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Describing things that have happened A’ toirt cunntais air nithean a tha air tachairt

She has locked the doorTha i air an doras a ghlasadh

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

leannan sweetheart

tha i air a ghlasadh she has locked it (masculine noun)

We have seen how air before a verbal noun indicates that an action has been completed. To say what someone/something else has done for/to you, mo is placed between air and the verbal noun.

tha mo bhean air mo thilgeil a-mach my wife has thrown me out

tha mo bhean air a toirt bhuam my wife has taken it from me (feminine noun)

To say what someone/something has done for/to someone else, do, a, ar, ur or an/am is placed between air and the verbal noun.

tha i air an dùnadh she has shut them

tha mi air a chur anns a’ phoca seo I have put it in this bag (masculine noun)

Video is playing in pop-over.

Passer-by A bheil dad ceàrr? Is there anything wrong?
Man Tha.
Tha mo bhean air mo thilgeil a-mach às an taigh.
My wife has thrown me out of the house.
Passer-by Obh obh. Oh dear.
Man Tha i air an doras a ghlasadh.
Chan fhaigh mi a-steach idir.
She has locked the door.
I can’t get in at all.
Passer-by Nach eil iuchair agad? Don’t you have a key?
Man Chan eil.
Tha mo bhean air a toirt bhuam.
My wife has taken it from me.
Passer-by A bheil doras eile ann? Is there another door?
Man Tha.
Ach tha i air a ghlasadh cuideachd.
But she has locked it too.
Passer-by ’S dòcha gu bheil uinneag fosgailte? Maybe there’s a window open?
Man Chan eil.
Tha i air an dùnadh gu lèir.
She has closed them all.
Passer-by Dè nì thu ma-thà? What will you do then?
Man Chan eil fhios agam.
Feumaidh mi faighinn a-steach.
I don’t know.
I need to get in.
Passer-by Gnog air an doras agus ’s dòcha gun leig do bhean a-steach thu.
Bu chòir dhut bruidhinn rithe.
Knock on the door and perhaps your wife will let you in.
You should speak to her.
Man Cha bhruidhinn i rium idir. She won’t speak to me at all.
Passer-by Chan eil fhios agam dè chanas mi. I don’t know what to say.
Man Agus tha an t-acras orm.
Chan eil mi air an dìnnear agam fhaighinn fhathast.
Tha mo bhean air a toirt dhan chù.
And I’m hungry.
I haven’t had my dinner yet.
My wife has given it to the dog.
Passer-by Uill.
Faodaidh tu tighinn dhachaigh còmhla riumsa agus nì mi biadh dhut.
You can come home with me and I’ll make you a meal.
Man Tapadh leibh.
Bhiodh sin math.
Thank you.
That would be good.
Passer-by Thugainn ma-thà. Let’s go then.
Wife Seo an t-aodach agad.
Tha mi air a chur anns a’ phoca seo.
Faodaidh do leannan ùr an iarnaigeadh dhut.
Here are your clothes.
I’ve put them in this bag.
Your new girlfriend can iron them for you.