FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about health A’ bruidhinn mu shlàinte

Too much... is bad for youTha cus... dona dhut

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

tha e dona dhut it is bad for you

cus salainn too much salt

tha cus geir dona dha do chridhe too much fat is bad for your heart

grìosachadh grilling

fraighigeadh frying

Video is playing in pop-over.

Gran Nise, thoir dhomh an snèip, mas e do thoil e. Now, give the turnip to me, please.
Grandaughter Cha bu chòir dhuibh smocadh, a sheanar.
Tha smocadh dona dhuibh.
You shouldn’t smoke, granddad.
Smoking is bad for you.
Gran Tha i ceart, a ghràidh.
Tha e dona dhut.
Nise, dè tha sinn ag iarraidh?
Ò, salann.
She’s right, dear.
It’s bad for you.
Now, what do we need?
Oh, salt.
Grandaughter Agus tha cus salainn dona dhuibh cuideachd. And too much salt is bad for you too.
Wife Ò, Ailean.
Tha thu a' gabhail cus geir.
Oh, Alan.
You eat too much fat.
Ailean Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh? What do you mean?
Wife Marag dhubh, hama, isbeanan.
Tha iad làn geir.
Tha cus geir dona dha do chridhe.
Black pudding, bacon, sausages.
They are full of fat.
Too much fat is bad for your heart.
Ailean Ach, seall.
Tha mi a’ grìosachadh a h-uile càil.
But, look.
I’m grilling everything.
Wife Uill, tha sin nas fheàrr na bhith a’ fraighigeadh a h-uile càil, ceart gu leòr. Well, that’s better than frying everything, right enough.