FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Going on holiday A’ falbh air saor-làithean

It would be eight hundred pounds altogetherBhiodh e ochd ceud not uile gu lèir

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

fuirichibh dà dhiog wait two seconds / ticks (plural/polite)

dà cheud, trì fichead not ’s a naoi £269

ceud, dà fhichead not ’s a naoi £149

ochd ceud, dà fhichead not ’s a h-ochd £848

Numbers 40 - 1,000,000

dà fhichead not £40

dà fhichead not ’s a dhà £42

leth-cheud not £50

leth-cheud not ’s a h-ochd £58

trì fichead not £60

trì fichead not ’s a h-aon £61

trì fichead not ’s a h-aon deug £71

ceithir fichead not £80

ceud not £100

ceud not ’s a naoi £109

ceud, fichead not ’s a còig £125

ceud gu leth not £150

ceud, leth-cheud not ’s a còig £155

ceud, ceithir fichead not ’s a naoi £189

dà cheud, ceithir fichead not ’s a h-aon deug £291

trì ceud, ceithir fichead not ’s a còig £385

ceithir ceud, dà fhichead not £440

ochd ceud, dà fhichead not ’s a h-ochd £848

mìle, ceud ’s trì fichead not ’s a h-ochd £1,168

ceud mìle not £100,000

dà cheud mìle not £200,000

leth-mhillean not £500,000

Video is playing in pop-over.

Travel agent Seo a-nis.
An Spàinn anns an Lùnastal.
Right then.
Spain in August.
Husband Saoil am bi e daor? Wonder if it will be dear?
Travel agent Uill, fuirichibh dà dhiog agus chì sinn...
Ceart ma-thà.
Dà cheud trì fichead not ’s a naoi an duine.
Agus ceud dà fhichead not ’s a còig deug airson clann.
Well, wait two seconds and we’ll see...
Right then.
Two hundred and sixty-nine pounds per person.
And a hundred and fifty-five pounds for children.
Husband Mmm.
Tha sin nas saoire na bha mi an dùil.
That’s cheaper than I expected.
Travel agent Agus faodaidh sibh am pleana fhaighinn à Glaschu. Chan fheum sibh a dhol sìos a Lunnainn. And, you may get the plane from Glasgow. You don’t need to go down to London.
Wife Bhiodh sin math. That would be good.
Husband Bhitheadh, gun teagamh.
Ceart ma-thà.
Dè na bhiodh sin uile gu lèir?
Yes, without doubt.
Right then.
What would that cost in total?
Travel agent Fuirichibh dà dhiog.
Bhiodh e ochd ceud dà fhichead not ’s a h-ochd uile gu lèir.
Wait a couple of seconds.
It would be eight hundred and forty-eight pounds in total.
Husband Uill, a ghràidh.
Dè do bheachd?
Well, dear.
What do you think?
Wife Tha e caran daor, nach eil? It’s quite expensive, isn’t it?