Little by Little Beag air Bheag
Expressing your mood
However much we like to be happy and contented all the time, such is impossible and our moods tend to vary a lot. This unit will give us some more phrases to express our moods and to enquire of others how they are feeling.
Conversation 1
Sunnd is a nice word. It means 'cheerfulness, good humour'; you will see next how it is used in conversation. As often happens with Gaelic nouns, the addition of an -ach ending turns it into an adjective — sunndach, which means 'lively, in good humour'.
And just as we say tha mi gu math for 'I am well', using the adjective math, we say tha mi gu sunndach for 'I am in fine form' — don’t forget the gu. We hope you will be gu sunndach at the end of this unit!
Conversation 1
Listen to the conversation:
- Ceitidh:
- A bheil thu ann an sunnd an-diugh?
- Are you in a good frame of mind today?
- Iain:
- Tha mi ann an sunnd math dha-rìribh. Dè mu do dheidhinn-sa?
- I’m in fine fettle. How about yourself?
- Ceitidh:
- Tha mi-fhìn gu dòigheil, tapadh leat.
- I’m very well myself, thanks.
- Iain:
- Is math sin.
- That’s good.
- Ceitidh:
- A bheil thu an-còmhnaidh gu sunndach?
- Are you always in good humour?
- Iain:
- Chan eil, gu dearbh. B’ fheàrr leam gu robh.
- Certainly not. I wish I were.
- Ceitidh:
- B’ fheàrr is leamsa.
- So do I.
- Iain:
- Ach cha bhi thusa greannach uair sam bith.
- But you are never ill-tempered.
- Ceitidh:
- Tha mi duilich, ach chan eil thu ceart.
- I am sorry, but you are not correct.
- Iain:
- Cuin mu dheireadh a bha thu greannach?
- When were you last ill-tempered?
- Ceitidh:
- Bha mi ann an droch shunnd an-dè.
- I was in a bad mood yesterday.
- Iain:
- Carson a bha sin?
- Why was that?
- Ceitidh:
- Cheannaich mi sgiorta sa bhùth.
- I bought a skirt in the shop.
- Iain:
- Tha sin math, ge-tà. Carson a bha thu ann an droch shunnd?
- That’s good though. Why were you in a bad mood?
- Ceitidh:
- Bha an sgiorta ro bheag dhomh.
- The skirt was too small for me.
- Iain:
- O, tha sin duilich.
- Oh, that’s a pity.
- Ceitidh:
- Ach thug mi air ais i.
- But I took it back.
- Iain:
- Is a bheil sgiorta cheart agad a-nis?
- And do you have a correct skirt now?
- Ceitidh:
- Tha. Agus a-nis tha mi ann an deagh shunnd.
- Yes. And I am now in a good mood.
- Iain:
- Is math sin. Dìreach mar a tha mise!
- That’s good. Just as I am!
- Ceitidh:
- Bidh sinn ann an deagh shunnd fad an là.
- We’ll be in fine fettle all day.
The assertive verb 'is'
In Conversation 2, we will further develop the phraseology and vocabulary used in Conversation 1. Note the exchange towards the end that goes like this:
- Alasdair:
- Cha bhi i ann an droch shunnd uair sam bith.
- She is never in a bad mood.
- Seònaid:
- Nach i a tha fortanach?
- Isn’t she lucky?
This is another example of the use of the assertive verb is for emphasis (see Unit 22). In this case it is the negative interrogative form nach e (made feminine – nach i – because it is a woman who is being talked about), followed by the verb to be (tha).
Here are some other examples:
Cha chuir i cuideam sam bith oirre.
She doesn’t put on weight.
Isn’t she lucky?
He ran for twenty miles.
Isn’t he keen?
The children have grown up.
Aren’t they big now?
This is the end of Unit 23. Why not test yourself to see how much you've learnt?
Go on to Unit 24 to learn about the many Gaelic words and phrases associated with the sea.
Conversation 2
Listen to the conversation:
- Seònaid:
- Dè an seòrsa sunnd anns a bheil thu an-diugh?
- What sort of mood are you in today?
- Alasdair:
- Sunnd math dha-rìribh. Dè mu do dheidhinn-sa?
- An excellent mood. What about yourself?
- Seònaid:
- Tha mi sona gu leòr.
- I’m happy enough.
- Alasdair:
- Dè tha a’ dol agad an-diugh?
- What are you up to today?
- Seònaid:
- Chan eil mòran. Dè mu do dheidhinn-sa?
- Not much. What about yourself?
- Alasdair:
- Am bu toigh leat sgrìob a ghabhail?
- Would you like to take a walk?
- Seònaid:
- Càite?
- Where?
- Alasdair:
- Sìos don bhùth. Tha mo leannan ag obair ann.
- Down to the shop. My girlfriend works there.
- Seònaid:
- Glè mhath. Cha bhi ise gu sunndach, ge-tà.
- Okay. She won’t be in a good frame of mind, however.
- Alasdair:
- Carson?
- Why?
- Seònaid:
- Tha ise ag obair – is tha thusa a’ gabhail air do shocair.
- She is working – and you are taking it easy.
- Alasdair:
- Ach tha i gu math toilichte a bhith anns a’ bhùth.
- But she is very happy to be in the shop.
- Seònaid:
- A bheil thu cinnteach?
- Are you certain?
- Alasdair:
- Tha. Agus bha i ann an deagh shunnd anns a’ mhadainn.
- Yes. And she was in a good mood in the morning.
- Seònaid:
- Ach ’s dòcha gum bi i ann an droch shunnd feasgar.
- But perhaps she will be in a bad mood in the afternoon.
- Alasdair:
- Cha bhi. Cha bhi i ann an droch shunnd uair sam bith.
- No. She is never in a bad mood.
- Seònaid:
- Nach i a tha fortanach?
- Isn’t she lucky?
- Alasdair:
- Nach mi a tha fortanach cuideachd?
- Am I not lucky too?
- Seònaid:
- Carson a tha sin?
- Why is that?
- Alasdair:
- Oir is ise mo leannan!
- Because she’s my girlfriend!