Conditions and their consequence Cùmhnantan agus am buaidh
If you had told me that you be would be so long, I wouldn't have comeNan robh sibh air innse dhomh gum biodh sibh cho fada, cha bhithinn air tighinn
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
To say what might follow if a condition is fulfilled or met; use nan or nam (before verbs beginning with b, f, m or p).
gearaineach complaining, grumpy
nam biodh tu ga iarraidh if you would want it
Mother | Nam biodh tu ga iarraidh, dh’fhaodamaid iasg a cheannach. | If you would want it, we could buy fish. |
Father | Bhiodh sin math. | That would be good. |
Alasdair | Tha mise sgìth. Tha mi ag iarraidh a dhol dhachaigh. | I’m tired. I want to go home. |
Mother | Alasdair. Nan robh fios air a bhith agam gum biodh tu cho mì-mhodhail, cha bhiodh tu air tighinn còmhla rinn. Bhiodh tu fhathast aig an taigh còmhla ri do phiuthar. | Alasdair. If I’d known that you would be so badly behaved, you wouldn’t have come with us. You would still be at home with your sister. |
Father | Och, chan eil am balach mì-mhodhail idir. Tha e sgìth. | Och, the boy isn’t badly behaved at all. He’s tired. |
Mother | Tha mise sgìth cuideachd ach nam bithinn cho gearaineach ri Alasdair, cha bhiodh tusa toilichte. | I’m tired too but if I was as grumpy as Alasdair, you wouldn’t be happy. |
Father | Nise, nise a ghràidh. Tha am balach òg. | Now, now, dear. The boy’s young. |
Alasdair | Nam bithinn aig an taigh, bhithinn a’ coimhead air an telebhisean. | If I were at home, I would be watching the TV. |
Mother | Mura bi thu sàmhach, chan fhaigh thu telebhisean a-nochd idir. | If you don’t be quiet, you won’t get television tonight at all. |
Alasdair | Tha mi a’ dol a-mach a-nochd co-dhiù. | I’m going out tonight anyway. |
Mother | Ò, chan eil! | Oh, no! |
Father | Am biodh tu toilichte nam faodadh tu a dhol dhachaigh? | Would you be happy if you could go home? |
Alasdair | Bhitheadh. | Yes. |
Mother | Uill, fan sàmhach deich mionaidean eile agus gheibh thu dhachaigh an uair sin. | Well, be quiet for another ten minutes and you’ll get home then. |
Alasdair | Nan robh sibh air innse dhomh gum biodh sibh anns a’ bhùth cho fada, cha bhithinn air tighinn idir. | If you’d told me that you would be in the shop this for so long, I wouldn’t have come at all. |
Father | Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum biodh e toilichte aig an taigh, a ghràidh. Carson nach toir mi dhachaigh e, agus tillidh mi an seo. Ceart? | I think that he would be happy at home, dear. Why don’t I take him home, and I’ll return here. Ok? |
Mother | Agus tha mise gam milleadh, a bheil? | And I spoil them, do I? |