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Describing things that have happened A’ toirt cunntais air nithean a tha air tachairt

If they close the garage, everyone will be paid offMa dhùineas iad a' gharaids bidh a h-uile duine air a phàigheadh dheth

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

Mi and mo link up in these type of sentences:

tha mi air mo phàigheadh dheth I have been paid off

And thu and do link up in these type of sentences:

tha thu air do phàigheadh dheth You have been paid off

bidh i air a dùnadh it will be closed (feminine noun)

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man A Mhurchaidh, ciamar a tha thu an-diugh? Murdo, how are you today?
Murchadh Chan eil mi ro mhath idir. I’m not too good at all.
Man Carson? Why?
Murchadh Tha mi air mo phàigheadh dheth. I’ve been paid off.
Man Thu thu air do phàigheadh dheth. Carson? You’ve been paid off. Why?
Murchadh Tha iad gu bhith a’ dùnadh na garaids.
Bidh i air a dùnadh ro dheireadh na bliadhna.
They are going to close the garage.
It will be closed by the end of the year.
Man Nach eil sin uabhasach.
Ma dhùineas iad a’ gharaids seo bidh a h-uile duine air a phàigheadh dheth.
Isn’t that terrible.
If they close this garage everyone will be paid off.
Murchadh Bithidh.
Tha sinn uile ann an droch shuidheachadh.
Chan eil mòran obrach anns a’ bhaile seo idir.
We are all in a bad situation.
There isn't a lot of work in this town at all.
Man Chan eil gu dearbh. No, indeed.
Murchadh Tha mi air a bhith ag obair anns a’ gharaids seo o chionn fichead bliadhna. I’ve been working in this garage for twenty years.
Man Fuirich thusa ge-tà.
Thathar a’ togail factaraidh ùr ri taobh na h-aibhne an-dràsta.
’S dòcha gum faigheadh tu obair an sin an dèidh dha fosgladh?
You wait though.
A new factory is being built beside the river just now.
Perhaps you would get a job there after it has opened?
Murchadh A bheil fhios agad cuin a bhios am factaraidh a’ fosgladh? Do you know when the factory will open?
Man Tràth anns a’ bhliadhn’ ùir, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh. Early in the new year, I think.
Murchadh Dh’fhaodadh sin a bhith glè mhath. That could be very good.
Man Dh’fhaodadh.
Tha mi fhìn a’ smaoineachadh air m’ ainm a chur sìos airson an fhactaraidh ùir.
I’m thinking of putting my name down for the new factory myself.
Murchadh Cuin? When?
Man Feasgar Dihaoine. Friday afternoon.
Murchadh ’S dòcha gun tèid mi ann còmhla riut. I’ll probably go there with you.
Man Uill, mar as tràithe, ’s ann as fheàrr. Well, the earlier the better.
Murchadh Chì mi Dihaoine thu ma-thà.
See you Friday then.