Debating and arguing A’ deasbad agus a’ trod
Mother | Cò tha a' dol a nighe nan soithichean a-nochd? | Who’s going to wash the dishes tonight? |
Son | Chan eil mise. Rinn mise a-raoir iad. | I’m not. I did them last night. |
Daughter | Cha do rinn thu. | You did not. |
Son | Rinn mi. | I did. |
Daughter | Cha do rinn thu. Bha thu a-muigh còmhla ri Niall. Feumaidh tusa na soithichean a dhèanamh a-nochd. | You didn’t. You were out with Neil. You have to do the dishes tonight. |
Mother | Sguiribh dheth. Tha Cairistìona ceart. Bha thusa a-muigh a-raoir. Faodaidh tusa na soithichean a thiormachadh. | Stop it. Christine is right. You were out last night. You can dry the dishes. |
Clown | A bheil fhios agaibh dè bha mi a’ dèanamh an-diugh? | Do you know what I was doing today? |
School children | Chan eil. | No. |
Clown | A bheil fhios agadsa dè bha mi a’ dèanamh an-diugh? | Do you know what I was doing today? |
School children | Tha cuideigin air do chùlaibh. | Somebody’s behind you. |
Clown | Ò, tha sibh ceàrr. Chan eil duine ann. | Oh, you’re wrong. There’s nobody there. |
School children | Tha. | Yes. |
Clown | Chan eil. | No. |
School children | Tha. | Yes. |
Clown | Chan eil. Chan eil. Chan eil. | No. No. No. |
School children | Tha. Tha. Tha. | Yes. Yes. Yes. |
Clown | Nise, a bheil fhios agaibh dè bha mi a’ dèanamh an-diugh? | Now, do you know what I was doing today? |
School children | Tha cuideigin air do chùlaibh. | Somebody’s behind you. |
Clown | Chan eil sin fìor. | That’s not true. |
School children | Tha. | Yes, it is. |
Mother | An e Mòrag a tha sin? | Is that Morag? |
Father | Chan e. | No. |
Mother | Siuthad Iain. | Go on John. |
Father | Dè? | What? |
Mother | Thalla. | Go. |
Father | Dè? | What? |
Mother | Thalla ’s faic Mòrag. | Go and see Morag. |
Father | Thalla thusa. Chaidh mise suas a-raoir. | You go. I went up last night. |
Mother | Chan eil sin fìor. ’S e mise a chaidh suas a-raoir. Cha robh thusa fada. | That’s not true. It was me who went up last night. You weren’t long. |
Father | Cha robh. Chaidh i air ais a chadal. Siuthad, a ghràidh. ’S e mise a chaidh suas mu dheireadh. | No. She went back to sleep. Go on, dear. It was me who went last. |