FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Me & You - Personal pronouns Riochdairean pearsanta

Personal pronouns are the words such as 'I', 'you', 'he', 'she', and ‘it’. Gaelic has these personal pronouns too and they are the foundation for many other prepositions. 'S e riochdairean pearsanta an t-ainm a th’ air faclan mar ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘she’ no ‘it’. Tha na faclan seo againne anns a’ Ghàidhlig cuideachd agus tha iad bunaiteach airson riochdairean eile a thogail.

Here are the Gaelic pronouns and their emphatic forms. The emphatic form is used to emphasise a statement or to provide a contrast. Seo na riochdairean pearsanta agus iomsgaradh. Tha an iomsgaradh air an cleachdadh airson cuideam a chur air seantans no diofar a thogail.

Pronoun Gaelic pronoun   With emphasis  
I / me mi <)) mise <))
you thu <)) thusa <))
he / it e <)) esan <))
she / it i <)) ise <))
we sinn <)) sinne <))
you (plural / polite) sibh <)) sibhse <))
they iad <)) iadsan <))


You – thu & sibh

Like other languages, Gaelic has a plural form of ‘you’, which is also used as a polite form when talking to strangers or elders.Coltach ri cànanan eile, tha riochdan iolra de “you” sa Ghàidhlig, a tha cuideachd air an cleachdadh airson modh nuair a tha thu a’ bruidhinn ri srainnsearan no cuideigin nas sine na tha thu fhèin.

It – e & i

Gaelic also has gendered nouns, so each object is either masculine or feminine. ‘It’ is represented as ‘e’ or ‘i’. Always check your dictionary to find out the gender of the noun.Tha gnè air na h-ainmearan Gàidhlig, mar sin tha gach ainmear fireann no boireann, tha sin a’ ciallachadh gum b’ urrainn “it” a bhith “e” no “i”, gun can thu "e" no "i" nuair a tha thua ' callachadh "it". Bidh gnè an fhacail sgrìobhte san fhaclair.