FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Little by Little Beag air Bheag

Beginners  A1: Quick Fix
Tòiseachadh A1 : Quick Fix

This unit aims to give you some really basic quick fix phrases in Gaelic, just to dip in and out. If it whets your appetite why not try a couple of the larger units?

Why not try out these simple Gaelic greetings with your friends?

Ciamar a tha thu?

How are you?

Tha mi gu math, tapadh leat.

I’m well, thank you.

Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?

How are you yourself?

Ciamar a tha thu an-diugh?

How are you today?

Madainn mhath.

Good morning.

Feasgar math.

Good evening.

Oidhche mhath [when leaving]

Good night.

Alternatively, you could try out one of these simple ice breakers

Tha i brèagha an-diugh.

It’s [a] beautiful [day] today.

Tha i àlainn.

It’s gorgeous.

In any language, it’s always nice to remember your manners.

Tapadh leat.

Thank you.

’S e do bheatha.

You’re welcome.

Mas e do thoil e.


Mòran taing.

Many thanks.

Ceud mìle taing.

A hundred thousand thanks.

Here’s how to ask where somebody’s from – and how to reply

Cò às a tha thu?

Where are you from?

Tha mi à Lunnainn.

I’m from London.

Tha mi às an Eilean Sgitheanach.

I’m from the Isle of Skye.

Here’s how to introduce yourself

Is mise Ailean.

My name is Allan.

Is mise Debbie.

My name is Debbie.

Dè an t-ainm a th’ ort?

What is your name?

And some other phrases you might have occasion to use

Tha thu laghach.

You’re nice.

Tha e math a bhith beò.

It’s good to be alive.

Tha gaol agam ort.

I love you.

Is toigh leam an ceòl seo.

I like this music.

Dè ghabhas tu?

What will you take (to drink)?

Gabhaidh mi fìon

I’ll have wine.