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Customary activities Gnìomhan àbhaisteach

I told you not to say a wordThuirt mi riut gun facal a ràdh

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

gun without

Here gun is used in a slightly different way. To say that you told or asked someone not to say something say thuirt mi … gun … or dh’iarr mi … gun …

dh’iarr mi ort gun a bhith ag innse dhaibh I asked you not to tell them

thuirt mi riut gun facal a ràdh I said to you not to say a word

as t-fhoghar in the autumn

as t-earrach in the spring

Video is playing in pop-over.

Alasdair Tha Donna a’ fàgail na sgoile as t-fhoghar. Donna is leaving school in the autumn.
Mother Dè tha seo? What’s this?
Donna Dh’iarr mi ort gun a bhith ag innse dhaibh. I asked you not to tell them.
Mother Gun a bhith ag innse dhaibh dè? Not to tell them what?
Alasdair Tha i a’ fàgail na sgoile as t-fhoghar. She’s leaving school in the autumn.
Mother Chan eil i a’ fàgail na sgoile as t-fhoghar.
Faodaidh i an sgoil fhàgail as t-earrach an dèidh dhi na deuchainnean a dhèanamh.
She is not leaving school in the autumn.
She may leave school in the spring after doing the exams.
Donna Ach, tha a h-uile duine a’ fàgail na sgoile. But, everyone is leaving the school.
Mother A h-uile duine? Everyone?
Donna Tha Sìne a’ fàgail as t-fhoghar. Jane is leaving in the autumn.
Mother Agus a bheil obair aice? And does she have a job?
Donna Tha.
Tha i gu bhith ag obair ann am bùth.
She’s going to work in a shop.
Alasdair Abair obair. What a job.
Mother Bi sàmhach thusa.
Na can facal.
Be quiet you.
Don’t say a word.
Alasdair Mise? Me?
Mother Thuirt mi riut gun facal a ràdh.
Agus thuirt mi riutsa gum faod thu an sgoil fhàgail as t-earrach.
A bheil thu a’ tuigsinn?
I told you not to say a word.
And I told you that you can leave school in the spring.
Do you understand?
Father Carson a tha thu ag iarraidh an sgoil fhàgail? Why do you want to leave school?
Donna Tha mi airson obair fhaighinn. I want to get a job.
Father Ach chan eil obair an seo idir. But there’s no work here at all.
Donna Tha mi cinnteach gum faigh mise obair. I’m sure I can find a job.
Father Càite? Where?
Donna Ann an oifis no ann am bùth. In an office or in a shop.
Mother Thuirt mi riut gun facal a ràdh.
Agus thuirt mi riutsa gum faodadh tu an sgoil fhàgail as t-earrach.
I told you not to say a word.
And I told you that you can leave school in the spring.
Alasdair Chan fhaod i fàgail as t-earrach. She can’t leave in spring.
Father Bi sàmhach. Be quiet.
Alasdair Tha iad air a tilgeil a-mach. They have thrown her out.