Saying where you’ve been Ag innse càit an deach thu
Female Staff | Madainn mhath. | Good morning. |
Male Customer | Madainn mhath. | Good morning. |
Female Staff | Seo a-nis. Ciamar a tha sibh an-diugh? | Here you are. How are you today? |
Male Customer | Glè mhath, tapadh leibh. | Very well, thank you. |
Female Staff | Càit an deach sibh an-dè? | Where did you go yesterday? |
Male Customer | Chaidh mi dhan an Tairbeart. | I went to Tarbert. |
Female Staff | Glè mhath. Nise, tì no cofaidh? | Very good. Now, tea or coffee? |
Male Customer | Em, tì mas e ur toil e. | Em, tea please. |
Female Staff | Tì. Glè mhath, ma-thà. | Tea. Very well, then. |
Woman | Càit an deach thu ma-thà? | Where did you go then? |
Woman 2 | Chaidh mi dhan taigh-bheag! | I went to the toilet! |
Woman | An-dè! Càit an deach thu an-dè? | Yesterday! Where did you go yesterday? |
Woman 2 | Ò! Chaidh mi a Ghlaschu. | Oh! I went to Glasgow. |
Woman | Dhan taigh-bheag! | To the toilet! |
Woman | Càit an deach thu? | Where did you go? |
Man | Chaidh mi dhan taigh-òsta! | I went to the hotel! |
Woman | Dhan taigh-òsta? | To the hotel? |
Man | Aidh. Chaidh mi dhan taigh-bheag. | Aye. I went to the toilet. |