FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Painting and papering A’ peantadh agus a’ pàipearachadh

Three yards and a footTrì slatan agus troigh

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

slat a yard

thomhais mi I measured

thomhais mi fhìn iad I measured them myself

an tèid agad air am balla a thomhas? will you be able to measure the wall?

dusan troigh a dh’àirde twelve feet high

’s math gu bheil thu ann it is good that you are here

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Husband Dà shlat.
Trì slat.
Sin naoi troighean.
Feumaidh troigh eile ’s bidh deich troighean agam.
Two yards.
Three yards.
That’s nine feet.
I need another foot and I’ll have ten feet.
Alasdair Ma bhios deich troighean agad, cha bhi gu leòr agad airson a’ bhalla seo idir. If you have ten feet, you won’t have enough for this wall at all.
Husband Tha na ballachan deich troighean a dh'àirde. The walls are ten feet high.
Alasdair Chan eil, chan eil, chan eil.
Tha na ballachan nas àirde na sin.
No, no, no.
The walls are higher than that.
Husband Chan eil.
Thomhais mi fhìn iad.
Tha iad deich troighean a dh’àirde.
I measured them myself.
They are ten feet high.
Alasdair Siuthad ma-thà.
Ma tha thu cinnteach.
On you go then.
If you are sure.
Husband A Mhairead.
’S e deich troighean a thuirt mi, nach e?
It’s ten feet that I said, isn’t it?
Mairead Chan eil cuimhne agam nis, a ghaoil. I don’t remember now, love.
Husband Sgoinneil.
Uill, an tèid agad air am balla a thomhas a-rithist ma-thà?
Mus geàrr mi am pàipear?
Well, will you be able to measure the wall again then?
Before I cut the paper?
Mairead Dh’fhaodainn sin a dhèanamh ach thèid aig Alasdair air a thomhas nas fheàrr. I could do that but Alasdair will be able to measure it better.
Alasdair Thèid, a ghràidh.
Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil e dusan troigh a dh’ àirde co-dhiù.
Slat. Tha e coltach gun robh mi ceart.
Dà shlat.
Trì slatan, agus troigh.
Deich troighean.
Yes, dear.
I’m sure that it’s twelve feet high anyway.
A yard. It seems that I was correct
Two yards.
Three yards and a foot.
Ten feet.
Husband Tapadh leat, Alasdair.
’S math gu bheil thu ann.
Thank you, Alasdair.
It’s good that you’re here.