FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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This is our collection of over 2,000 audio and video recordings of Gaelic, nearly all fully transcribed and translated to aid your learning, or just sit back and enjoy. ’S e seo an cruinneachadh againn de chòrr is 2,000 clàradh fuaime is bhidio de Ghàidhlig, agus a’ chuid as motha dhiubh le tar-sgrìobhadh is eadar-theangachadh nan cois.

Level: B1-C2 (what does this mean?) Ìre: B1-C2 (dè tha seo a’ ciallachadh?)

Resources in this category Goireasan san roinn seo

How do the levels work? Fiosrachadh mu na h-ìrean

Recently added in this category (updated 28/10/24 ) Susbaint as ùire san roinn-seòrsa seo (ùraichte 28/10/24 )

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