Little by Little Beag air Bheag
Biadh – sa chidsin agus san taigh-bìdh
Food in the kitchen and restaurant
You’ll find some words in common here with Units 12 and 26. Here are a few new ones:
And notice the phrase:
you don’t need to
This is a useful phrase – one worth committing to memory.
In Conversation 1 Pòl and Mairead are preparing dinner in the kitchen. But Mairead is doing most of the work...
Conversation 1
Listen to the conversation:
- Pòl:
- A bheil thu ag iarraidh taic le bhith a’ dèanamh dìnnear?
- Do you want help with making dinner?
- Mairead:
- Tha. Bhiodh sin math.
- Yes. That would be good.
- Pòl:
- An rùisg mi buntàta?
- Shall I peel potatoes?
- Mairead:
- Cha rùisg. Tha sinn a’ gabhail pasta.
- No. We’re having [taking] pasta.
- Pòl:
- An geàrr mi currain?
- Will I cut up carrots?
- Mairead:
- Cha gheàrr. Chan eil mi ag iarraidh currain.
- No. I don’t want carrots.
- Pòl:
- Am plaosg mi peasraichean?
- Will I shell peas?
- Mairead:
- Cha phlaosg. Cleachdaidh mi pònairean an àite pheasraichean.
- No. I’ll use beans instead of peas.
- Pòl:
- Ahà. Uill, plaosgaidh mi pònairean dhut, ma-thà.
- Ahà. Well, I’ll shell beans for you, then.
- Mairead:
- Cha leig thu leas. Tha iad ann an cana. Tha iad deiseil mar a tha iad.
- You don’t need to. They’re in a can. They’re ready as they are.
- Pòl:
- Am bi feòil againn?
- Will we be having meat?
- Mairead:
- Cha bhi. Tha Bob is Trish a’ tighinn. ’S e glasraichearan a th’ annta.
- No. Bob and Trish are coming. They are vegetarians.
- Pòl:
- Glè mhath. Ach dè nì mise?
- Very good. But what shall I do?
- Mairead:
- Tha dà rud agam dhut. Faigh sgian gheur agus botal fìona.
- I have two things for you. Get a sharp knife and a bottle of wine.
- Pòl:
- Fìon geal no fìon dearg?
- White wine or red wine?
- Mairead:
- Fìon geal mas e do thoil e.
- White wine please.
- Pòl:
- Dè nì mi leis an sgithinn? Am bris mi am botal?
- What will I do with the knife? Will I break the bottle?
- Mairead:
- Cha bhris! Geàrr an courgette seo leis an sgithinn. Ann am pìosan beaga.
- No! Cut up this courgette with the knife. In small pieces.
- Pòl:
- Agus an cuir mi fìon anns a’ phoit air an stòbh?
- And will I put wine in the pot on the stove?
- Mairead:
- Cha chuir, gu dearbh! Cuir anns a’ ghlainne agam e!
- Certainly not! Put it in my glass!
Eating out
Biadh – Sa Chidsin agus san Taigh-Bìdh
Food in the kitchen and restaurant
In Conversation 2, on another evening, Pòl and Mairead go out to dinner in an Indian restaurant. Their discussion of prices on the menu will revise some points raised in Unit 26:
Before we start here is some more vocabulary:
Conversation 2
Listen to the conversation:
- Mairead:
- Is toigh leam an taigh-bìdh Innseanach seo – Akbar’s Palace.
- I like this Indian restaurant – Akbar’s Palace.
- Pòl:
- Tha am biadh math agus is toigh leam an ceòl Innseanach aca.
- The food is good and I like their Indian music.
- Mairead:
- Tha e math gun a bhith a’ còcaireachd a-nochd!
- It’s good not to be cooking tonight!
- Pòl:
- An gabh thu fìon?
- Will you take wine?
- Mairead:
- Cò tha a’ dràibheadh? Thusa?
- Who is driving? You?
- Pòl:
- Ceart gu leòr. Dràibhidh mise.
- Okay. I’ll drive.
- Mairead:
- Gabhaidh mi fìon geal ma-thà. Ach a bheil e daor?
- I’ll have white wine, then. But is it expensive?
- Pòl:
- Seo botal chardonnay airson dusan nota ach sgillinn.
- Here’s a bottle of chardonnay for £11.99
- Mairead:
- Nì sin a’ chùis. Am faod mi an clàr-bìdh fhaicinn?
- That’ll do. May I see the menu?
- Pòl:
- Seo dhut. Mholainn na muasgain-chaola.
- Here you are. I’d recommend the prawns.
- Mairead:
- Ciamar a tha iad gan dèanamh?
- How do they do them?
- Pòl:
- Ann an coiridh. Ach tha iad air am plaosgadh mu thràth.
- In a curry. But they’re already shelled.
- Mairead:
- An tig iad le rus?
- Will they come with rice?
- Pòl:
- Le rus is glasraich, tha mi ’n dùil.
- With rice and vegetables, I expect.
- Mairead:
- A bheil iad daor?
- Are they expensive?
- Pòl:
- Còig nota deug ach sgillinn.
- £14.99
- Mairead:
- Is toigh leam muasgain-chaola. Ach chuala mi gu bheil an uainfheòil aca uabhasach math.
- I like prawns. But I heard their lamb is very good.
- Pòl:
- Uill, tha sin an urra riut fhèin. Tha fios agam dè tha mise a’ dol a ghabhail.
- Well, that’s up to you. I know what I’m going to have.
- Mairead:
- Dè?
- What?
- Pòl:
- Murgh Tikka.
- Murgh Tikka.
- Mairead:
- Dè th’ ann am Murgh Tikka?
- What is Murgh Tikka?
- Pòl:
- Cearcfheòil. Broilleach.
- Chicken meat. Breast.
- Mairead:
- Ciamar a tha iad ga còcaireachd?
- How do they cook it?
- Pòl:
- Tha iad ga grìosachadh, ach tha e a’ dol ann am marinade an toiseach.
- They grill it, but it goes in a marinade first.
- Mairead:
- Mmm. Bhiodh sin blasta.
- Mmm. That would be tasty.
- Pòl:
- Tha e blasta. Greas ort, dèan co-dhùnadh.
- It is tasty. Hurry up, make a decision.
- Mairead:
- Carson? Dè a’ chabhag a th’ ort?
- Why? What is the hurry [on you]?
- Pòl:
- Tha am fear-frithealaidh a’ tighinn.
- The waiter is coming.