Food and drink Biadh agus deoc
If I had wanted a cup of tea, I wouldn't have said "a pot of tea"Nam bithinn ag iarraidh cupa tì, cha bhithinn air "poit tì" a ràdh
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
To say that something ‘might …’, you use ged a … followed by the conditional form of the verb.
ged a bhithinn tinn even although I would be ill
ged a dh’ithinn e even though I would eat it
nan sgrìobhadh sibh if you would write (plural/polite)
To ask if someone ‘would tell you’ something, you use an innseadh … dhomh?
an innseadh tu dhomh an seòrsa feòla a b’ fheàrr leat? would you tell me what meat you would prefer?
Mairead | Cha toigh leam an cafaidh seo idir, agus tha fhios agad air an sin. | I don’t like this café at all, and you know that. |
Coinneach | Cha robh cuimhne agam. Tha mi duilich. | I forgot. I’m sorry. |
Waitress | Haidh. Dè bu toigh leibh? | Hi. What would you like? |
Mairead | Bu toigh leam menu a b’ urrainn dhomh a thuigsinn. An innseadh tu dhomh dè th’ ann am “Pain au chocolat”? | I’d like a menu I could understand. Would you tell me what is “Pain au chocolat”? |
Waitress | Rolla le teòclaid. | A roll with chocolate. |
Mairead | Bhiodh e na b’ fheàrr nan sgrìobhadh iad sin air a’ mhenu, ma-thà. | It would be better if they wrote that on the menu, then. |
Coinneach | Cha dèan iad sin, a Mhairead. ’S e taigh-bìdh Fraingeach a tha seo. | They won’t do that, Margaret. This is a French restaurant. |
Waitress | Dè bu toigh leat ma-thà? | What would you like then? |
Coinneach | Siuthad, Mairead. | Go on, Margaret. |
Mairead | Och, rolla le ìm. Agus poit tì, mura h-eil dad eile aca a dh’ithinn. | Och, a roll with butter. And a pot of tea, if they don’t have anything else I would eat. |
Coinneach | An aon rud dhomhsa, tapadh leat. | The same for me, thank you. |
Mairead | Nan robh sinn air a dhol gu cafaidh ceart, bhiodh rudeigin ann a chòrdadh rium. Dè tha seo? | If we had gone to a proper café, there would be something I liked. What’s this? |
Waitress | Dà rolla le ìm. Agus dà chupa tì. | Two rolls with butter. And two cups of tea. |
Mairead | Nam bithinn ag iarraidh cupa tì, cha bhithinn air “poit tì” a ràdh. | If I wanted a cup of tea, I wouldn’t have said “a pot of tea” |
Coinneach | Chòrdadh cupa tì riumsa glan. Tapadh leat. | A cup of tea would suit me just fine. Thank you. |
Mairead | Ged a bhithinn tinn leis an acras, chan ithinn an rud seo. | Even if I were ill with hunger, I wouldn’t eat this thing. |
Waitress | Nam biodh sibh tinn leis an acras, bhithinn a’ seinn ’s a’ dannsa. | If you were ill with hunger, I’d be singing and dancing. |
Mairead | Dè tha thu a’ dèanamh? | What are you doing? |
Waitress | Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh nach robh sibh ga iarraidh. | I thought you didn’t want it. |
Mairead | Feumaidh mi ithe. Dè eile a th’ ann a dh’ ithinn? | I need to eat. What else is there I could eat? |
Coinneach | Cha bu chòir dhut a bhith cho gearaineach, a Mhairead. Chan eil e math dhut. | You shouldn’t be such a complainer, Margaret. It isn’t good for you. |
Mairead | Gearaineach, mise? Chan eil thusa glic, a Choinnich. | A complainer, me? You’re not wise, Kenneth. (You don’t know what you’re talking about.) |