinn? | One, two, one, two, one, two. Can you hear me, Alec? Alec? Can you hear me at all? Alec? I’m sorry Alec. I can’t hear you yet. Alec, I am still...thank you Alec. I can hear you now. Alec? Can you not hear me at all? |