FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

A' cur

The verb for putting, sending, or planting (a’ cur) can be a bit confusing given the number of possible variations. Watch the video below for a helpful explanation of which version of the word to use in which circumstances!


Let’s begin with cuir, the instructional use of the word:

Cuir ort do sheacaid, tha i fuar a-muigh.

Put on your jacket, it is cold outside.

Cuir sìol anns na poitean seo.

Plant a seed in these pots.

Bi faiceallach nach cuir thu cus todhair air na glasraich.

Be careful not to put too much fertiliser on the vegetables.

A chur

For less direct usages, such as when expressing a desire to put/plant/send something, use a chur:

Tha an sìol buntàta deiseil airson a chur.

The potato seed is ready for planting.

A chur is also used when you have already put/planted/sent something:

Tha mi air tòrr lusan a chur am-bliadhna.

I have planted lots of plants this year.

Or, when you intend to put/plant/send something in the future:

Tha mi a' dol a chur post-d gu Anna, an gàirnealair.

I am going to send an email to Anna, the gardener.


To talk about past events, use chuir:

Chuir sinn flùraichean brèagha pinc agus geal.

We planted pretty pink and white flowers.

An do chuir thu fhèin ròsan air beulaibh an taighe?

Did you (emph.) plant roses in front of the house?

You can also use chuir to indicate the spending of time:

Chuir sinn feasgar Disathairne seachad anns a' ghàrradh.

We spent Saturday afternoon in the garden.

A' cur

Finally, when talking about something that you are currently putting/planting/sending something, use a’ cur:

Bidh sinn a' cur seann aodach oirnn nuair a tha sinn ans a' ghàrradh.

We wear (put on) old clothes when we are in the garden.

Bidh mi a' cur leatas a h-uile bliadhna.

I plant lettuce every year.

'S toigh leam a bhith a' cur agus a' sgioblachadh anns a' ghàrradh air feasgar brèagha samhraidh.

I like planting and tidying up in the garder on a beautiful summer afternoon.