FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Requests and suggestions Iarrtasan molaidhean

Would you say that it was good?An canadh sibh gun robh e math?

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

an canadh sibh …? would you say …? (plural/polite)

chanadh yes (to an canadh …?)

cha chanadh no (to an canadh …?)

chanainn I would say

cha chanainn I wouldn’t say

dhèanainn sin I would do that

Video is playing in pop-over.

Grandson A Sheanar, chan urrainn dhomh seo a dhèanamh.
An cuidich sibh mi?
Grandad, I can’t do this.
Will you help me?
Grandfather Cuidichidh.
Ma thèid agam air.
Dè tha agad ri dhèanamh?
If I am able.
What do you have to do?
Grandson Feumaidh mi sgrìobhadh mu na saor-làithean, ach chan eil e furasta. I have to write about the holidays, but it isn’t easy.
Grandfather Seall dhomh an rud a sgrìobh thu. Show me what you have written.
Grandson An canadh sibh gun robh e math? Would you say that it was good?
Grandfather Chanadh.
Chanainn gun robh e glè mhath.
I would say that it was very good.
Grandson An canadh sibh gun robh e fada gu leòr? Would you say that it was long enough?
Grandfather Uill, cha chanadh, tha mi duilich.
Cha chanainn gun robh e fada gu leòr idir.
Mar as fhaide, ’s ann as fheàrr.
Well, no, sorry.
I wouldn’t say that it was long enough at all.
The longer the better.
Grandson Tha sibhse nas fheàrr air sgrìobhadh na mise. You are better at writing than me.
Grandfather A bheil? Am I?
Grandson Tha. Agus bidh sibh ag innse sgeulachdan cho math. Yes. And you tell stories so well.
Grandfather Am bi? Do I?
Grandson Bithidh.
Agus tha a’ Ghàidhlig agaibh cho math cuideachd.
And your Gaelic is so good too.
Grandfather Trobhad an seo.
Nam biodh tu airson barrachd a sgrìobhadh, dh’fhaodainn cuideachadh a thoirt dhut.
Come here.
If you wanted to write more, I could give you help.
Grandson An dèanadh sibh sin? Would you do that?
Grandfather Dhèanadh.
Dhèanainn sin gun teagamh.
A-niste, cuir na rudan sin anns a’ bhaga agad.
I would do that without doubt.
Now, put those things in your bag.
Grandson Ceart gu leòr. Alright.