FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Asking permission Ag iarraidh cead

You may notChan fhaod

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

chan fhaod no (to the question am faod …?)

ro thràth too early

faodaidh tu you may

The form of thu used here is tu.

am faod mi …? may I … ? / can I … ?

faodaidh yes (to the question am faod …?)

chan fhaod no (to the question am faod …?)

Video is playing in pop-over.

Business Man Am faod mi tighinn a-steach? Can I come in?
Housekeeping Chan fhaod an-dràsta, tha mi duilich.
An doras eile mas ur toil e.
Not just now, I’m sorry.
The other door please.
Business Man Ceart gu leòr. Ok then.
Boy Seall, tha Turtles 3 air.
Am faod sinn a dhol dhan taigh-dhealbh?
Look, Turtles 3 is on.
Can we go to the cinema?
Mother Chan fhaod an-diugh.
Tha obair sgoile agad, nach eil?
Not today.
You have school work, don’t you?
Boy Tha.
Cuin ma-thà?
When then?
Mother Faodaidh sinn a dhol ann Disathairne. We can go on Saturday.
Man Gabhaibh mo leisgeul, am faod mi tighinn a-steach? Excuse me, can I come in?
Staff Tha mi duilich, chan fhaod fhathast, tha sibh ro thràth. I’m sorry, not yet, you’re too early.
Man Cuin a bhios sibh a’ fosgladh? When do you open?
Staff Aig leth uair an dèidh dà uair dheug. At half past twelve.
Man Tapadh leibh. Thank you.