Outdoor activities Cur-seachadan a-muigh
Iain | Seall, a Sheonag, a ghràidh. Bhiodh bòrd glè shnog anns an rùm-suidhe. B’ fhiach bòrd beag mar seo a bhith againn. | Look, Joan, dear. A table would be very nice in the living room. It would be worth us having a small table like this. |
Seonag | B’ fhiach. | Yes. |
Iain | Trì ceud is trì fichead not! Dh’fhaodamaid brat mar seo a chur air beulaibh an teine. Agus dh’fhaodamaid bòrd beag a chur air a’ bhrat. | Three hundred and sixty pounds! We could put a rug like this in front of the fire. And we could put a small table on the rug. |
Seonag | Dh’fhaodadh. | Yes |
Iain | Nach eil na rudan seo a’ còrdadh riut idir? | Don’t you like these things at all? |
Seonag | Tha, ach chan eil iad a’ dol leis na rudan a th’ againn anns an rùm-suidhe an-dràsta. | I do, but they don’t go with the things we have in the living room just now. |
Iain | Uill, dh’fhaodamaid sòfa agus sèithrichean ùra a cheannach ma-thà. Dè do bheachd, a ghràidh? | Well, we could buy a sofa and new chairs then. What do you think, dear? |
Seonag | Chan fhaodadh, chan fhaodadh idir. ’S fheàrr leam na rudan a th’ againn mar-thà. | No, not at all. I prefer the things we have already. |
Iain | Dè tha thu ag ràdh? | What are you saying? |
Seonag | Thugainn, Iain. Thèid sinn dhachaigh gu na seann sèithrichean cofhurtail againn fhìn. Chan eil mise a’ tuigsinn carson a bhios daoine a’ ceannach rudan ùra co-dhiù. | Come on, Iain. We’ll go home to our own old, comfortable chairs. I don’t understand why people buy new things anyway. |
Iain | Chan eil no mise. | Nor do I. |