Little by Little Beag air Bheag
Beginners (A1) : Phrasebook
If you are looking for a quick phrase to say, why not browse the phrasebook. It’s crammed with sayings, words and phrases from the units.
- a dog, a cat and a snake
- cù, cat agus nathair
- a woman can do that
- is urrainn don bhoireannach sin a dhèanamh
- and
- agus
- and
- is (abbreviated form of 'agus')
- are you a doctor?
- an e dotair a th’ annad?
- are you happy?
- a bheil thu toilichte?
- are you hungry?
- a bheil an t-acras ort?
- are you not?
- nach eil thu?
- are you thirsty?
- a bheil am pathadh ort?
- aye
- seadh
- days of the week
- làithean na seachdain
- Dear Mr Smith
- A Mhaighstir Mhic a' Ghobhainn, a charaid
- didn’t they close the door
- nach do dhùin iad an doras?
- do you have a television?
- a bheil telebhisean agad?
- do you have children?
- a bheil clann agaibh?
- do you have pets?
- a bheil peataichean agad?
- do you live in England?
- a bheil sibh / thu a’ fuireach ann an Sasainn?
- do you play basketball?
- am bi thu a' cluich ball-basgaid?
- don’t mention it
- na can guth
- down at the harbour
- shìos aig a' chala
- drink
- deoch
- I am a student
- ’s e oileanach a th’ annam
- I am hungry
- tha an t-acras orm
- I am in the house
- tha mi anns an taigh
- I am reading a book
- tha mi a’ leughadh leabhar
- I am thirsty
- tha am pathadh orm
- I don’t think
- cha chreid mi gu bheil
- I go swimming every Saturday
- bidh mi a’ snàmh a h-uile Disathairne
- I hope so
- tha mi an dòchas gum bi
- I hope it'll be good
- tha mi an dòchas gum bi e math
- I live in Edinburgh
- tha mi a’ fuireach ann an Dùn Èideann
- I'll be playing football
- bidh mi a’ cluich ball-coise
- I'll have an orange juice
- gabhaidh mi sùgh-orainds
- I'll make a cup of tea
- nì mi cupa tì
- I’m from the United States
- tha mi às na Stàitean Aonaichte
- I'm happy enough
- tha mi sona gu leòr
- I'm in fine fettle
- tha mi ann an sunnd math dha-rìribh
- I'm James
- is mise Seumas
- I’m learning Gaelic
- tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig
- I'm married
- tha mi pòsta
- Information
- fiosrachadh
- it is a big house
- 's e taigh mòr a th’ ann
- it is warm
- tha e blàth
- it's a cold day
- ‘s e là fuar a th’ ann
- it's fine
- tha i brèagha
- it's a nice day
- 's e là math a th’ ann
- it's cold
- tha e fuar
- it's Monday today
- 's e Diluain a th' ann an-diugh
- it's raining
- tha an t-uisge ann
- it sure is
- ’s e, gu dearbh
- it's wet
- tha i fliuch
- it was Sunday yesterday
- 's e Didòmhnaich a bha ann an-dè
- I was on the internet
- bha mi air an eadar-lìon
- I was phoning you last night
- bha mi a' fònadh thugad a-raoir
- I will be busy tomorrow
- bidh mi trang a-màireach
- I will play / I will be playing / I habitually play
- bidh mi a' cluich
- I will send them a message
- cuiridh mi teachdaireachd thuca
- teacher
- neach-teagaisg
- teachers
- luchd-teagaisg
- team
- sgioba
- ten
- deich
- thank you
- tapadh leibh / leat
- that's good
- is math sin
- that's right
- tha sin ceart
- that would be very good
- bhiodh sin uabhasach math
- the boy can't do that
- chan urrainn don bhalach sin a dhèanamh
- the internet
- an t-eadar-lìon
- the view of the beach
- sealladh na tràghad
- the weather
- an aimsir
- the weather is bad
- tha droch shìde ann
- the weather is good
- tha deagh shìde ann
- they are lawyers
- ‘s e luchd-lagha a th’annta
- thirty
- deich ar fichead / trithead
- (one) thousand
- mìle
- three
- trì
- Thursday
- Diardaoin
- to me
- thugam
- tourists
- luchd-turais
- town, village
- baile
- trousers
- briogais
- Tuesday
- Dimàirt
- twelve
- dhà dheug
- twenty
- fichead
- twenty-one
- aon ar fhichead / fichead 's a h-aon
- two
- dhà
- two people
- dithis
- we are Scots
- ‘s e Albannaich a th’ annainn
- we didn't close the door
- cha do dhùin sinn an doras
- we don't have children at all
- chan eil clann againn idir
- website
- làrach-lìn
- Wednesday
- Diciadain
- were you?
- an robh thu?
- were you at home yesterday?
- an robh sibh / thu aig an taigh an-dè?
- what are you doing today?
- dè tha sibh / thu a' dèanamh an-diugh?
- what are you listening to?
- cò ris a tha thu ag èisteachd?
- what day is it?
- dè an là a tha ann?
- what fun!
- abair spòrs!
- what's doing with you? (lit. "at you")
- dè tha a' dol agad?
- what sport do you like best?
- dè spòrs as fheàrr leat?
- what’s wrong with you?
- dè tha ceàrr ort?
- what's your name?
- dè an t-ainm a th’ oirbh / th’ ort?
- what will you have?
- dè ghabhas tu?
- where are you from?
- cò às a tha sibh / thu?
- where are you?
- càit’ bheil sibh / thu?
- where is the toilet?
- càite a bheil an taigh beag?
- where will I sit?
- càit’ an suidh mi?
- whisky
- uisge-beatha
- will I open the window?
- am fosgail mi an uinneag?
- will it be Tuesday tomorrow?
- an e Dimàirt a bhios ann a-màireach?
- will you be in church tomorrow?
- am bi sibh / thu anns an eaglais a-màireach?
- will you be working tomorrow?
- am bi sibh / thu ag obair a-màireach?
- will you have anything to eat?
- an gabh sibh dad ri ithe?
- with best wishes
- le deagh dhùrachd