A' cur
The verb for putting, sending, or planting (a’ cur) can be a bit confusing given the number of possible variations. Watch the video below for a helpful explanation of which version of the word to use in which circumstances!
Let’s begin with cuir, the instructional use of the word:
Bi faiceallach nach cuir thu cus todhair air na glasraich.
Be careful not to put too much fertiliser on the vegetables.
A chur
For less direct usages, such as when expressing a desire to put/plant/send something, use a chur:
A chur is also used when you have already put/planted/sent something:
Or, when you intend to put/plant/send something in the future:
Tha mi a' dol a chur post-d gu Anna, an gàirnealair.
I am going to send an email to Anna, the gardener.
To talk about past events, use chuir:
An do chuir thu fhèin ròsan air beulaibh an taighe?
Did you (emph.) plant roses in front of the house?
You can also use chuir to indicate the spending of time:
A' cur
Finally, when talking about something that you are currently putting/planting/sending something, use a’ cur:
Bidh sinn a' cur seann aodach oirnn nuair a tha sinn ans a' ghàrradh.
We wear (put on) old clothes when we are in the garden.
'S toigh leam a bhith a' cur agus a' sgioblachadh anns a' ghàrradh air feasgar brèagha samhraidh.
I like planting and tidying up in the garder on a beautiful summer afternoon.