FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Expressing hopes Ag innse mu dhòchasan

I hope that...is not the case Tha mi an dòchas nach eil...

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

... nach eil càil ceàrr ... that there is nothing wrong

tha mi an dòchas nach eil càil ceàrr I hope that there’s nothing wrong

tha mi an dòchas nach eil I hope not (to answer a bheil?)

Video is playing in pop-over.

Man Dè an uair a tha e? What time is it?
Man 2 Tha e gu bhith leth-uair an dèidh dhà. It’s almost half past two.
Man Tha mi an dòchas nach eil sinn ro anmoch airson diathad. I hope that we are not too late for lunch.
Man 2 Chan eil.
Tha iad a’ dèanamh biadh fad an latha.
We’re not.
They make food all day.
Seumas Haidh, Iseabail.
Tha mi an dòchas nach eil e a-staigh.
Hi, Ishbel.
I hope that he isn’t in.
Iseabail Tha, agus tha e airson bruidhinn riut.
Càit an robh thu?
Carson a tha thu cho anmoch?
He is, and he wants to speak to you.
Where were you?
Why are you so late?
Seumas Bha mi aig disco a-raoir. I was at a disco last night.
Man’s voice A Sheumais! James!
Seumas Daingit! Dammit!
Mother Dè tha ceàrr? What’s wrong?
Son Tha mi sgìth. I’m tired.
Mother Tha mi an dòchas nach eil càil ceàrr.
Tha thu teth.
Gheibh mi seo agus an uair sin thèid sinn dhachaigh.
I hope that there’s nothing wrong.
You are hot.
I’ll get this and then we will go home.
Son Ceart. Ok.
Mother Tiugainn, a m’ eudail. Let’s go, darling.