FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Conditions and their consequence Cùmhnantan agus am buaidh

If you don't help, you won't get anythingMura cuidich thu i, chan fhaigh thu càil

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

seanair grandfather

This comes from sean athair, meaning ‘old father’.

seanmhair grandmother

This comes from sean mhàthair, meaning ‘old mother’.

caraidean friends

do sheanair your grandfather

do sheanmhair your grandmother

Video is playing in pop-over.

Mother A bheil càil agadsa ri dhèanamh idir? Do you have anything to do at all?
Alasdair Chan eil.
Chan eil càil air an telebhisean.
Bha e air a bhith na b’ fheàrr nam bithinn air fuireach aig na bùithtean.
There’s nothing on the television.
It would have been better if I’d stayed at the shops.
Mother Thalla is glan an seòmar-suidhe, ma-thà, mun tig do sheanair ’s do sheanmhair a-nochd. Away and clean the living room, then, before your grandfather and grandmother come tonight.
Alasdair Carson nach dèan Eilidh e? Why can’t Helen do it?
Father Dèan an rud a tha do mhàthair ag iarraidh Alasdair. Do what your mother asks you, Alasdair.
Alasdair Tha mise a’ dèanamh cus anns an taigh seo. I do too much in this house.
Mother Chan eil thu a’ dèanamh gu leòr.
Mura glan thu an seòmar-suidhe, cuiridh mi thu dhan rùm agad.
Nis, Eilidh, an cuidich thu mi leis na rudan seo?
You don’t do enough.
If you don’t clean the living room, I’ll send you to your room.
Now, Helen, can you help me with these things?
Eilidh Chan eil tìde agam.
Mura tèid mi gu taigh Màiri an-dràsta, cha bhi fios againn dè tha sinn a’ dol a dhèanamh a-nochd.
I don’t have time.
If I don’t go to Mary’s house right now, we won’t know what we are going to do tonight.
Father Tha thu a’ fuireach aig an taigh a-nochd.
Tha do sheanair agus do sheanmhair a’ tighinn.
You’re staying at home tonight.
Your grandfather and grandmother are coming.
Eilidh Ach, tha na caraidean agam a’ dol a-mach. But, my friends are going out.
Father Uill, mura fuirich thu aig an taigh a-nochd, chan fhaigh thu seo. Well, if you don’t stay at home tonight, you won’t get this.
Alasdair An d’ fhuair thu càil dhomhsa? Did you get anything for me?
Father Cha d’ fhuair ach bidh e neònach mura bi rudeigin aig do sheanair agus do sheanmhair dhut. No, but it will be strange if your grandfather and grandmother don’t have something for you.
Alasdair Bidh e neònach mura bi rudeigin aig mo sheanair ’s mo sheanmhair do dh’ Eilidh cuideachd, ge-tà. It will be strange if my grandfather and grandmother don’t have something for Helen too, though.
Mother An do ghlan thu an seòmar-suidhe fhathast? Have you cleaned the living room yet?
Alasdair Cha do ghlan. No.
Mother Mura greas thu ort, bidh ur seanair ’s ur seanmhair an seo.
Chan eil fios agam dè chanas iad mura bi an taigh glan.
’S dòcha nach bi càil aca dhuibh.
If you don’t hurry up, our grandfather and grandmother will be here.
I don’t know what they will say if the house isn’t clean.
Maybe they won’t have anything for you.
Father Ceart ma-thà, Eilidh.
Ma chuidicheas tu do mhàthair agus mura tèid thu a-mach a-nochd, gheibh thu seo.
Mura cuidich thu i, chan fhaigh thu càil.
Gu dearbha, chan eil mise gam milleadh.
Right then,
Helen. If you help your mother and if you don’t go out tonight, you’ll get this.
If you don’t help her, you won’t get anything.
I definitely don’t spoil them.