Going on holiday A’ falbh air saor-làithean
I'd prefer to stay at homeB' fheàrr leam a bhith a' fuireach aig an taigh
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Wife | B’ fheàrr leamsa a bhith a' fuireach aig an taigh. | I’d rather have stayed at home. |
Daughter | A mhamaidh, dè an uair a tha e? | Mummy, what time is it? |
Wife | Chan eil fhios agamsa. Chan eil de dh’ùidh agam. a Mhìcheil! Seall an rud a rinn thu! | I don’t know. I don’t care. Michael! Look what you did! |
Mìcheal | Tha mi duilich. | I’m sorry. |
Wife | Lèintean. Briogaisean. Brògan. Seacaidean. A h-uile càil. | Shirts. Trousers. Shoes. Jackets. Everything. |
Husband | Ist, ist! Thalla thusa, a ghràidh agus suidh sìos. | Hush, hush! You go and sit down dear. |
Wife | Och, fàg iad. Gheibh mi fhìn iad. Thalla thusa ’s cuir na tiogaidean air dòigh. | Och, leave them. I’ll get them myself. You go and get the tickets ready. |
Husband | Tha na tiogaidean agad fhèin, a Sheònaid, a ghràidh. | You have the tickets, Janet, dear. |
Wife | Chan eil, a Fhionnlaigh. Dh’fhàg mise air a’ bhòrd iad, tha mi an dòchas gun do thog thu fhèin iad. Na can rium gu bheil iad aig an taigh, air a’ bhòrd. | No, Finlay. I left them on the table, I hope that you picked them up yourself. Don’t tell me that they are at home, on the table. |
Husband | Ach uill. Thuirt thu gum b’ fheàrr leat air bhith a’ fuireach aig an taigh co-dhiù. | Och well. You said that you’d rather have stayed at home anyway. |
Wife | A Fhionnlaigh! | Finlay! |
Husband | Seo iad. | Here they are. |