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Going on holiday A’ falbh air saor-làithean

I'd prefer to stay at homeB' fheàrr leam a bhith a' fuireach aig an taigh

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Wife B’ fheàrr leamsa a bhith a' fuireach aig an taigh. I’d rather have stayed at home.
Daughter A mhamaidh, dè an uair a tha e? Mummy, what time is it?
Wife Chan eil fhios agamsa.
Chan eil de dh’ùidh agam.
a Mhìcheil!
Seall an rud a rinn thu!
I don’t know.
I don’t care.
Look what you did!
Mìcheal Tha mi duilich. I’m sorry.
Wife Lèintean.
A h-uile càil.
Husband Ist, ist!
Thalla thusa, a ghràidh agus suidh sìos.
Hush, hush!
You go and sit down dear.
Wife Och, fàg iad.
Gheibh mi fhìn iad.
Thalla thusa ’s cuir na tiogaidean air dòigh.
Och, leave them.
I’ll get them myself.
You go and get the tickets ready.
Husband Tha na tiogaidean agad fhèin, a Sheònaid, a ghràidh. You have the tickets, Janet, dear.
Wife Chan eil, a Fhionnlaigh. Dh’fhàg mise air a’ bhòrd iad, tha mi an dòchas gun do thog thu fhèin iad.
Na can rium gu bheil iad aig an taigh, air a’ bhòrd.
No, Finlay. I left them on the table, I hope that you picked them up yourself.
Don’t tell me that they are at home, on the table.
Husband Ach uill.
Thuirt thu gum b’ fheàrr leat air bhith a’ fuireach aig an taigh co-dhiù.
Och well.
You said that you’d rather have stayed at home anyway.
Wife A Fhionnlaigh! Finlay!
Husband Seo iad. Here they are.